Comparing WP_084199389.1 NCBI__GCF_002869505.1:WP_084199389.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 10 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
7cyxA Crystal strcuture of glycine oxidase from bacillus cereus atcc 14579 (see paper)
24% identity, 84% coverage: 32:389/426 of query aligns to 3:349/363 of 7cyxA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I7 (= I36), G8 (= G37), G10 (= G39), V11 (≠ F40), I12 (≠ T41), V30 (≠ L59), E31 (= E60), K32 (≠ Q61), E38 (≠ G67), A39 (= A68), S40 (= S69), A43 (≠ N72), G45 (= G74), L46 (≠ Q75), V171 (= V210), G200 (= G237), G201 (≠ N238), W203 (≠ Y240), G298 (= G340), R300 (≠ M342), P301 (≠ G343), Y326 (≠ S366), R327 (≠ G367), N328 (≠ H368), G329 (= G369), I330 (≠ V370)
5i39A High resolution structure of l-amino acid deaminase from proteus vulgaris with the deletion of the specific insertion sequence (see paper)
22% identity, 85% coverage: 32:392/426 of query aligns to 26:374/383 of 5i39A
- active site: F66 (≠ N72), Q69 (= Q75), A70 (≠ V76), Q248 (≠ E269), P267 (≠ D288)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V30 (≠ I36), G31 (= G37), G33 (= G39), I34 (≠ F40), L35 (≠ T41), V53 (≠ L59), E54 (= E60), K55 (≠ Q61), Q62 (≠ A68), S63 (= S69), F66 (≠ N72), Y67 (≠ G73), Q69 (= Q75), A196 (vs. gap), A197 (≠ T208), G226 (= G237), G227 (≠ N238), W229 (≠ Y240), Q248 (≠ E269), Q250 (≠ A271), G321 (= G340), M323 (= M342), T348 (≠ S366), G349 (= G367), W350 (≠ H368), G351 (= G369), M352 (≠ V370), T353 (≠ N371)
1y56B Crystal structure of l-proline dehydrogenase from p.Horikoshii (see paper)
21% identity, 79% coverage: 49:384/426 of query aligns to 23:351/374 of 1y56B
- active site: F44 (≠ G70), G47 (= G73), T48 (≠ G74), H224 (≠ S257), P239 (≠ A275), G305 (= G340), M338 (≠ N371)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I33 (≠ L59), E34 (= E60), K35 (≠ Q61), S42 (≠ A68), T43 (≠ S69), R45 (= R71), C46 (≠ N72), G47 (= G73), G49 (≠ Q75), E170 (≠ K209), V171 (= V210), T200 (≠ G237), N201 (= N238), W203 (≠ Y240), G305 (= G340), Y306 (≠ M341), Y307 (≠ M342), G334 (= G367), H335 (= H368), G336 (= G369), F337 (≠ V370), M338 (≠ N371)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: F44 (≠ G70), R45 (= R71), I260 (≠ D295), R301 (≠ Y336), W303 (= W338)
Sites not aligning to the query:
5hxwA L-amino acid deaminase from proteus vulgaris (see paper)
25% identity, 51% coverage: 32:248/426 of query aligns to 18:229/433 of 5hxwA
- active site: F58 (≠ N72), Q61 (= Q75), A62 (≠ V76)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: V22 (≠ I36), G23 (= G37), G25 (= G39), I26 (≠ F40), L27 (≠ T41), E46 (= E60), K47 (≠ Q61), E53 (≠ G67), Q54 (≠ A68), S55 (= S69), R57 (= R71), F58 (≠ N72), Y59 (≠ G73), G60 (= G74), Q61 (= Q75), A188 (vs. gap), A189 (≠ T208), G218 (= G237), G219 (≠ N238), W221 (≠ Y240)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 240, 284, 288
- binding cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium: 291, 294, 310, 311, 317, 318, 320, 373, 379, 399, 400
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 240, 242, 331, 371, 373, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403
3if9A Crystal structure of glycine oxidase g51s/a54r/h244a mutant in complex with inhibitor glycolate (see paper)
22% identity, 79% coverage: 49:384/426 of query aligns to 23:346/364 of 3if9A
- active site: A47 (≠ S81), G48 (= G82), M49 (≠ E83)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: E34 (= E60), S35 (= S69), T42 (≠ V76), T43 (≠ I77), A46 (≠ M80), A47 (≠ S81), G48 (= G82), M49 (≠ E83), P173 (≠ K209), V174 (= V210), S202 (≠ G237), G203 (≠ N238), W205 (≠ Y240), F209 (≠ E244), G300 (= G340), R302 (≠ M342), H327 (≠ Y365), F328 (≠ S366), R329 (≠ G367), N330 (≠ H368), G331 (= G369), I332 (≠ V370)
- binding glycolic acid: Y246 (= Y289), R302 (≠ M342), R329 (≠ G367)
Sites not aligning to the query:
S5FMM4 Glycine oxidase; GO; BliGO; EC from Bacillus licheniformis (see paper)
24% identity, 50% coverage: 183:394/426 of query aligns to 147:356/369 of S5FMM4
- S202 (≠ G237) mutation to C: Shows 7.1- and 8-fold increase of affinity and catalytic efficiency to glyphosate, respectively, while the substrate affinity to glycine decreases 235-fold and catalytic efficiency decreases 113-fold; when associated with S-51, R-54, R-81, V-332 and V-342.
- I332 (≠ V370) mutation to V: Shows 7.1- and 8-fold increase of affinity and catalytic efficiency to glyphosate, respectively, while the substrate affinity to glycine decreases 235-fold and catalytic efficiency decreases 113-fold; when associated with S-51, R-54, R-81, C-202 and V-342.
- M342 (= M380) mutation to V: Shows 7.1- and 8-fold increase of affinity and catalytic efficiency to glyphosate, respectively, while the substrate affinity to glycine decreases 235-fold and catalytic efficiency decreases 113-fold; when associated with S-51, R-54, R-81, C-202 and V-332.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 51 G→S: Shows 4.3- and 107-fold increase of affinity to glyphosate and glycine, respectively. Shows 7.1- and 8-fold increase of affinity and catalytic efficiency to glyphosate, respectively, while the substrate affinity to glycine decreases 235-fold and catalytic efficiency decreases 113-fold; when associated with R-54, R-81, C-202, V-332 and V-342.
- 54 A→R: Shows 7.1- and 8-fold increase of affinity and catalytic efficiency to glyphosate, respectively, while the substrate affinity to glycine decreases 235-fold and catalytic efficiency decreases 113-fold; when associated with S-51, R-81, C-202, V-332 and V-342.
- 81 K→R: Shows 7.1- and 8-fold increase of affinity and catalytic efficiency to glyphosate, respectively, while the substrate affinity to glycine decreases 235-fold and catalytic efficiency decreases 113-fold; when associated with S-51, R-54, C-202, V-332 and V-342.
5fjnA Structure of l-amino acid deaminase from proteus myxofaciens in complex with anthranilate (see paper)
28% identity, 50% coverage: 30:243/426 of query aligns to 28:236/447 of 5fjnA
- active site: S67 (= S69), Y71 (≠ G73), S72 (≠ G74)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I34 (= I36), G35 (= G37), G37 (= G39), I38 (≠ F40), Q39 (≠ T41), L57 (= L59), E58 (= E60), K59 (≠ Q61), E65 (≠ G67), Q66 (≠ A68), S67 (= S69), A70 (≠ N72), Y71 (≠ G73), S72 (≠ G74), Q73 (= Q75), V201 (= V210), G230 (= G237), G231 (≠ N238), W233 (≠ Y240)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 252
- binding 2-aminobenzoic acid: 252, 289, 411, 412
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: 252, 254, 343, 385, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415
5fjmA Structure of l-amino acid deaminase from proteus myxofaciens (see paper)
28% identity, 50% coverage: 30:243/426 of query aligns to 28:236/447 of 5fjmA
- active site: S67 (= S69), Y71 (≠ G73), S72 (≠ G74)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I34 (= I36), G35 (= G37), G37 (= G39), I38 (≠ F40), Q39 (≠ T41), L57 (= L59), E58 (= E60), K59 (≠ Q61), E65 (≠ G67), Q66 (≠ A68), S67 (= S69), A70 (≠ N72), Y71 (≠ G73), S72 (≠ G74), Q73 (= Q75), V201 (= V210), G230 (= G237), G231 (≠ N238), W233 (≠ Y240)
Sites not aligning to the query:
1ng3A Complex of thio (glycine oxidase) with acetyl-glycine (see paper)
22% identity, 79% coverage: 49:384/426 of query aligns to 23:346/364 of 1ng3A
- active site: A47 (≠ S81), G48 (= G82), M49 (≠ E83)
- binding acetylamino-acetic acid: Y246 (= Y289), R302 (≠ M342), R329 (≠ G367)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: F33 (≠ L59), E34 (= E60), S35 (= S69), R41 (≠ Q75), T42 (≠ V76), T43 (≠ I77), A46 (≠ M80), A47 (≠ S81), G48 (= G82), M49 (≠ E83), V174 (= V210), S202 (≠ G237), G203 (≠ N238), W205 (≠ Y240), F209 (≠ E244), G300 (= G340), R302 (≠ M342), H327 (≠ Y365), R329 (≠ G367), N330 (≠ H368), G331 (= G369), I332 (≠ V370)
- binding phosphate ion: R89 (≠ K123), R254 (= R297)
Sites not aligning to the query:
O31616 Glycine oxidase; GO; EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 3 papers)
22% identity, 79% coverage: 49:384/426 of query aligns to 23:346/369 of O31616
- E--------S 34:35 (≠ EQNLISWGAS 60:69) binding FAD
- TT 42:43 (≠ VI 76:77) binding FAD
- AGM 47:49 (≠ SGE 81:83) binding FAD
- G51 (≠ R85) mutation to R: 130-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency on glycine and 28-fold increase in that on glyphosate.; mutation to S: 60-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency on glycine and 210-fold increase in that on glyphosate; when associated with R-54 and A-244.
- A54 (≠ K88) mutation to R: 20-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency on glycine and 34-fold increase in that on glyphosate. 60-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency on glycine and 210-fold increase in that on glyphosate; when associated with S-51 and A-244.
- V174 (= V210) binding FAD
- H244 (≠ L287) mutation to A: 2-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency on glycine and similar catalytic efficiency on glyphosate. 60-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency on glycine and 210-fold increase in that on glyphosate; when associated with S-51 and R-54.
- R302 (≠ M342) binding substrate
- 327:333 (vs. 365:371, 14% identical) binding FAD
- R329 (≠ G367) binding substrate
Sites not aligning to the query:
Query Sequence
>WP_084199389.1 NCBI__GCF_002869505.1:WP_084199389.1
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by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory