Comparing WP_068166979.1 NCBI__GCF_001592305.1:WP_068166979.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
6g4dB Crystal structure of the omega transaminase from pseudomonas jessenii in complex with plp (see paper)
38% identity, 95% coverage: 11:455/467 of query aligns to 1:445/453 of 6g4dB
6g4fA Crystal structure of the omega transaminase from pseudomonas jessenii in complex with pmp (see paper)
38% identity, 95% coverage: 11:455/467 of query aligns to 1:445/451 of 6g4fA
6g4eA Crystal structure of the omega transaminase from pseudomonas jessenii in complex with plp and 6-aminohexanoate (6-aca) (see paper)
38% identity, 95% coverage: 11:455/467 of query aligns to 1:445/451 of 6g4eA
5kr5A Directed evolution of transaminases by ancestral reconstruction. Using old proteins for new chemistries
39% identity, 94% coverage: 16:455/467 of query aligns to 8:452/455 of 5kr5A
5kr6B Directed evolution of transaminases by ancestral reconstruction. Using old proteins for new chemistries
39% identity, 94% coverage: 16:455/467 of query aligns to 12:456/460 of 5kr6B
5kr3A Directed evolution of transaminases by ancestral reconstruction. Using old proteins for new chemistries
39% identity, 97% coverage: 3:455/467 of query aligns to 1:453/458 of 5kr3A
8wqjA Crystal structure of transaminase from shimia marina
38% identity, 95% coverage: 11:453/467 of query aligns to 10:448/472 of 8wqjA
6gwiB The crystal structure of halomonas elongata amino-transferase (see paper)
39% identity, 96% coverage: 9:455/467 of query aligns to 2:445/450 of 6gwiB
3fcrA Crystal structure of putative aminotransferase (yp_614685.1) from silicibacter sp. Tm1040 at 1.80 a resolution
39% identity, 95% coverage: 13:456/467 of query aligns to 8:457/458 of 3fcrA
7qx0B Transaminase structure of plurienzyme (tr2e2) in complex with plp (see paper)
38% identity, 95% coverage: 16:458/467 of query aligns to 8:441/443 of 7qx0B
5kquC Directed evolution of transaminases by ancestral reconstruction. Using old proteins for new chemistries
38% identity, 94% coverage: 17:455/467 of query aligns to 11:454/459 of 5kquC