Comparing WP_061531874.1 NCBI__GCF_001584165.1:WP_061531874.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
4emjA Complex between the reductase and ferredoxin components of toluene dioxygenase (see paper)
32% identity, 68% coverage: 14:295/413 of query aligns to 5:285/406 of 4emjA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G11 (= G20), V12 (≠ M21), G13 (≠ A22), D35 (≠ A45), E36 (= E46), R43 (= R53), P44 (≠ I54), S47 (= S57), K48 (= K64), V80 (= V90), T107 (= T117), G108 (= G118), R128 (= R138), G274 (= G284), D275 (≠ E285)
Sites not aligning to the query:
4emiA Toluene dioxygenase reductase in reduced state in complex with NAD+ (see paper)
32% identity, 68% coverage: 14:295/413 of query aligns to 4:284/402 of 4emiA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G20), V11 (≠ M21), G12 (≠ A22), D34 (≠ A45), E35 (= E46), R42 (= R53), P43 (≠ I54), K47 (= K64), E78 (≠ P89), V79 (= V90), T106 (= T117), G107 (= G118), G273 (= G284), D274 (≠ E285)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: R111 (≠ F122), G149 (= G160), L152 (= L163), I153 (≠ L164), E156 (= E167), E172 (≠ H183), A173 (≠ V184), R180 (= R191), V236 (≠ A247), G237 (= G248), A238 (≠ V249)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P16640 Putidaredoxin reductase CamA; Pdr; Putidaredoxin--NAD(+) reductase; EC from Pseudomonas putida (Arthrobacter siderocapsulatus) (see 2 papers)
35% identity, 62% coverage: 60:313/413 of query aligns to 53:318/422 of P16640
- V83 (= V90) binding FAD
- R134 (vs. gap) binding FAD
- D284 (≠ E285) binding FAD
- V302 (= V297) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 15 binding FAD
- 37 binding FAD
- 50 binding FAD
1q1wA Crystal structure of putidaredoxin reductase from pseudomonas putida (see paper)
35% identity, 62% coverage: 60:313/413 of query aligns to 52:317/422 of 1q1wA
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 13, 44, 45
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 10, 12, 13, 14, 35, 36, 44, 45, 49, 329
6pfzA Structure of a NAD-dependent persulfide reductase from a. Fulgidus (see paper)
35% identity, 54% coverage: 91:313/413 of query aligns to 87:321/541 of 6pfzA
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 37, 42, 455, 456
- binding calcium ion: 332, 427, 428
- binding coenzyme a: 14, 18, 21, 38, 40, 42, 76, 430, 447, 512, 513, 516
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 7, 11, 32, 33, 41, 42, 86
Q8U1K9 NAD(P)H:rubredoxin oxidoreductase; NROR; Rubredoxin--NAD(P)(+) reductase; EC from Pyrococcus furiosus (strain ATCC 43587 / DSM 3638 / JCM 8422 / Vc1)
29% identity, 89% coverage: 14:380/413 of query aligns to 3:345/359 of Q8U1K9
- G11 (≠ A22) binding FAD
- DK 29:30 (≠ GA 44:45) binding FAD
- KP 38:39 (≠ RI 53:54) binding FAD
- A75 (≠ V90) binding FAD
- A103 (≠ S119) binding FAD
- R120 (= R138) binding FAD
- D260 (≠ E285) binding FAD
3kljA Crystal structure of nadh:rubredoxin oxidoreductase from clostridium acetobutylicum (see paper)
27% identity, 88% coverage: 16:379/413 of query aligns to 7:349/378 of 3kljA
- active site: P12 (≠ M21), R41 (= R53), P42 (≠ I54), N274 (≠ W301)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: L8 (≠ I17), G9 (= G18), G11 (= G20), P12 (≠ M21), A13 (= A22), N32 (≠ G44), S33 (≠ A45), E34 (= E46), R41 (= R53), P42 (≠ I54), F77 (≠ P89), A78 (≠ V90), S105 (≠ T117), G106 (= G118), L123 (≠ F137), Y124 (≠ R138), L150 (= L164), G257 (= G284), D258 (≠ E285), G268 (= G295), L269 (= L296), I270 (≠ V297), A273 (≠ I300), K301 (= K329)
Q9AL95 NADH-rubredoxin oxidoreductase; NROR; NADH:rubredoxin oxidoreductase; EC from Clostridium acetobutylicum (strain ATCC 824 / DSM 792 / JCM 1419 / IAM 19013 / LMG 5710 / NBRC 13948 / NRRL B-527 / VKM B-1787 / 2291 / W) (see paper)
27% identity, 89% coverage: 16:382/413 of query aligns to 8:353/379 of Q9AL95
