Comparing WP_058857306.1 NCBI__GCF_001482365.1:WP_058857306.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 13 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
2y4oB Crystal structure of paak2 in complex with phenylacetyl adenylate (see paper)
58% identity, 95% coverage: 23:444/446 of query aligns to 7:432/432 of 2y4oB
- binding 5'-o-[hydroxy(phenylacetyl)phosphoryl]adenosine: F135 (≠ Y151), F140 (= F156), G212 (= G228), A213 (= A229), E214 (= E230), P215 (= P231), I235 (= I251), G237 (= G253), L238 (= L254), S239 (= S255), P244 (= P260), D304 (= D320), R325 (= R342), I331 (= I348), N336 (= N353)
- binding magnesium ion: S204 (≠ T220), V228 (≠ F244)
2y4oA Crystal structure of paak2 in complex with phenylacetyl adenylate (see paper)
58% identity, 95% coverage: 23:444/446 of query aligns to 7:432/433 of 2y4oA
- binding 5'-o-[hydroxy(phenylacetyl)phosphoryl]adenosine: F135 (≠ Y151), F140 (= F156), A213 (= A229), E214 (= E230), P215 (= P231), I235 (= I251), G237 (= G253), L238 (= L254), S239 (= S255), P244 (= P260), D304 (= D320), R325 (= R342), I331 (= I348), N336 (= N353)
2y27B Crystal structure of paak1 in complex with atp from burkholderia cenocepacia (see paper)
60% identity, 95% coverage: 23:444/446 of query aligns to 5:427/427 of 2y27B
- binding adenosine-5'-triphosphate: K65 (= K83), S90 (= S108), S91 (= S109), G92 (= G110), T93 (= T111), T94 (= T112), F138 (= F156), A211 (= A229), E212 (= E230), P213 (= P231), D232 (= D250), I233 (= I251), Y234 (= Y252), G235 (= G253), L236 (= L254), S237 (= S255), D302 (= D320), I320 (= I339), R323 (= R342), K419 (= K436)
- binding magnesium ion: V200 (≠ R218), S202 (≠ T220), L204 (= L222), M226 (≠ F244), G227 (= G245), Q347 (≠ V366), L350 (= L369)
2y4nA Paak1 in complex with phenylacetyl adenylate (see paper)
59% identity, 95% coverage: 23:444/446 of query aligns to 5:425/426 of 2y4nA
- binding 5'-o-[hydroxy(phenylacetyl)phosphoryl]adenosine: Y131 (= Y151), F136 (= F156), G138 (= G158), G208 (= G228), A209 (= A229), E210 (= E230), P211 (= P231), I231 (= I251), Y232 (= Y252), G233 (= G253), L234 (= L254), S235 (= S255), P240 (= P260), D300 (= D320), R321 (= R342), K417 (= K436)
- binding magnesium ion: V198 (≠ R218), S200 (≠ T220), Q345 (≠ V366), L348 (= L369)
4r1mA Crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa ligase (bt_0428) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.48 a resolution
43% identity, 94% coverage: 26:446/446 of query aligns to 12:435/435 of 4r1mA
- binding adenosine monophosphate: A215 (= A229), E216 (= E230), P217 (= P231), N236 (≠ D250), S237 (≠ I251), F238 (≠ Y252), G239 (= G253), M240 (≠ L254), T241 (≠ S255), D305 (= D320), R329 (= R342), I335 (= I348), N340 (= N353)
- binding zinc ion: C252 (≠ A267), H259 (= H274), C314 (≠ D329), C316 (≠ P331)
4r1lA Crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa ligase (bt_0428) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.42 a resolution
43% identity, 94% coverage: 26:446/446 of query aligns to 12:433/433 of 4r1lA
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: A215 (= A229), E216 (= E230), P217 (= P231), S237 (≠ I251), F238 (≠ Y252), G239 (= G253), M240 (≠ L254), T241 (≠ S255), D305 (= D320), R329 (= R342), N340 (= N353)
- binding adenosine monophosphate: A215 (= A229), E216 (= E230), P217 (= P231), S237 (≠ I251), F238 (≠ Y252), G239 (= G253), M240 (≠ L254), T241 (≠ S255), D305 (= D320), R329 (= R342), N340 (= N353)
