Comparing WP_061531964.1 NCBI__GCF_001584165.1:WP_061531964.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3ai2A The crystal structure of l-sorbose reductase from gluconobacter frateurii complexed with NADPH (see paper)
33% identity, 100% coverage: 1:263/264 of query aligns to 1:263/263 of 3ai2A
- active site: G18 (= G18), S144 (= S141), Y157 (= Y154), K161 (= K158)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G14 (= G14), S16 (≠ T16), S17 (≠ A17), G18 (= G18), I19 (= I19), A38 (≠ G38), R39 (= R39), Q40 (≠ T40), V64 (≠ A65), D65 (= D66), V66 (≠ L67), N92 (= N89), G94 (= G91), N142 (≠ L139), Y157 (= Y154), K161 (= K158), P187 (= P184), I190 (≠ T187), T192 (≠ S189), W195 (≠ V192)
3ai3C The crystal structure of l-sorbose reductase from gluconobacter frateurii complexed with NADPH and l-sorbose (see paper)
33% identity, 100% coverage: 1:263/264 of query aligns to 1:263/263 of 3ai3C
- active site: G18 (= G18), S144 (= S141), Y157 (= Y154), K161 (= K158)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G14 (= G14), S16 (≠ T16), S17 (≠ A17), G18 (= G18), I19 (= I19), A38 (≠ G38), R39 (= R39), Q40 (≠ T40), R43 (= R43), D65 (= D66), V66 (≠ L67), N92 (= N89), G94 (= G91), N142 (≠ L139), Y157 (= Y154), K161 (= K158), P187 (= P184), G188 (= G185), I190 (≠ T187), T192 (≠ S189), W195 (≠ V192)
- binding alpha-L-sorbopyranose: A252 (≠ S252), F254 (≠ R254), L263 (≠ I263)
- binding L-sorbose: G96 (≠ F93), E154 (≠ M151), Y157 (= Y154), W195 (≠ V192)
3ai3A The crystal structure of l-sorbose reductase from gluconobacter frateurii complexed with NADPH and l-sorbose (see paper)
33% identity, 100% coverage: 1:263/264 of query aligns to 1:263/263 of 3ai3A
- active site: G18 (= G18), S144 (= S141), Y157 (= Y154), K161 (= K158)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G14 (= G14), S16 (≠ T16), S17 (≠ A17), G18 (= G18), I19 (= I19), A38 (≠ G38), R39 (= R39), Q40 (≠ T40), R43 (= R43), V64 (≠ A65), D65 (= D66), V66 (≠ L67), N92 (= N89), G94 (= G91), N142 (≠ L139), S144 (= S141), Y157 (= Y154), K161 (= K158), P187 (= P184), G188 (= G185), I190 (≠ T187), T192 (≠ S189), W195 (≠ V192)
- binding L-sorbose: G96 (≠ F93), S144 (= S141), L151 (≠ P148), E154 (≠ M151), Y157 (= Y154), G188 (= G185)
5t2uA Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family protein (see paper)
37% identity, 97% coverage: 2:258/264 of query aligns to 1:237/241 of 5t2uA
- active site: G17 (= G18), T135 (≠ S141), T145 (≠ E150), Y148 (= Y154), K152 (= K158)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G14), G17 (= G18), R38 (= R39), D39 (≠ T40), R42 (= R43), D60 (= D66), L61 (= L67), N83 (= N89), A84 (≠ L90), Y87 (≠ F93), I133 (≠ L139), T135 (≠ S141), Y148 (= Y154), K152 (= K158), P178 (= P184), P180 (= P186), T181 (= T187), T183 (≠ S189), T185 (≠ V205), T186 (≠ P206)
5b4tA Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from alcaligenes faecalis complexed with NAD+ and a substrate d-3- hydroxybutyrate (see paper)
32% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 2:256/260 of 5b4tA
- active site: G15 (= G18), N114 (= N113), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), I200 (≠ L199)
- binding (3R)-3-hydroxybutanoic acid: Q94 (≠ F93), S142 (= S141), H144 (≠ S143), K152 (≠ M151), Y155 (= Y154), W187 (≠ P186), Q196 (≠ F195)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G11 (= G14), T13 (= T16), G15 (= G18), I16 (= I19), F36 (≠ R39), D63 (= D66), L64 (= L67), N90 (= N89), G92 (= G91), L113 (≠ V112), I140 (≠ L139), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), P185 (= P184), G186 (= G185), W187 (≠ P186), V188 (≠ T187), T190 (≠ S189), L192 (≠ G191), V193 (= V192)
3w8dA Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from alcaligenes faecalis complexed with NAD+ and an inhibitor methylmalonate
32% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 2:256/260 of 3w8dA
- active site: G15 (= G18), N114 (= N113), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), I200 (≠ L199)
- binding methylmalonic acid: Q94 (≠ F93), S142 (= S141), H144 (≠ S143), K152 (≠ M151), Y155 (= Y154), W187 (≠ P186), Q196 (≠ F195)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G11 (= G14), T13 (= T16), S14 (≠ A17), G15 (= G18), I16 (= I19), F36 (≠ R39), A62 (= A65), D63 (= D66), L64 (= L67), N90 (= N89), A91 (≠ L90), G92 (= G91), L113 (≠ V112), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), P185 (= P184), G186 (= G185), W187 (≠ P186), V188 (≠ T187), T190 (≠ S189), L192 (≠ G191), V193 (= V192)
