Comparing WP_058929311.1 NCBI__GCF_001484605.1:WP_058929311.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
6iunB Crystal structure of enoyl-coa hydratase (ech) from ralstonia eutropha h16 in complex with NAD
30% identity, 89% coverage: 41:699/738 of query aligns to 11:654/692 of 6iunB
- active site: A60 (= A97), F65 (≠ V102), E73 (≠ M114), H77 (= H119), G101 (= G143), E104 (= E146), E124 (= E167), G132 (= G175), K248 (≠ A303), S407 (= S465), H428 (= H486), E440 (= E498), N478 (= N536)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G300 (= G357), T301 (≠ L358), M302 (= M359), E321 (≠ D379), T322 (≠ I380), Y365 (≠ K423), A377 (= A435), V378 (= V436), E380 (= E438), V384 (= V442), V388 (= V446), N405 (= N463), S407 (= S465)
6yswA E. Coli anaerobic trifunctional enzyme subunit-alpha in complex with coenzyme a
29% identity, 92% coverage: 40:719/738 of query aligns to 13:687/707 of 6yswA
- active site: A66 (= A97), I71 (≠ V102), A84 (= A115), Q88 (≠ H119), G112 (= G143), E115 (= E146), P136 (= P166), E137 (= E167), G145 (= G175), D264 (≠ E305), S422 (= S465), H443 (= H486), E455 (= E498), N493 (= N536)
- binding coenzyme a: E23 (≠ S52), M25 (≠ P54), A66 (= A97), D67 (= D98), I68 (≠ L99), P136 (= P166), E137 (= E167), L140 (≠ I170), T290 (≠ L326), K293 (≠ S333)
P40939 Trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha, mitochondrial; 78 kDa gastrin-binding protein; Monolysocardiolipin acyltransferase; TP-alpha; EC 2.3.1.-; EC; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 5 papers)
28% identity, 84% coverage: 86:705/738 of query aligns to 91:731/763 of P40939
- V282 (≠ G268) to D: in MTPD1; mild phenotype with slowly progressive myopathy and sensorimotor polyneuropathy; dbSNP:rs137852773
- I305 (≠ L287) to N: in MTPD1; mild phenotype with slowly progressive myopathy and sensorimotor polyneuropathy; dbSNP:rs137852774
- L342 (≠ A324) to P: in LCHAD deficiency; dbSNP:rs137852772
- E510 (= E498) active site, For hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase activity; to Q: in AFLP and LCHAD deficiency; loss of long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity; dbSNP:rs137852769
1wdlA Fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex from pseudomonas fragi, form ii (native4) (see paper)
29% identity, 87% coverage: 61:704/738 of query aligns to 36:684/715 of 1wdlA
- active site: A69 (= A97), N89 (≠ Q116), N93 (≠ H119), G117 (= G143), E120 (= E146), P139 (= P166), E140 (= E167), P147 (= P174), G148 (= G175), S430 (= S465), H451 (= H486), E463 (= E498), N501 (= N536)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: A322 (= A356), I324 (≠ L358), M325 (= M359), D344 (= D379), I345 (= I380), A400 (= A435), V401 (= V436), E403 (= E438), N428 (= N463), T429 (= T464), S430 (= S465)
P28793 Fatty acid oxidation complex subunit alpha; EC; EC; EC; EC from Pseudomonas fragi (see paper)
29% identity, 87% coverage: 61:704/738 of query aligns to 36:684/715 of P28793
- D297 (≠ Q330) binding substrate
- M325 (= M359) binding NAD(+)
- D344 (= D379) binding NAD(+)
- VVE 401:403 (≠ VFE 436:438) binding NAD(+)
- K408 (= K443) binding NAD(+)
- S430 (= S465) binding NAD(+)
- N454 (= N489) binding NAD(+)
- N501 (= N536) binding substrate
- Y660 (≠ L680) binding substrate
1wdmA Fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex from pseudomonas fragi, form i (native3) (see paper)
29% identity, 87% coverage: 61:704/738 of query aligns to 36:676/707 of 1wdmA
- active site: A69 (= A97), N89 (≠ Q116), N93 (≠ H119), G117 (= G143), E120 (= E146), P139 (= P166), E140 (= E167), P147 (= P174), G148 (= G175), S430 (= S465), H451 (= H486), E463 (= E498), N501 (= N536)
- binding acetyl coenzyme *a: K142 (≠ F169), D297 (≠ Q330), M459 (= M494), N501 (= N536), P534 (= P569), Y652 (≠ L680), L658 (≠ M686)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G321 (= G355), A322 (= A356), I324 (≠ L358), M325 (= M359), D344 (= D379), V401 (= V436), E403 (= E438), N428 (= N463), S430 (= S465), N454 (= N489)
P21177 Fatty acid oxidation complex subunit alpha; EC; EC; EC; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 2 papers)
27% identity, 94% coverage: 47:737/738 of query aligns to 29:704/729 of P21177