Comparing WP_084199172.1 NCBI__GCF_002869505.1:WP_084199172.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
P51174 Long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; LCAD; EC from Mus musculus (Mouse) (see paper)
49% identity, 99% coverage: 3:376/378 of query aligns to 54:427/430 of P51174
- K318 (= K267) modified: N6-acetyllysine; mutation to R: Reduces activity by 37%; reduces activity by 80% when associated with R-322.
- K322 (≠ Q271) modified: N6-acetyllysine; alternate; mutation to R: Reduces activity by 23%; reduces activity by 80% when associated with R-318.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 42 modified: N6-acetyllysine; K→R: Reduces activity by 90% when associated with R-318 and R-322.
8w0uA Human lcad complexed with acetoacetyl coenzyme a (see paper)
49% identity, 98% coverage: 5:376/378 of query aligns to 24:395/398 of 8w0uA
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: M140 (= M123), S147 (= S130), Q150 (= Q133), S193 (≠ K174), H196 (≠ K177), Y250 (≠ V231), E259 (= E240), R260 (= R241), Y379 (= Y360), G380 (= G361), G381 (= G362), I385 (= I366), L389 (= L370), R392 (= R373)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I138 (≠ L121), M140 (= M123), T141 (= T124), G146 (= G129), S147 (= S130), F171 (= F154), S173 (≠ T156), R285 (= R266), F288 (= F269), L295 (≠ F276), Q353 (= Q334), L354 (= L335), G357 (= G338), V375 (≠ I356), Y379 (= Y360), T382 (= T363), E384 (= E365)
8w0tA Human lcad (see paper)
49% identity, 98% coverage: 5:376/378 of query aligns to 24:395/398 of 8w0tA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I138 (≠ L121), M140 (= M123), T141 (= T124), G146 (= G129), S147 (= S130), F171 (= F154), I172 (= I155), S173 (≠ T156), R285 (= R266), F288 (= F269), L295 (≠ F276), Q353 (= Q334), L354 (= L335), G356 (= G337), G357 (= G338), V375 (≠ I356), T382 (= T363), E384 (= E365), I385 (= I366)
P28330 Long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; LCAD; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 2 papers)
49% identity, 98% coverage: 5:376/378 of query aligns to 56:427/430 of P28330
- E291 (= E240) active site, Proton acceptor; mutation to Q: Loss of long-chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity. No effect on protein abundance. No effect on solubility. No effect on substrate binding.
- S303 (≠ A252) to T: in dbSNP:rs1801204
- K333 (≠ T282) to Q: in dbSNP:rs2286963
2pg0A Crystal structure of acyl-coa dehydrogenase from geobacillus kaustophilus
47% identity, 98% coverage: 4:375/378 of query aligns to 7:378/380 of 2pg0A
- active site: M124 (= M123), T125 (= T124), E243 (= E240), A364 (≠ G361), R376 (= R373)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I122 (≠ L121), M124 (= M123), T125 (= T124), G130 (= G129), S131 (= S130), F155 (= F154), I156 (= I155), T157 (= T156), R269 (= R266), F272 (= F269), F279 (= F276), Q337 (= Q334), L338 (= L335), G340 (= G337), G341 (= G338), V359 (≠ I356), I362 (= I359), Y363 (= Y360), T366 (= T363), E368 (= E365), M369 (≠ I366)
5ol2F The electron transferring flavoprotein/butyryl-coa dehydrogenase complex from clostridium difficile (see paper)
40% identity, 99% coverage: 1:376/378 of query aligns to 3:377/378 of 5ol2F
- active site: L124 (≠ M123), T125 (= T124), G241 (≠ E240), G374 (≠ R373)
- binding calcium ion: E29 (≠ G27), E33 (≠ Q31), R35 (≠ L33)
- binding coenzyme a persulfide: L238 (= L237), R242 (= R241), E362 (≠ G361), G363 (= G362)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: F122 (≠ L121), L124 (≠ M123), T125 (= T124), P127 (= P126), T131 (≠ S130), F155 (= F154), I156 (= I155), T157 (= T156), E198 (≠ I197), R267 (= R266), F270 (= F269), L274 (≠ V273), F277 (= F276), Q335 (= Q334), L336 (= L335), G338 (= G337), G339 (= G338), Y361 (= Y360), T364 (= T363), E366 (= E365)
4l1fA Electron transferring flavoprotein of acidaminococcus fermentans: towards a mechanism of flavin-based electron bifurcation (see paper)
39% identity, 99% coverage: 3:376/378 of query aligns to 6:378/380 of 4l1fA
- active site: L125 (≠ M123), T126 (= T124), G242 (≠ E240), E363 (≠ G361), R375 (= R373)
- binding coenzyme a persulfide: T132 (≠ S130), H179 (≠ K177), F232 (= F230), M236 (= M234), E237 (≠ T235), L239 (= L237), D240 (≠ P238), R243 (= R241), Y362 (= Y360), E363 (≠ G361), G364 (= G362), R375 (= R373)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: F123 (≠ L121), L125 (≠ M123), T126 (= T124), G131 (= G129), T132 (≠ S130), F156 (= F154), I157 (= I155), T158 (= T156), R268 (= R266), Q270 (≠ A268), F271 (= F269), I275 (≠ V273), F278 (= F276), L281 (≠ T279), Q336 (= Q334), I337 (≠ L335), G340 (= G338), I358 (= I356), Y362 (= Y360), T365 (= T363), Q367 (≠ E365)
- binding 1,3-propandiol: Q10 (≠ T7)
Sites not aligning to the query:
5lnxD Crystal structure of mmgc, an acyl-coa dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis.
38% identity, 100% coverage: 1:377/378 of query aligns to 1:374/374 of 5lnxD
- active site: L122 (≠ M123), T123 (= T124), G239 (≠ E240), E358 (≠ G361), K370 (≠ R373)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: L122 (≠ M123), T123 (= T124), G128 (= G129), S129 (= S130), F153 (= F154), T155 (= T156), R265 (= R266), Q267 (≠ A268), F268 (= F269), I272 (≠ V273), N275 (≠ F276), I278 (≠ T279), Q331 (= Q334), I332 (≠ L335), G335 (= G338), Y357 (= Y360), T360 (= T363), E362 (= E365)
1jqiA Crystal structure of rat short chain acyl-coa dehydrogenase complexed with acetoacetyl-coa (see paper)
38% identity, 98% coverage: 8:376/378 of query aligns to 13:380/384 of 1jqiA
- active site: G377 (≠ R373)
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: L95 (≠ I91), F125 (≠ L121), S134 (= S130), F234 (= F230), M238 (= M234), Q239 (≠ T235), L241 (= L237), D242 (≠ P238), R245 (= R241), Y364 (= Y360), E365 (≠ G361), G366 (= G362)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: F125 (≠ L121), L127 (≠ M123), S128 (≠ T124), G133 (= G129), S134 (= S130), W158 (≠ F154), T160 (= T156), R270 (= R266), F273 (= F269), L280 (≠ F276), Q338 (= Q334), I339 (≠ L335), G342 (= G338), I360 (= I356), T367 (= T363), E369 (= E365), I370 (= I366)
P15651 Short-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; SCAD; Butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; EC from Rattus norvegicus (Rat) (see 2 papers)
38% identity, 98% coverage: 8:376/378 of query aligns to 40:407/412 of P15651
- 152:161 (vs. 121:130, 60% identical) binding FAD
- S161 (= S130) binding substrate
- WIT 185:187 (≠ FIT 154:156) binding FAD
- DMGR 269:272 (≠ PRER 238:241) binding substrate
- R297 (= R266) binding FAD
- QILGG 365:369 (≠ QLFGG 334:338) binding FAD
- E392 (≠ G361) active site, Proton acceptor
- TSE 394:396 (= TSE 363:365) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1:24 modified: transit peptide, Mitochondrion
8sgrA Human liver mitochondrial isovaleryl-coa dehydrogenase (see paper)
37% identity, 90% coverage: 36:375/378 of query aligns to 48:388/393 of 8sgrA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: S135 (≠ T124), G140 (= G129), S141 (= S130), W165 (≠ F154), T167 (= T156), R279 (= R266), F282 (= F269), I286 (≠ V273), F289 (= F276), Q347 (= Q334), C348 (≠ L335), G351 (= G338), L369 (≠ I356), G375 (= G362), T376 (= T363), L382 (≠ E369)
P26440 Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; IVD; Butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; EC; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 5 papers)
37% identity, 90% coverage: 36:375/378 of query aligns to 81:421/426 of P26440