Sites not aligning to the query:
3vdrA Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, prepared in the presence of the substrate d-3-hydroxybutyrate and NAD(+) (see paper)
32% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 2:256/260 of 3vdrA
- active site: G15 (= G18), N114 (= N113), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), I200 (≠ L199)
- binding (3R)-3-hydroxybutanoic acid: Q94 (≠ F93), H144 (≠ S143), K152 (≠ M151), Y155 (= Y154), W187 (≠ P186), Q196 (≠ F195)
- binding acetoacetic acid: Q94 (≠ F93), H144 (≠ S143), K152 (≠ M151), Y155 (= Y154), W187 (≠ P186), Q196 (≠ F195)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G11 (= G14), T13 (= T16), I16 (= I19), F36 (≠ R39), D63 (= D66), L64 (= L67), N90 (= N89), A91 (≠ L90), G92 (= G91), L113 (≠ V112), K159 (= K158), G186 (= G185), V188 (≠ T187), T190 (≠ S189), L192 (≠ G191), V193 (= V192)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G11 (= G14), T13 (= T16), I16 (= I19), F36 (≠ R39), D63 (= D66), L64 (= L67), N90 (= N89), A91 (≠ L90), G92 (= G91), L113 (≠ V112), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), G186 (= G185), V188 (≠ T187), T190 (≠ S189), L192 (≠ G191), V193 (= V192)
Sites not aligning to the query:
3vdqA Crystal structure of alcaligenes faecalis d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in complex with NAD(+) and acetate (see paper)
32% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 2:256/260 of 3vdqA
- active site: G15 (= G18), N114 (= N113), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), I200 (≠ L199)
- binding acetate ion: Q94 (≠ F93), H144 (≠ S143), K152 (≠ M151), W187 (≠ P186), L192 (≠ G191), Q196 (≠ F195)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G11 (= G14), S14 (≠ A17), I16 (= I19), F36 (≠ R39), D63 (= D66), L64 (= L67), N90 (= N89), A91 (≠ L90), G92 (= G91), L113 (≠ V112), I140 (≠ L139), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), P185 (= P184), G186 (= G185), W187 (≠ P186), V188 (≠ T187), T190 (≠ S189), L192 (≠ G191), V193 (= V192)
6jhbB Crystal structure of NADPH and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid bound aerf from microcystis aeruginosa (see paper)
28% identity, 99% coverage: 1:262/264 of query aligns to 1:264/264 of 6jhbB
- active site: G18 (= G18), S160 (≠ Y154)
- binding 3-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)pyruvic acid: G147 (≠ S141), S149 (= S143), L157 (≠ M151), S160 (≠ Y154), N164 (≠ K158)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G14 (= G14), S16 (≠ T16), A17 (= A17), G18 (= G18), I19 (= I19), G38 (= G38), R39 (= R39), N40 (≠ T40), A65 (= A65), D66 (= D66), V67 (≠ L67), H68 (≠ G68), N93 (= N89), S94 (≠ L90), E95 (vs. gap), K119 (≠ N113), I145 (≠ L139), I146 (≠ S140), P190 (= P184), I193 (≠ T187), T195 (≠ S189), P196 (≠ E190), R197 (≠ G191)
2zatA Crystal structure of a mammalian reductase (see paper)
35% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 3:246/251 of 2zatA
- active site: G16 (= G18), S142 (= S141), L152 (≠ M151), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), K200 (≠ Q209)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: A12 (≠ G14), T14 (= T16), D15 (≠ A17), G16 (= G18), I17 (= I19), S36 (≠ G38), R37 (= R39), K38 (≠ T40), N41 (≠ R43), H62 (≠ D66), N89 (= N89), A91 (≠ G91), V140 (≠ L139), S142 (= S141), Y155 (= Y154), K159 (= K158), P185 (= P184), G186 (= G185), I188 (≠ T187), T190 (≠ S193), F192 (= F195), S193 (≠ Q202)
Q8WNV7 Dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4; NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase; CR; PHCR; NADPH-dependent retinol dehydrogenase/reductase; NDRD; Peroxisomal carbonyl reductase; PerCR; Peroxisomal short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase; PSCD; Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 25C member 2; Protein SDR25C2; EC; EC from Sus scrofa (Pig) (see 2 papers)
35% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 31:274/279 of Q8WNV7
- 37:61 (vs. 11:35, 72% identical) binding NADP(+)
- F177 (≠ P148) Responsible for the stereoselective reduction of 3-ketosteroids into 3alpha-hydroxysteroids and benzil into S-benzoin; mutation to S: Change in stereoselective activity by the reduction of 3-ketosteroids and benzil into 3beta-hydroxysteroid and R-benzoin, respectively; when associated with F-180.
