Comparing WP_053938192.1 NCBI__GCF_001294205.1:WP_053938192.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 14 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3dmeA Crystal structure of conserved exported protein from bordetella pertussis. Northeast structural genomics target ber141
53% identity, 96% coverage: 4:373/386 of query aligns to 3:363/366 of 3dmeA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I8 (≠ V9), G9 (= G10), G11 (= G12), V12 (= V13), V13 (= V14), E32 (= E33), A33 (= A34), T41 (= T42), S42 (= S43), R44 (= R45), N45 (≠ G46), S46 (= S47), V48 (= V49), H50 (= H51), P170 (≠ E171), L171 (= L172), A203 (= A203), I313 (= I323), R314 (= R324), I346 (= I356), E347 (= E357), S348 (= S358), P349 (= P359), G350 (= G360), L351 (= L361), T352 (= T362)
8w7fB Structure of drosophila melanogaster l-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase bound with fad and a sulfate ion (see paper)
28% identity, 91% coverage: 28:377/386 of query aligns to 29:407/412 of 8w7fB
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: E34 (= E33), K35 (≠ A34), H42 (≠ G41), Q43 (≠ T42), S44 (= S43), H46 (≠ R45), N47 (≠ G46), S48 (= S47), V50 (= V49), H52 (= H51), V173 (≠ L172), G205 (≠ A203), G206 (= G204), Q208 (≠ W206), Y231 (= Y232), V350 (≠ I323), R351 (= R324), P389 (= P359), G390 (= G360), A391 (≠ L361), T392 (= T362)
Sites not aligning to the query:
8w78A Structure of drosophila melanogaster l-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase in complex with fad and 2-oxoglutarate (see paper)
28% identity, 91% coverage: 28:377/386 of query aligns to 29:405/410 of 8w78A
- binding 2-oxoglutaric acid: S48 (= S47), H52 (= H51), Y245 (= Y246), F254 (≠ G253), L255 (= L254), H258 (= H257), R349 (= R324)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: E34 (= E33), K35 (≠ A34), H42 (≠ G41), Q43 (≠ T42), S44 (= S43), N47 (≠ G46), S48 (= S47), V50 (= V49), H52 (= H51), V173 (≠ L172), G203 (≠ A203), G204 (= G204), Q206 (≠ W206), R349 (= R324), P387 (= P359), G388 (= G360), A389 (≠ L361), T390 (= T362)
Sites not aligning to the query:
Q9UI17 Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; ME2GLYDH; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 4 papers)
25% identity, 57% coverage: 5:223/386 of query aligns to 51:267/866 of Q9UI17
- CV 59:60 (≠ VV 13:14) binding FAD
- EK 80:81 (≠ AA 34:35) binding FAD
- 87:95 (vs. 41:49, 11% identical) binding FAD
- H91 (≠ R45) modified: Tele-8alpha-FAD histidine
- H109 (≠ T67) to R: in DMGDHD; shows 10 fold lower catalytic efficiency due to lower cofactor saturation and reduced thermal stability; dbSNP:rs121908331
- V219 (≠ L172) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 279 S → P: in dbSNP:rs532964
- 397:402 binding FAD
- 530 A → G: in dbSNP:rs1805073
- 646 S → P: in dbSNP:rs1805074
Q63342 Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; ME2GLYDH; EC from Rattus norvegicus (Rat) (see 2 papers)
27% identity, 57% coverage: 5:223/386 of query aligns to 44:260/857 of Q63342
- CV 52:53 (≠ VV 13:14) binding FAD
- EK 73:74 (≠ EA 33:34) binding FAD
- 80:88 (vs. 46:54, 56% identical) binding FAD
- H84 (≠ I50) modified: Tele-8alpha-FAD histidine
- V212 (≠ L172) binding FAD
- W244 (= W206) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 390:395 binding FAD
- 573:575 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 669 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 676:678 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 737 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
4pabB Crystal structure of the precursor form of rat dmgdh complexed with tetrahydrofolate (see paper)
27% identity, 57% coverage: 5:223/386 of query aligns to 7:223/824 of 4pabB
- active site: T53 (vs. gap), E102 (≠ Q101)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I11 (≠ V9), G12 (= G10), G14 (= G12), C15 (≠ V13), V16 (= V14), L35 (= L32), E36 (= E33), K37 (≠ A34), G43 (= G46), S44 (= S47), T45 (≠ K48), H47 (≠ I50), A48 (≠ H51), A49 (= A52), G50 (= G53), L51 (= L54), V175 (≠ L172), A204 (= A203), G205 (= G204), W207 (= W206)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 226, 255, 536
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 226, 228, 326, 328, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358
- binding (6s)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate: 523, 536, 538, 550, 612, 613, 632, 639, 680, 700
2uzzB X-ray structure of n-methyl-l-tryptophan oxidase (mtox) (see paper)
24% identity, 64% coverage: 5:250/386 of query aligns to 4:244/372 of 2uzzB
- active site: H44 (≠ A44), T47 (≠ S47), R48 (≠ K48), R51 (vs. gap), S97 (≠ N97)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I8 (≠ V9), G11 (= G12), S12 (≠ V13), V13 (= V14), D32 (≠ E33), H38 (≠ A38), G41 (= G41), S42 (≠ T42), H43 (≠ S43), R48 (≠ K48), L49 (≠ V49), V172 (≠ L172), A200 (= A203), G201 (= G204), F220 (≠ P223)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 249, 259, 263, 308, 338, 341
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 249, 308, 309, 310, 335, 337, 339, 340, 341
Q8GAI3 4-methylaminobutanoate oxidase (formaldehyde-forming); MABO; Demethylating gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate oxidase; Gamma-N-methylaminobutyrate oxidase 1; EC from Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans (Arthrobacter nicotinovorans) (see paper)
27% identity, 54% coverage: 4:212/386 of query aligns to 26:233/824 of Q8GAI3
- W66 (≠ A44) mutation W->F,S: Contains a non-covalently bound FAD. Loss of enzyme activity.
