Comparing WP_083529125.1 NCBI__GCF_001482365.1:WP_083529125.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 6 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
P76077 1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase, subunit A; 1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase, catalytic subunit alpha; 1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA monooxygenase, subunit A; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
66% identity, 89% coverage: 27:328/338 of query aligns to 4:305/309 of P76077
3pw8C The phenylacetyl-coa monooxygenase paaac subcomplex with acetyl-coa (see paper)
67% identity, 88% coverage: 27:325/338 of query aligns to 3:301/301 of 3pw8C
3pw1A The phenylacetyl-coa monooxygenase paaac subcomplex with phenylacetyl- coa (see paper)
67% identity, 88% coverage: 27:325/338 of query aligns to 6:304/304 of 3pw1A
3pvyA The phenylacetyl-coa monooxygenase paaac subcomplex with coenzyme a (see paper)
67% identity, 88% coverage: 27:325/338 of query aligns to 6:304/304 of 3pvyA
3pvtA The phenylacetyl-coa monooxygenase paaac subcomplex with 3- hydroxybutanoyl-coa (see paper)
67% identity, 88% coverage: 27:325/338 of query aligns to 6:304/304 of 3pvtA
4ii4A The phenylacetyl-coa monooxygenase - mutant paaa e49q k68q - paac wild type subcomplex with benzoyl-coa
66% identity, 88% coverage: 27:325/338 of query aligns to 6:304/304 of 4ii4A
>WP_083529125.1 NCBI__GCF_001482365.1:WP_083529125.1
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SitesBLAST's database includes (1) SwissProt entries with experimentally-supported functional features; and (2) protein structures with bound ligands, from the BioLip database.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory