Comparing WP_073041560.1 NCBI__GCF_900129305.1:WP_073041560.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
2gagB Heteroteterameric sarcosine: structure of a diflavin metaloenzyme at 1.85 a resolution (see paper)
41% identity, 96% coverage: 8:394/405 of query aligns to 10:395/403 of 2gagB
- active site: A61 (≠ G59), T64 (= T62), T65 (≠ A63)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G26 (= G24), G28 (= G26), G29 (≠ L27), H30 (= H28), E51 (= E49), K52 (= K50), G58 (= G56), N59 (≠ S57), M60 (≠ A58), R62 (= R60), N63 (= N61), T64 (= T62), I66 (= I64), V195 (= V193), G224 (≠ A222), A225 (≠ G223), H227 (≠ W225), L231 (≠ V229), L246 (≠ I244), G352 (= G351), T353 (≠ Y352), G354 (≠ F353), G355 (= G354), F356 (= F355), K357 (= K356)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: A61 (≠ G59), R62 (= R60), H171 (= H169), V250 (= V248), E278 (= E276), R321 (= R319), W323 (= W321)
- binding 2-furoic acid: T64 (= T62), I66 (= I64), R68 (= R66), M263 (≠ S261), Y270 (= Y268), K357 (= K356)
- binding sulfite ion: K170 (≠ R168), K276 (= K274)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P40875 Sarcosine oxidase subunit beta; Sarcosine oxidase subunit B; Sarcosine oxidase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate-forming) subunit beta; Tetrameric sarcosine oxidase subunit beta; TSOX subunit beta; EC from Corynebacterium sp. (strain P-1) (see 3 papers)
41% identity, 96% coverage: 8:394/405 of query aligns to 12:397/405 of P40875
- G30 (= G26) mutation to A: Prevents covalent attachment of FMN. Blocks subunit assembly.
- C146 (≠ I142) mutation to S: No change in activity.
- H173 (= H169) modified: Tele-8alpha-FMN histidine; mutation to N: Prevents covalent attachment of FMN. Loss of activity. The mutant is considerably less stable than wild-type enzyme, the beta and delta subunits are lost during purification, which yields a stable alpha-gamma complex.
- H175 (≠ A171) mutation to A: No effect on FMN binding and activity.
- C195 (≠ T191) mutation to S: No change in activity.
- C351 (= C348) mutation to A: No change in activity.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1 modified: Initiator methionine, Removed
1vrqB Crystal structure of heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. U-96 in complex with folinic acid (see paper)
40% identity, 96% coverage: 8:394/405 of query aligns to 11:396/402 of 1vrqB
- active site: A62 (≠ G59), T65 (= T62), T66 (≠ A63), G326 (= G323), K358 (= K356)
- binding n,n-dimethylglycine: T65 (= T62), I67 (= I64), R69 (= R66), K358 (= K356)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V26 (= V23), G27 (= G24), G29 (= G26), G30 (≠ L27), H31 (= H28), L51 (= L48), E52 (= E49), K53 (= K50), G59 (= G56), N60 (≠ S57), M61 (≠ A58), R63 (= R60), N64 (= N61), T65 (= T62), I67 (= I64), V196 (= V193), A224 (= A221), G225 (≠ A222), H228 (≠ W225), L247 (≠ I244), G353 (= G351), T354 (≠ Y352), G355 (≠ F353), G356 (= G354), F357 (= F355), K358 (= K356)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: A62 (≠ G59), R63 (= R60), H172 (= H169), V251 (= V248), E279 (= E276), R322 (= R319), W324 (= W321)
Sites not aligning to the query:
3ad8B Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. U-96 in complex with pyrrole 2-carboxylate (see paper)
40% identity, 96% coverage: 8:394/405 of query aligns to 11:396/404 of 3ad8B
- active site: A62 (≠ G59), T65 (= T62), T66 (≠ A63), G326 (= G323), K358 (= K356)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V26 (= V23), G27 (= G24), G29 (= G26), G30 (≠ L27), H31 (= H28), E52 (= E49), K53 (= K50), G59 (= G56), N60 (≠ S57), M61 (≠ A58), R63 (= R60), N64 (= N61), T65 (= T62), I67 (= I64), V196 (= V193), G225 (≠ A222), A226 (≠ G223), H228 (≠ W225), L247 (≠ I244), G353 (= G351), T354 (≠ Y352), G355 (≠ F353), G356 (= G354), F357 (= F355), K358 (= K356)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: A62 (≠ G59), R63 (= R60), H172 (= H169), V251 (= V248), E279 (= E276), R322 (= R319), W324 (= W321)
- binding pyrrole-2-carboxylate: T65 (= T62), I67 (= I64), R69 (= R66), M264 (≠ S261), Y271 (= Y268), T354 (≠ Y352), K358 (= K356)
Sites not aligning to the query:
3ad7B Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. U-96 in complex with methylthio acetate (see paper)
40% identity, 96% coverage: 8:394/405 of query aligns to 11:396/404 of 3ad7B
- active site: A62 (≠ G59), T65 (= T62), T66 (≠ A63), G326 (= G323), K358 (= K356)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V26 (= V23), G27 (= G24), G29 (= G26), G30 (≠ L27), H31 (= H28), E52 (= E49), K53 (= K50), G59 (= G56), N60 (≠ S57), M61 (≠ A58), R63 (= R60), N64 (= N61), T65 (= T62), I67 (= I64), V196 (= V193), G225 (≠ A222), A226 (≠ G223), H228 (≠ W225), L247 (≠ I244), G353 (= G351), T354 (≠ Y352), G355 (≠ F353), G356 (= G354), F357 (= F355), K358 (= K356)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: A62 (≠ G59), R63 (= R60), H172 (= H169), V251 (= V248), K277 (= K274), E279 (= E276), R322 (= R319), W324 (= W321)
- binding [methylthio]acetate: I67 (= I64), R69 (= R66), M264 (≠ S261), Y271 (= Y268), T354 (≠ Y352), K358 (= K356)
Sites not aligning to the query:
Q50LF2 Sarcosine oxidase subunit beta; Sarcosine oxidase subunit B; Sarcosine oxidase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate-forming) subunit beta; Tetrameric sarcosine oxidase subunit beta; TSOX subunit beta; EC from Corynebacterium sp. (strain U-96) (see 4 papers)
40% identity, 96% coverage: 8:394/405 of query aligns to 12:397/405 of Q50LF2
- G31 (≠ L27) binding FAD
- H32 (= H28) binding FAD
- E53 (= E49) binding FAD
- N61 (≠ S57) binding FAD
- M62 (≠ A58) binding FAD
- T66 (= T62) binding FAD
- I68 (= I64) binding FAD
- K172 (≠ R168) mutation to A: Retains 39% of wild-type activity.; mutation to D: Retains 32% of wild-type activity.; mutation to R: Retains 58% of wild-type activity.