- L180 (≠ M151) Responsible for the stereoselective reduction of 3-ketosteroids into 3alpha-hydroxysteroids and benzil into S-benzoin; mutation to F: Change in stereoselective activity by the reduction of 3-ketosteroids and benzil into 3beta-hydroxysteroid and R-benzoin, respectively; when associated with S-177.
- Y183 (= Y154) active site, Proton acceptor
- K187 (= K158) binding NADP(+)
- N196 (≠ G167) Important for the maintenance of the quaternary structure, the catalytic activity and cold stability
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 277:279 Peroxisomal targeting signal
3o4rA Crystal structure of human dehydrogenase/reductase (sdr family) member 4 (dhrs4)
33% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 6:249/254 of 3o4rA
- active site: G19 (= G18), S145 (= S141), F155 (≠ M151), Y158 (= Y154), K162 (= K158), K203 (≠ G204)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: A15 (≠ G14), T17 (= T16), D18 (≠ A17), G19 (= G18), I20 (= I19), S39 (≠ G38), R40 (= R39), K41 (≠ T40), N44 (≠ R43), H65 (≠ D66), V66 (≠ L67), N92 (= N89), A94 (≠ G91), S145 (= S141), Y158 (= Y154), K162 (= K158), P188 (= P184), G189 (= G185), L190 (≠ P186), I191 (≠ T187), T193 (≠ S189), F195 (= F196), S196 (≠ G197)
Q9BTZ2 Dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 4; NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase; CR; NADPH-dependent retinol dehydrogenase/reductase; NRDR; humNRDR; Peroxisomal short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase; PSCD; SCAD-SRL; Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 25C member 2; Protein SDR25C2; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family member 4; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 2 papers)
33% identity, 96% coverage: 5:258/264 of query aligns to 30:273/278 of Q9BTZ2
- S176 (≠ P148) Responsible for the stereoselective reduction of 3-ketosteroids into 3beta-hydroxysteroids and benzil into R-benzoin; mutation to F: Decreased reduction activity for benzil, isatin and retinal and increased activity for 5beta-Pregnane-3,20-dione and 5beta-Dihydrotestosterone. No change of stereoselectivity in 3-ketosteroids reduction and no change in 3beta-hydroxysteroid oxidation. Decreased reduction activity for isatin and increased activity for 5beta-Pregnane-3,20-dione, 5beta-Dihydrotestosterone, benzil and retinal; when associated with L-179. Change in stereoselective activity by the reduction of 5beta-Pregnane-3,20-dione predominantly to the 3alpha-hydroxysteroid; when associated with L-179. Switch from 3beta-hydroxysteroid to 3alpha-hydroxysteroid oxidation; when associated with L-179. Loss of cold catalytic inactivation; when associated with L-179 and N-195. Increased reduction activity for renital and oxidation activity for retinol; when associated with L-179 and N-195.
- F179 (≠ M151) Responsible for the stereoselective reduction of 3-ketosteroids into 3beta-hydroxysteroids and benzil into R-benzoin; mutation to L: Decreased reduction activity for isatin and increased activity for 5beta-Pregnane-3,20-dione, 5beta-Dihydrotestosterone, benzil and retinal; when associated with F-176. Change in stereoselective activity by the reduction of 5beta-Pregnane-3,20-dione predominantly to the 3alpha-hydroxysteroid; when associated with F-176. Switch from 3beta-hydroxysteroid to 3alpha-hydroxysteroid oxidation; when associated with F-176. Loss of cold catalytic inactivation; when associated with F-176 and N-195. Increased reduction activity for renital and oxidation activity for retinol; when associated with F-176 and N-195.
- T195 (≠ G167) mutation to N: Loss of cold catalytic inactivation. Loss of cold catalytic inactivation; when associated with F-176 and L-179. Switch in stereoselective activity from 3beta-hydroxysteroid to 3alpha-hydroxysteroid oxidation; when associated with F-176 and L-179. Increased reduction activity for renital and oxidation activity for retinol; when associated with F-176 and L-179.
5ojiA Crystal structure of the dehydrogenase/reductase sdr family member 4 (dhrs4) from caenorhabditis elegans (see paper)
31% identity, 95% coverage: 8:259/264 of query aligns to 11:256/260 of 5ojiA
- active site: G21 (= G18), S148 (= S141), Y161 (= Y154), K165 (= K158)
- binding isatin: S148 (= S141), S150 (= S143), Y161 (= Y154), V193 (≠ P186), S199 (≠ V192), L202 (≠ F195)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: A17 (≠ G14), T19 (= T16), I22 (= I19), S41 (≠ G38), R42 (= R39), N43 (≠ T40), N46 (≠ R43), I69 (≠ L67), N95 (= N89), H96 (≠ L90), G97 (= G91), N146 (≠ L139), S148 (= S141), Y161 (= Y154), K165 (= K158), G192 (= G185), I194 (≠ T187), T196 (≠ S189), M198 (≠ G191)
5ojgA Crystal structure of the dehydrogenase/reductase sdr family member 4 (dhrs4) from caenorhabditis elegans (see paper)
31% identity, 95% coverage: 8:259/264 of query aligns to 11:256/260 of 5ojgA