- C26 (≠ A34) modified: Disulfide link with 286
- NSE 33:35 (≠ GAE 44:46) binding FAD
- R42 (= R53) binding FAD
- A79 (≠ V90) binding FAD
- Y125 (≠ R138) binding FAD
- C137 (≠ A150) modified: Disulfide link with 216
- C216 (≠ L242) modified: Disulfide link with 137
- D259 (≠ E285) binding FAD
- C286 (≠ A312) modified: Disulfide link with 26
1xhcA Nadh oxidase /nitrite reductase from pyrococcus furiosus pfu-1140779- 001
29% identity, 89% coverage: 14:380/413 of query aligns to 3:340/346 of 1xhcA
- active site: P10 (≠ M21), K38 (≠ R53), P39 (≠ I54), F145 (≠ L163), E149 (= E167), M276 (≠ W301)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V6 (≠ I17), G7 (= G18), G9 (= G20), P10 (≠ M21), G11 (≠ A22), D29 (≠ G44), K30 (≠ A45), K38 (≠ R53), P39 (≠ I54), E74 (≠ P89), A75 (≠ V90), A100 (= A116), T101 (= T117), G102 (= G118), L119 (≠ F137), R120 (= R138), F145 (≠ L163), I146 (≠ L164), E149 (= E167), G259 (= G284), D260 (≠ E285), G270 (= G295), T271 (≠ L296), A272 (≠ V297)
3fg2P Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase for the cyp199a2 system from rhodopseudomonas palustris (see paper)
32% identity, 74% coverage: 10:313/413 of query aligns to 1:309/404 of 3fg2P
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G8 (= G18), G10 (= G20), H11 (≠ M21), A12 (= A22), D34 (≠ A45), E35 (= E46), R42 (= R53), P43 (≠ I54), S46 (= S57), K47 (≠ P58), R78 (≠ P89), M79 (≠ V90), T106 (= T117), R127 (= R138), I153 (≠ L164), D275 (≠ E285), S292 (≠ L296), V293 (= V297)
Sites not aligning to the query:
8c0zE Cryoem structure of a tungsten-containing aldehyde oxidoreductase from aromatoleum aromaticum (see paper)
29% identity, 93% coverage: 16:401/413 of query aligns to 5:417/424 of 8c0zE
6rvhA Nadh-dependent coenzyme a disulfide reductase soaked with menadione (see paper)
30% identity, 74% coverage: 35:341/413 of query aligns to 26:334/443 of 6rvhA
- active site: V39 (≠ G49), C44 (≠ I54), E53 (≠ D63), E58 (≠ D67), Y159 (≠ L163), E163 (= E167)
- binding coenzyme a: S40 (≠ N50), Y41 (= Y51), C44 (≠ I54), R63 (≠ N72), N303 (vs. gap), R307 (= R305)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: E34 (≠ G44), K35 (≠ A45), A43 (≠ R53), C44 (≠ I54), V81 (= V90), T113 (= T117), G114 (= G118), R134 (= R138), Y159 (≠ L163), G280 (= G284), D281 (≠ E285), P297 (vs. gap), L298 (vs. gap), G299 (vs. gap)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 425, 430
- binding coenzyme a: 20, 23, 359, 431, 437, 441, 442
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 8, 11, 12, 13, 424, 425
- binding menadione: 364, 365, 430, 431
6rvbA Nadh-dependent coenzyme a disulfide reductase soaked with nadh (see paper)
30% identity, 74% coverage: 35:341/413 of query aligns to 26:334/443 of 6rvbA
- active site: V39 (≠ G49), C44 (≠ I54), E53 (≠ D63), E58 (≠ D67), Y159 (≠ L163), E163 (= E167)
- binding coenzyme a: S40 (≠ N50), Y41 (= Y51), C44 (≠ I54), R63 (≠ N72), N303 (vs. gap), R307 (= R305)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: Y33 (≠ F43), E34 (≠ G44), K35 (≠ A45), S36 (≠ E46), A43 (≠ R53), C44 (≠ I54), E80 (≠ P89), V81 (= V90), T113 (= T117), G114 (= G118), L133 (≠ F137), R134 (= R138), I160 (≠ L164), G280 (= G284), D281 (≠ E285), L298 (vs. gap), G299 (vs. gap)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G156 (= G160), G158 (= G162), Y159 (≠ L163), I160 (≠ L164), E179 (≠ H183), A180 (≠ V184), A240 (≠ T246), T241 (≠ A247), G242 (= G248), P297 (vs. gap), I328 (≠ L335), F329 (≠ Y336)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 425, 430
- binding coenzyme a: 15, 20, 23, 359, 437, 441, 442
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 8, 11, 12, 13, 424, 425
6ruzA Nadh-dependent coenzyme a disulfide reductase (see paper)
30% identity, 74% coverage: 35:341/413 of query aligns to 26:334/443 of 6ruzA