- H173 (= H169) modified: Tele-8alpha-FMN histidine
- V197 (= V193) binding FAD
- H270 (= H266) mutation to A: 10-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency.
- Y272 (= Y268) mutation to A: 13000-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency.; mutation to F: 130-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency.
- G354 (= G351) binding FAD
- G357 (= G354) binding FAD
- K359 (= K356) binding FAD; mutation K->A,D: Loss of activity.; mutation to R: Retains 0.07% of wild-type activity. Shows higher apparent KM for sarcosine.
1y56B Crystal structure of l-proline dehydrogenase from p.Horikoshii (see paper)
27% identity, 85% coverage: 43:387/405 of query aligns to 28:372/374 of 1y56B
- active site: F44 (≠ G59), G47 (≠ T62), T48 (≠ A63), H224 (vs. gap), P239 (≠ H257), G305 (= G323), M338 (≠ K356)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I33 (≠ L48), E34 (= E49), K35 (= K50), S42 (= S57), T43 (≠ A58), R45 (= R60), C46 (≠ N61), G47 (≠ T62), G49 (≠ I64), E170 (= E192), V171 (= V193), T200 (≠ A222), N201 (≠ G223), W203 (= W225), G305 (= G323), Y306 (≠ L324), Y307 (≠ A325), G334 (≠ Y352), H335 (≠ F353), G336 (= G354), F337 (= F355), M338 (≠ K356)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: F44 (≠ G59), R45 (= R60), I260 (≠ V278), R301 (= R319), W303 (= W321)
Sites not aligning to the query:
4pabB Crystal structure of the precursor form of rat dmgdh complexed with tetrahydrofolate (see paper)
24% identity, 92% coverage: 14:386/405 of query aligns to 2:388/824 of 4pabB
- active site: T53 (≠ R66), E102 (≠ A115), H226 (≠ I244), Y255 (≠ H266)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I11 (≠ V23), G12 (= G24), G14 (= G26), C15 (≠ L27), V16 (≠ H28), L35 (= L48), E36 (= E49), K37 (= K50), G43 (= G56), S44 (= S57), T45 (≠ A58), H47 (≠ R60), A48 (≠ N61), A49 (≠ T62), G50 (≠ A63), L51 (≠ I64), V175 (= V193), A204 (= A222), G205 (= G223), W207 (= W225), H226 (≠ I244), Y228 (≠ A246), G326 (= G323), I328 (≠ A325), F353 (≠ W350), Y355 (= Y352), G356 (= G354), I357 (≠ F355), I358 (≠ K356)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 536
- binding (6s)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate: 523, 536, 538, 550, 612, 613, 632, 639, 680, 700
Q63342 Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; ME2GLYDH; EC from Rattus norvegicus (Rat) (see 2 papers)
24% identity, 92% coverage: 14:386/405 of query aligns to 39:425/857 of Q63342
- CV 52:53 (≠ LH 27:28) binding FAD
- EK 73:74 (= EK 49:50) binding FAD
- 80:88 (vs. 56:64, 22% identical) binding FAD
- H84 (≠ R60) modified: Tele-8alpha-FAD histidine
- V212 (= V193) binding FAD
- W244 (= W225) binding FAD
- FGY-GII 390:395 (≠ WGYFGFK 350:356) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 573:575 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 669 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 676:678 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
- 737 binding (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
Q9UI17 Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; ME2GLYDH; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 4 papers)
24% identity, 94% coverage: 8:386/405 of query aligns to 40:432/866 of Q9UI17
- CV 59:60 (≠ LH 27:28) binding FAD
- EK 80:81 (= EK 49:50) binding FAD
- 87:95 (vs. 56:64, 22% identical) binding FAD
- H91 (≠ R60) modified: Tele-8alpha-FAD histidine
- H109 (≠ Y78) to R: in DMGDHD; shows 10 fold lower catalytic efficiency due to lower cofactor saturation and reduced thermal stability; dbSNP:rs121908331
- V219 (= V193) binding FAD
- S279 (≠ K253) to P: in dbSNP:rs532964
- FGY-GII 397:402 (≠ WGYFGFK 350:356) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 530 A → G: in dbSNP:rs1805073
- 646 S → P: in dbSNP:rs1805074
Q9AGP8 Dimethylglycine oxidase; DMGO; EC from Arthrobacter globiformis (see 2 papers)
25% identity, 94% coverage: 16:397/405 of query aligns to 3:404/830 of Q9AGP8