- binding coenzyme a: S136 (≠ A150), A164 (≠ G178), G165 (= G179), N166 (≠ Q180), S167 (≠ T181), I185 (≠ T199), Y188 (= Y202), K337 (≠ R350), T408 (≠ S419)
- binding zinc ion: C252 (≠ A267), H259 (= H274), C314 (≠ D329), C316 (≠ P331)
6he0A Crystal structure of 2-hydroxyisobutyryl-coa ligase (hcl) in complex with 2-hib-amp and coa in the thioesterfication state (see paper)
32% identity, 97% coverage: 15:445/446 of query aligns to 19:465/477 of 6he0A
- binding [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl] 2-methyl-2-oxidanyl-propanoate: S241 (≠ G228), G242 (≠ A229), E243 (= E230), P244 (= P231), G267 (≠ Y252), S268 (≠ G253), M269 (≠ L254), A270 (≠ S255), D335 (= D320), I357 (= I339), N371 (= N353)
- binding adenosine monophosphate: G242 (≠ A229), E243 (= E230), P244 (= P231), C266 (≠ I251), G267 (≠ Y252), S268 (≠ G253), A270 (≠ S255), E271 (= E256), D335 (= D320), N371 (= N353)
- binding coenzyme a: Y166 (≠ F156), A188 (≠ G178), G189 (vs. gap), P191 (vs. gap), S194 (≠ T181), Y210 (≠ L197), G211 (≠ S198), T212 (= T199), Y215 (= Y202), H218 (≠ T205), R368 (= R350), G369 (= G351), M401 (= M383), V439 (≠ S418), R440 (≠ S419)
6hdyA Crystal structure of 2-hydroxyisobutyryl-coa ligase (hcl) in the postadenylation state in complex with s3-hb-amp (see paper)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 15:445/446 of query aligns to 19:462/474 of 6hdyA
- binding (3s)-3-hydroxybutanoic acid: Y162 (≠ F156), S237 (≠ G228), G263 (≠ Y252), S264 (≠ G253), M265 (≠ L254), A266 (≠ S255), F271 (vs. gap)
- binding [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl] (3~{S})-3-oxidanylbutanoate: Y162 (≠ F156), G164 (= G158), S237 (≠ G228), G238 (≠ A229), E239 (= E230), P240 (= P231), C262 (≠ I251), G263 (≠ Y252), S264 (≠ G253), A266 (≠ S255), F271 (vs. gap), D331 (= D320), I353 (= I339), R356 (= R342), K453 (= K436)
6hdxA Crystal structure of 2-hydroxyisobutyryl-coa ligase (hcl) in the postadenylation state in complex with r3-hib-amp (see paper)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 15:445/446 of query aligns to 19:462/474 of 6hdxA
- binding [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl] (2~{R})-2-methyl-3-oxidanyl-propanoate: Y162 (≠ F156), G164 (= G158), S237 (≠ G228), G238 (≠ A229), E239 (= E230), P240 (= P231), C262 (≠ I251), G263 (≠ Y252), S264 (≠ G253), A266 (≠ S255), F271 (vs. gap), D331 (= D320), I353 (= I339), R356 (= R342), K453 (= K436)
- binding (2r)-3-hydroxy-2-methylpropanoic acid: Y162 (≠ F156), G164 (= G158), S237 (≠ G228), G263 (≠ Y252), S264 (≠ G253), A266 (≠ S255), F271 (vs. gap)
6sixB Paak family amp-ligase with anp (see paper)
29% identity, 68% coverage: 16:320/446 of query aligns to 1:300/437 of 6sixB
- binding phosphoaminophosphonic acid-adenylate ester: S88 (= S108), S89 (= S109), A213 (= A229), E214 (= E230), P215 (= P231), E236 (≠ I251), Y237 (= Y252), G238 (= G253), S239 (≠ L254), T240 (≠ S255), E241 (= E256), D300 (= D320)
- binding magnesium ion: R79 (≠ M99), E80 (≠ S100), P121 (= P143), T150 (≠ A172)
- binding zinc ion: C249 (≠ S266), H255 (= H274)
Sites not aligning to the query:
6siyA Paak family amp-ligase with amp and substrate (see paper)
32% identity, 54% coverage: 81:320/446 of query aligns to 57:296/433 of 6siyA