Comparing WP_055436216.1 NCBI__GCF_001418085.1:WP_055436216.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
1sb9A Crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa udp-n-acetylglucosamine 4- epimerase complexed with udp-glucose (see paper)
55% identity, 93% coverage: 16:324/334 of query aligns to 18:336/340 of 1sb9A
- active site: S141 (= S135), S142 (= S136), S143 (= S137), Y165 (= Y159), K169 (= K163), N203 (= N197)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G22 (= G20), G25 (= G23), F26 (= F24), I27 (= I25), D46 (= D45), N47 (= N46), F48 (= F47), T50 (≠ N49), G51 (= G50), D77 (= D70), I78 (= I71), Q97 (= Q90), A99 (= A92), T116 (≠ V109), A139 (= A133), A140 (= A134), Y165 (= Y159), K169 (= K163), Y192 (= Y186), N194 (= N188), V195 (= V189)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate-glucose: S141 (= S135), Y165 (= Y159), N194 (= N188), A208 (= A202), V209 (= V203), W213 (≠ F207), Y224 (≠ N218), I225 (= I219), N226 (= N220), L270 (≠ I263), R298 (= R286), D301 (= D289)
1sb8A Crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa udp-n-acetylglucosamine 4- epimerase complexed with udp-n-acetylgalactosamine (see paper)
55% identity, 93% coverage: 16:324/334 of query aligns to 19:337/341 of 1sb8A
- active site: S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), N204 (= N197)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G23 (= G20), G26 (= G23), F27 (= F24), I28 (= I25), D47 (= D45), N48 (= N46), F49 (= F47), T51 (≠ N49), G52 (= G50), D78 (= D70), I79 (= I71), Q98 (= Q90), A100 (= A92), T117 (≠ V109), A140 (= A133), A141 (= A134), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), Y193 (= Y186), N195 (= N188), V196 (= V189)
- binding uridine-diphosphate-n-acetylgalactosamine: S103 (= S95), S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), N195 (= N188), A209 (= A202), V210 (= V203), W214 (≠ F207), Y225 (≠ N218), I226 (= I219), N227 (= N220), R234 (= R227), L271 (≠ I263), R299 (= R286), D302 (= D289), S306 (= S293)
3ruhA Alternative analogs as viable substrates of udp-hexose 4-epimerases
55% identity, 93% coverage: 15:325/334 of query aligns to 18:333/336 of 3ruhA
- active site: S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), N204 (= N197)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G23 (= G20), G26 (= G23), F27 (= F24), I28 (= I25), D47 (= D45), N48 (= N46), S50 (= S48), T51 (≠ N49), G52 (= G50), D78 (= D70), I79 (= I71), Q98 (= Q90), A99 (= A91), A100 (= A92), T117 (≠ V109), A140 (= A133), A141 (= A134), S142 (= S135), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), Y193 (= Y186), V196 (= V189)
- binding [[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-[2,4-bis(oxidanylidene)pyrimidin-1-yl]-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl][(2R,3R,4R,5R,6R)-6-(hydroxymethyl)-4,5-bis(oxidanyl)-3-(2-oxidanylidenepropyl)oxan-2-yl] hydrogen phosphate: G102 (= G94), S103 (= S95), S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), Y193 (= Y186), N195 (= N188), A209 (= A202), V210 (= V203), K213 (≠ L206), W214 (≠ F207), Y225 (≠ N218), I226 (= I219), N227 (= N220), R234 (= R227), L271 (≠ I263), R294 (= R286), D297 (= D289), V298 (= V290), S301 (= S293)
3rufA Alternative analogs as viable substrates of udp-hexose 4-epimerases
55% identity, 93% coverage: 15:325/334 of query aligns to 18:333/336 of 3rufA
- active site: S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), N204 (= N197)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G23 (= G20), G26 (= G23), F27 (= F24), I28 (= I25), D47 (= D45), N48 (= N46), S50 (= S48), T51 (≠ N49), G52 (= G50), D78 (= D70), I79 (= I71), Q98 (= Q90), A99 (= A91), A100 (= A92), T117 (≠ V109), A140 (= A133), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), Y193 (= Y186), V196 (= V189)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate: N195 (= N188), A209 (= A202), V210 (= V203), K213 (≠ L206), W214 (≠ F207), Y225 (≠ N218), I226 (= I219), N227 (= N220), R234 (= R227), L271 (≠ I263), R294 (= R286), D297 (= D289)
3lu1A Crystal structure analysis of wbgu: a udp-galnac 4-epimerase (see paper)
55% identity, 93% coverage: 15:325/334 of query aligns to 18:333/336 of 3lu1A
- active site: S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), N204 (= N197)
- binding glycine: Q135 (≠ K128), K187 (≠ H180)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G23 (= G20), G26 (= G23), F27 (= F24), I28 (= I25), D47 (= D45), N48 (= N46), S50 (= S48), T51 (≠ N49), G52 (= G50), D78 (= D70), I79 (= I71), Q98 (= Q90), A99 (= A91), A100 (= A92), A140 (= A133), A141 (= A134), S142 (= S135), Y166 (= Y159), K170 (= K163), Y193 (= Y186), N195 (= N188)
- binding uridine-diphosphate-n-acetylgalactosamine: S103 (= S95), S142 (= S135), S143 (= S136), S144 (= S137), Y166 (= Y159), N195 (= N188), V210 (= V203), W214 (≠ F207), Y225 (≠ N218), I226 (= I219), N227 (= N220), R234 (= R227), L271 (≠ I263), R294 (= R286), D297 (= D289)
Q7BJX9 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase; UDP-GalNAc 4-epimerase; EC from Plesiomonas shigelloides (Aeromonas shigelloides) (see 2 papers)
54% identity, 93% coverage: 15:325/334 of query aligns to 21:341/345 of Q7BJX9
- GVAGFI 26:31 (≠ GGAGFI 20:25) binding NAD(+)
- DNFSTG 50:55 (≠ DNFSNG 45:50) binding NAD(+)
- DI 81:82 (= DI 70:71) binding NAD(+)
- QAA 101:103 (= QAA 90:92) binding NAD(+)
- T120 (≠ V109) binding NAD(+)
- SS 145:146 (= SS 135:136) binding substrate
- S147 (= S137) mutation to T: No effect on epimerase activity.
- Y169 (= Y159) binding NAD(+)
- K173 (= K163) binding NAD(+)
- YFN 196:198 (= YFN 186:188) binding substrate
- V199 (= V189) binding NAD(+)
- VIPK 213:216 (≠ VIPL 203:206) binding substrate
- YIN 228:230 (≠ NIN 218:220) binding substrate
- S236 (≠ T226) mutation to G: No effect on epimerase activity.
- R237 (= R227) binding substrate
- R271 (= R260) mutation to G: No effect on epimerase activity.
- RSGD 302:305 (≠ RAGD 286:289) binding substrate
- R307 (= R291) mutation to A: No effect on epimerase activity.
- H308 (≠ D292) mutation to A: No effect on epimerase activity.
- S309 (= S293) mutation to Y: Abolishes epimerase activity.
6dntA Udp-n-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase from methanobrevibacter ruminantium m1 in complex with udp-n-acetylmuramic acid (see paper)
41% identity, 92% coverage: 17:324/334 of query aligns to 7:307/310 of 6dntA
- active site: S120 (= S135), S121 (= S136), A122 (≠ S137), Y144 (= Y159), K148 (= K163), A187 (= A202)
- binding (2R)-2-{[(2R,3R,4R,5S,6R)-3-(acetylamino)-2-{[(S)-{[(R)-{[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(2,4-dioxo-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)-3,4-dihydroxytetrahydrofuran-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl]oxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl]oxy}-5-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yl]oxy}propanoic acid: A80 (≠ G94), S120 (= S135), S121 (= S136), Y144 (= Y159), F172 (= F187), N173 (= N188), A187 (= A202), V188 (= V203), K191 (≠ L206), V203 (≠ N218), I204 (= I219), Y205 (≠ N220), Q210 (= Q225), R212 (= R227), I246 (= I263), R269 (= R286), D272 (= D289)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G10 (= G20), G13 (= G23), F14 (= F24), I15 (= I25), D33 (= D45), N34 (= N46), L35 (≠ F47), S36 (= S48), S37 (≠ N49), G38 (= G50), D57 (= D70), L58 (≠ I71), L76 (≠ Q90), A77 (= A91), A78 (= A92), A80 (≠ G94), S118 (≠ A133), S119 (≠ A134), Y144 (= Y159), K148 (= K163), Y171 (= Y186), V174 (= V189)
- binding zinc ion: E209 (≠ G224), H275 (≠ D292)
4zrnA Crystal structure of udp-glucose 4-epimerase (tm0509) with udp-glucose from hyperthermophilic eubacterium thermotoga maritima (see paper)
34% identity, 93% coverage: 17:326/334 of query aligns to 4:307/309 of 4zrnA
- active site: T117 (≠ S135), G119 (vs. gap), A120 (≠ S137), Y143 (= Y159), K147 (= K163), Y181 (≠ N197), G185 (≠ A202)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G20), G10 (= G23), F11 (= F24), I12 (= I25), D31 (= D45), N32 (= N46), S34 (= S48), S35 (≠ N49), G36 (= G50), S51 (≠ D70), I52 (= I71), L73 (≠ Q90), A74 (= A91), A75 (= A92), T92 (≠ V109), S115 (≠ A133), S116 (≠ A134), Y143 (= Y159), K147 (= K163), Y170 (= Y186), V173 (= V189)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate-glucose: T117 (≠ S135), G119 (vs. gap), A120 (≠ S137), Y143 (= Y159), N172 (= N188), G185 (≠ A202), V186 (= V203), H201 (≠ N218), F203 (≠ N220), Y208 (≠ Q225), R210 (= R227), V244 (≠ I263), R267 (= R286), D270 (= D289)
6wjaA Udp-glcnac c4-epimerase mutant s121a/y146f from pseudomonas protegens in complex with udp-galnac (see paper)
34% identity, 90% coverage: 16:317/334 of query aligns to 3:301/307 of 6wjaA
- active site: A118 (≠ S135), A119 (≠ S136), A120 (≠ S137), F143 (≠ Y159), K147 (= K163)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G20), G10 (= G23), F11 (= F24), I12 (= I25), D31 (= D45), D32 (≠ N46), S34 (= S48), T35 (≠ N49), G36 (= G50), A55 (≠ I71), L74 (≠ Q90), A75 (= A91), A76 (= A92), S93 (≠ V109), F143 (≠ Y159), K147 (= K163), F170 (≠ Y186), F171 (= F187), I173 (≠ V189)
- binding uridine-diphosphate-n-acetylgalactosamine: V80 (= V96), A120 (≠ S137), N172 (= N188), G186 (≠ A202), V187 (= V203), F191 (= F207), T202 (≠ N218), F204 (≠ N220), R211 (= R227), L247 (≠ I263), R270 (= R286), D273 (= D289)
6wj9B Udp-glcnac c4-epimerase mutant s121a/y146f from pseudomonas protegens in complex with udp-glcnac (see paper)
34% identity, 90% coverage: 16:317/334 of query aligns to 4:302/308 of 6wj9B
- active site: A119 (≠ S135), A120 (≠ S136), A121 (≠ S137), F144 (≠ Y159), K148 (= K163)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G8 (= G20), G11 (= G23), F12 (= F24), I13 (= I25), D32 (= D45), D33 (≠ N46), S35 (= S48), T36 (≠ N49), G37 (= G50), D55 (= D70), A56 (≠ I71), L75 (≠ Q90), A76 (= A91), A77 (= A92), S94 (≠ V109), A117 (= A133), A119 (≠ S135), F144 (≠ Y159), K148 (= K163), F171 (≠ Y186), F172 (= F187), I174 (≠ V189)
- binding uridine-diphosphate-n-acetylglucosamine: V81 (= V96), N173 (= N188), G187 (≠ A202), V188 (= V203), F192 (= F207), T203 (≠ N218), L204 (≠ I219), F205 (≠ N220), R212 (= R227), L248 (≠ I263), R271 (= R286), D274 (= D289)
6pnlA Structure of epimerase mth375 from the thermophilic pseudomurein- containing methanogen methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus
35% identity, 94% coverage: 17:330/334 of query aligns to 19:330/336 of 6pnlA
- active site: S133 (= S135), C135 (≠ S137), G136 (vs. gap), Y159 (= Y159), K163 (= K163)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G22 (= G20), G25 (= G23), C26 (≠ F24), D46 (= D45), N47 (= N46), L48 (≠ F47), S49 (= S48), S50 (≠ N49), S51 (≠ G50), D68 (= D70), I69 (= I71), L89 (≠ Q90), A91 (= A92), F93 (≠ G94), V108 (= V109), S131 (≠ A133), S133 (= S135), Y159 (= Y159), K163 (= K163), F186 (≠ Y186), N188 (= N188), V189 (= V189), R200 (≠ A201)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate: N188 (= N188), N201 (≠ A202), V202 (= V203), F206 (= F207), P217 (≠ N218), I218 (= I219), T219 (≠ N220), R226 (= R227), V262 (≠ I263), R285 (= R286)
6pmhA Structure of epimerase mth375 from the thermophilic pseudomurein- containing methanogen methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus
35% identity, 94% coverage: 17:330/334 of query aligns to 13:324/330 of 6pmhA