- H67 (≠ R45) mutation to A: Contains a non-covalently bound FAD. Exhibits about 10% of the wild-type enzyme activity.
3gsiA Crystal structure of d552a dimethylglycine oxidase mutant of arthrobacter globiformis in complex with tetrahydrofolate (see paper)
27% identity, 54% coverage: 6:214/386 of query aligns to 4:211/827 of 3gsiA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G12), I11 (≠ V13), V12 (= V14), D32 (≠ E33), Q33 (≠ A34), G41 (≠ S47), S42 (≠ K48), T43 (≠ V49), H45 (= H51), P47 (vs. gap), L49 (= L54), T170 (≠ E171), V171 (≠ L172), A200 (= A203), G201 (= G204), W203 (= W206)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 222, 256, 549
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 222, 256, 330, 331, 332, 357, 358, 359, 360
- binding magnesium ion: 254, 409
- binding (6s)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate: 505, 536, 551, 563, 629, 648, 655, 696
1pj7A Structure of dimethylglycine oxidase of arthrobacter globiformis in complex with folinic acid (see paper)
27% identity, 54% coverage: 6:214/386 of query aligns to 4:211/827 of 1pj7A
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G8 (= G10), G10 (= G12), I11 (≠ V13), V12 (= V14), D32 (≠ E33), Q33 (≠ A34), G41 (≠ S47), S42 (≠ K48), T43 (≠ V49), H45 (= H51), P47 (vs. gap), L49 (= L54), T170 (≠ E171), V171 (≠ L172), A200 (= A203), G201 (= G204), W203 (= W206)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 222, 256, 549
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 222, 256, 331, 357, 358, 359, 360
- binding N-[4-({[(6S)-2-amino-5-formyl-4-oxo-3,4,5,6,7,8-hexahydropteridin-6-yl]methyl}amino)benzoyl]-L-glutamic acid: 505, 536, 549, 551, 563, 629, 648, 655, 696
Q9AGP8 Dimethylglycine oxidase; DMGO; EC from Arthrobacter globiformis (see 2 papers)
27% identity, 54% coverage: 6:214/386 of query aligns to 7:214/830 of Q9AGP8
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 225 Important for catalytic activity; H→Q: Reduces catalytic efficiency 3-fold and substrate affinity 30-fold.
- 259 Important for catalytic activity; binding FAD; Y→F: Reduces catalytic efficiency 225-fold and substrate affinity 25-fold.
- 360:363 binding FAD
- 539 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 552 Important for catalytic activity; D→A: No effect on the activity.; D→N: Reduces activity 3-fold.
1pj6A Crystal structure of dimethylglycine oxidase of arthrobacter globiformis in complex with folic acid (see paper)
27% identity, 54% coverage: 6:214/386 of query aligns to 5:212/828 of 1pj6A
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G9 (= G10), G11 (= G12), I12 (≠ V13), V13 (= V14), D33 (≠ E33), Q34 (≠ A34), G42 (≠ S47), S43 (≠ K48), T44 (≠ V49), H46 (= H51), P48 (vs. gap), L50 (= L54), V172 (≠ L172), A201 (= A203), G202 (= G204), W204 (= W206)
Sites not aligning to the query:
6j39A Crystal structure of cmis2 with inhibitor (see paper)
28% identity, 59% coverage: 14:241/386 of query aligns to 11:237/368 of 6j39A
- binding (3R)-3-[(carboxymethyl)sulfanyl]nonanoic acid: M44 (≠ S47), P46 (≠ V49), N49 (≠ A52)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I11 (≠ V14), V29 (≠ L32), D30 (≠ E33), P31 (≠ A34), E32 (≠ A35), K36 (≠ G39), A37 (≠ M40), S38 (≠ G41), V40 (≠ S43), S41 (≠ A44), A42 (≠ R45), G43 (= G46), M44 (≠ S47), A174 (= A170), A203 (= A203), W206 (= W206), I228 (≠ Y232)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding (3R)-3-[(carboxymethyl)sulfanyl]nonanoic acid: 243, 252, 267, 308, 334, 335
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 7, 9, 10, 252, 308, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338
6j38A Crystal structure of cmis2 (see paper)
28% identity, 59% coverage: 14:241/386 of query aligns to 11:237/368 of 6j38A
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I11 (≠ V14), V29 (≠ L32), D30 (≠ E33), P31 (≠ A34), K36 (≠ G39), A37 (≠ M40), S38 (≠ G41), S41 (≠ A44), A42 (≠ R45), G43 (= G46), M44 (≠ S47), A174 (= A170), A203 (= A203), W206 (= W206), G226 (= G230)
Sites not aligning to the query:
Query Sequence
>WP_053938192.1 NCBI__GCF_001294205.1:WP_053938192.1
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by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory