Comparing WP_054656330.1 NCBI__GCF_002217945.1:WP_054656330.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
1hyuA Crystal structure of intact ahpf (see paper)
52% identity, 99% coverage: 1:511/517 of query aligns to 1:517/521 of 1hyuA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G221 (= G220), P222 (= P221), A223 (= A222), E243 (≠ D242), G247 (= G246), Q248 (= Q247), N257 (= N256), S289 (≠ T288), A290 (≠ V289), T322 (= T317), G323 (= G318), W326 (= W321), C345 (= C340), D488 (= D482), K495 (= K489), Q496 (= Q490), I497 (= I491)
4ykgA Crystal structure of the alkylhydroperoxide reductase subunit f (ahpf) with NAD+ from escherichia coli (see paper)
51% identity, 99% coverage: 1:514/517 of query aligns to 1:520/521 of 4ykgA
- active site: C345 (= C340), C348 (= C343), D349 (= D344)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G221 (= G220), P222 (= P221), A223 (= A222), G242 (≠ A241), E243 (≠ D242), G247 (= G246), Q248 (= Q247), T252 (= T251), N257 (= N256), S289 (≠ T288), A290 (≠ V289), T322 (= T317), G323 (= G318), C348 (= C343), G487 (= G481), D488 (= D482), Q496 (= Q490), I497 (= I491)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I361 (= I356), G364 (= G359), S366 (= S361), E385 (= E380), F386 (= F381), I449 (= I443), M467 (≠ H461), P493 (≠ T487)
4ykfA Crystal structure of the alkylhydroperoxide reductase subunit f (ahpf) with nadh from escherichia coli (see paper)
51% identity, 99% coverage: 1:514/517 of query aligns to 1:520/521 of 4ykfA
- active site: C345 (= C340), C348 (= C343), D349 (= D344)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G221 (= G220), P222 (= P221), A223 (= A222), G242 (≠ A241), E243 (≠ D242), G247 (= G246), Q248 (= Q247), N257 (= N256), A290 (≠ V289), T322 (= T317), G323 (= G318), C348 (= C343), N454 (= N448), D488 (= D482), Q496 (= Q490), I497 (= I491)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: I361 (= I356), G364 (= G359), N365 (= N360), S366 (= S361), E385 (= E380), F386 (= F381), K391 (≠ S386), I449 (= I443), M467 (≠ H461)
P35340 Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit F; Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase F52A protein; EC 1.8.1.- from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
51% identity, 99% coverage: 1:514/517 of query aligns to 1:520/521 of P35340
- K53 (≠ A53) modified: N6-acetyllysine
- K354 (= K349) modified: N6-acetyllysine
7jypA Structure of thioredoxin reductase from the thermophilic eubacterium thermosipho africanus tcf52b
36% identity, 56% coverage: 212:501/517 of query aligns to 6:296/305 of 7jypA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G12 (= G218), G14 (= G220), P15 (= P221), A16 (= A222), F34 (≠ V240), E35 (≠ A241), K36 (≠ D242), G41 (= G246), A42 (≠ Q247), V83 (≠ T288), T112 (= T317), G113 (= G318), G276 (= G481), D277 (= D482)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G153 (= G358), G154 (= G359), S156 (= S361), Q175 (≠ E380), N176 (≠ F381), T181 (≠ S386), V238 (≠ I443)
3ctyB Crystal structure of t. Acidophilum thioredoxin reductase (see paper)
38% identity, 58% coverage: 209:506/517 of query aligns to 2:300/305 of 3ctyB
- active site: A38 (vs. gap), T42 (≠ P248), L47 (≠ G253), N50 (= N256), C133 (= C340), C136 (= C343), D137 (= D344)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V10 (≠ I217), G11 (= G218), A15 (= A222), D34 (≠ A241), K35 (≠ D242), G40 (= G246), L41 (≠ Q247), T42 (≠ P248), A45 (≠ T251), P46 (≠ V252), N50 (= N256), V82 (≠ G286), T110 (= T317), G111 (= G318), S154 (= S361), Q241 (≠ N448), G275 (= G481), D276 (= D482), A283 (≠ K489), Q284 (= Q490), I285 (= I491)
2q7vA Crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans thioredoxin reductase (see paper)
36% identity, 56% coverage: 212:503/517 of query aligns to 8:304/313 of 2q7vA
- active site: P41 (vs. gap), I45 (≠ P248), E50 (≠ G253), C141 (= C340), C144 (= C343), D145 (= D344)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G16 (= G220), P17 (= P221), A18 (= A222), E37 (≠ A241), K38 (≠ D242), G43 (= G246), Q44 (= Q247), I45 (≠ P248), N53 (= N256), E85 (≠ D285), V86 (≠ G286), T118 (= T317), G119 (= G318), C144 (= C343), G282 (= G481), D283 (= D482), Q291 (= Q490), L292 (≠ I491), S295 (= S494)
5uwyA The crystal structure of thioredoxin reductase from streptococcus pyogenes mgas5005
36% identity, 58% coverage: 208:509/517 of query aligns to 1:303/306 of 5uwyA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G13 (= G220), P14 (= P221), A15 (= A222), E34 (≠ A241), Q35 (≠ D242), G40 (= G246), Q41 (= Q247), T45 (= T251), N50 (= N256), V82 (= V289), T110 (= T317), G111 (= G318), Y114 (≠ W321), C136 (= C343), V242 (≠ N448), G275 (= G481), D276 (= D482), Q284 (= Q490), I285 (= I491)
3f8pD Structure of sulfolobus solfataricus trxr-b3 (see paper)
34% identity, 57% coverage: 210:506/517 of query aligns to 5:304/310 of 3f8pD
- active site: C135 (= C340), C138 (= C343), D139 (= D344)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: V12 (≠ I217), G13 (= G218), L14 (≠ G219), G15 (= G220), P16 (= P221), A17 (= A222), G36 (≠ A241), T38 (≠ H243), G41 (= G246), Q42 (= Q247), I82 (≠ Q287), V83 (≠ T288), G111 (≠ A316), I112 (≠ T317), G113 (= G318), G277 (= G481), D278 (= D482)
5uthA Crystal structure of thioredoxin reductase from mycobacterium smegmatis in complex with fad
34% identity, 58% coverage: 212:512/517 of query aligns to 4:306/306 of 5uthA
- active site: C133 (= C340), C136 (= C343), D137 (= D344)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I9 (= I217), G10 (= G218), S11 (≠ G219), G12 (= G220), P13 (= P221), A14 (= A222), F32 (≠ V240), E33 (vs. gap), G34 (≠ A241), Q36 (≠ H243), G39 (= G246), A40 (≠ Q247), L41 (≠ P248), N49 (= N256), D81 (≠ T288), V82 (= V289), M110 (≠ T317), G111 (= G318), C136 (= C343), G275 (= G481), D276 (= D482), R283 (≠ K489), Q284 (= Q490), A285 (≠ I491), A288 (≠ S494)
8ccmA Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis thioredoxin reductase in complex with compound 2-06
34% identity, 58% coverage: 212:512/517 of query aligns to 3:305/305 of 8ccmA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I8 (= I217), G9 (= G218), S10 (≠ G219), G11 (= G220), P12 (= P221), A13 (= A222), E32 (vs. gap), G33 (≠ A241), Q35 (≠ H243), G38 (= G246), A39 (≠ Q247), L40 (≠ P248), T43 (= T251), N48 (= N256), D80 (≠ T288), V81 (= V289), M109 (≠ T317), G110 (= G318), T131 (≠ Y339), C135 (= C343), G274 (= G481), D275 (= D482), R282 (≠ K489), Q283 (= Q490), A284 (≠ I491), A287 (≠ S494)
- binding ~{N}6-(4-aminophenyl)-1,2-benzothiazole-3,6-diamine: R114 (= R322), H115 (≠ N323), L116 (≠ V324), R173 (≠ F381), E200 (≠ Q408), I201 (≠ T409), I235 (= I443)
8cclA Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis thioredoxin reductase in complex with fragment f2x-entry a09
34% identity, 58% coverage: 212:512/517 of query aligns to 3:305/305 of 8cclA