Comparing WP_084200120.1 NCBI__GCF_002869505.1:WP_084200120.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
9br7C Succinate--hydroxymethylglutarate CoA-transferase (see paper)
32% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 4:397/403 of 9br7C
O06644 Formyl-CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase; FCOCT; Formyl-coenzyme A transferase; EC from Oxalobacter formigenes (see 4 papers)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 3:428/428 of O06644
- Q17 (≠ L18) mutation to A: 45-fold decrease of the catalytic effiency.
- R38 (≠ P39) binding CoA
- W48 (≠ L48) mutation to F: Little change in the affinity binding and catalytic efficiency, and it does not display major structural changes.; mutation to P: Little change in the affinity binding and catalytic efficiency. It exhibits substrate inhibition with oxalate. It does not display major structural changes.
- R104 (= R108) binding CoA
- D169 (= D173) active site, Nucleophile; mutation to A: Loss of CoA-transferase activity.; mutation to E: Loss of CoA-transferase activity.; mutation to S: Loss of CoA-transferase activity.
- G259 (vs. gap) mutation to A: 2.5-fold decrease of the catalytic effiency.
- G260 (vs. gap) mutation to A: 25-fold decrease of the catalytic effiency. Reduction of the affinity binding for both formyl-CoA and oxalate.
1p5rA Formyl-coa transferase in complex with coenzyme a (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 2:427/427 of 1p5rA
- active site: Q16 (≠ L18), E139 (≠ D144), D168 (= D173), G259 (vs. gap), G260 (vs. gap)
- binding coenzyme a: H14 (= H16), V15 (≠ M17), Q16 (≠ L18), A17 (≠ S19), R37 (≠ P39), M73 (≠ L78), K74 (= K79), N95 (= N100), F96 (= F101), A100 (≠ V105), R103 (= R108), K136 (≠ P141), V137 (≠ A142), D168 (= D173), M199 (= M204)
2vjoA Formyl-coa transferase mutant variant q17a with aspartyl-coa thioester intermediates and oxalate (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 2:427/427 of 2vjoA
- active site: A16 (≠ L18), E139 (≠ D144), D168 (= D173), G259 (vs. gap), G260 (vs. gap)
- binding coenzyme a: H14 (= H16), A16 (≠ L18), A17 (≠ S19), R37 (≠ P39), L71 (≠ I76), M73 (≠ L78), N95 (= N100), F96 (= F101), G97 (= G102), R103 (= R108), M104 (≠ L109), K136 (≠ P141), V137 (≠ A142), Y138 (≠ F143), D168 (= D173), M199 (= M204)
- binding oxalate ion: G257 (vs. gap), G259 (vs. gap), Q261 (vs. gap)
2vjkA Formyl-coa transferase with aspartyl-coa thioester intermediate derived from oxalyl-coa (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 2:427/427 of 2vjkA
- active site: Q16 (≠ L18), E139 (≠ D144), D168 (= D173), G259 (vs. gap), G260 (vs. gap)
- binding coenzyme a: H14 (= H16), Q16 (≠ L18), A17 (≠ S19), R37 (≠ P39), M73 (≠ L78), K74 (= K79), N95 (= N100), F96 (= F101), G97 (= G102), R103 (= R108), M104 (≠ L109), K136 (≠ P141), V137 (≠ A142), Y138 (≠ F143), D168 (= D173), M199 (= M204)
- binding magnesium ion: D293 (≠ Q264), D296 (≠ P267)
1t4cA Formyl-coa transferase in complex with oxalyl-coa (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 2:427/427 of 1t4cA
- active site: Q16 (≠ L18), E139 (≠ D144), D168 (= D173), G259 (vs. gap), G260 (vs. gap)
- binding coenzyme a: H14 (= H16), V15 (≠ M17), Q16 (≠ L18), R37 (≠ P39), M73 (≠ L78), N95 (= N100), F96 (= F101), R103 (= R108), M104 (≠ L109), V137 (≠ A142), Y138 (≠ F143), D168 (= D173), M199 (= M204)
- binding oxalic acid: G259 (vs. gap), G260 (vs. gap)
3ubmB Formyl-coa:oxalate coa-transferase from acetobacter aceti (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 3:427/430 of 3ubmB
- active site: Q17 (≠ L18), E140 (≠ D144), D182 (= D173), G261 (vs. gap), G262 (vs. gap)
- binding coenzyme a: V16 (≠ M17), R38 (≠ P39), L72 (≠ I76), N73 (≠ D77), T74 (≠ L78), K75 (= K79), N96 (= N100), F97 (= F101), R98 (≠ G102), A101 (≠ V105), R104 (= R108), K125 (≠ T129), D182 (= D173), M213 (= M204)
1t3zA Formyl-coa tranferase mutant asp169 to ser (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:399/400 of query aligns to 2:427/427 of 1t3zA
- active site: Q16 (≠ L18), E139 (≠ D144), S168 (≠ D173), G259 (vs. gap), G260 (vs. gap)
- binding oxidized coenzyme a: H14 (= H16), V15 (≠ M17), A17 (≠ S19), R37 (≠ P39), K74 (= K79), N95 (= N100), F96 (= F101), A100 (≠ V105), R103 (= R108), M104 (≠ L109), K136 (≠ P141), V137 (≠ A142), Y138 (≠ F143), E139 (≠ D144), M199 (= M204)
P69902 Formyl-CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase; FCOCT; Formyl-coenzyme A transferase; Formyl-CoA transferase; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
32% identity, 99% coverage: 5:399/400 of query aligns to 4:416/416 of P69902
- R38 (vs. gap) binding CoA
1pt5A Crystal structure of gene yfdw of e. Coli (see paper)
32% identity, 99% coverage: 5:399/400 of query aligns to 3:415/415 of 1pt5A
- active site: Q16 (≠ L18), E139 (≠ D144), D168 (= D173), G247 (≠ V235), G248 (≠ H236)
- binding acetyl coenzyme *a: V15 (≠ M17), S17 (= S19), R37 (vs. gap), L71 (≠ I76), N72 (≠ D77), T73 (≠ L78), K74 (= K79), N95 (= N100), F96 (= F101), H97 (≠ G102), K124 (≠ T129), K136 (≠ P141), A137 (= A142), Y138 (≠ F143), E139 (≠ D144), D168 (= D173), M199 (= M204)
1q6yA Hypothetical protein yfdw from e. Coli bound to coenzyme a (see paper)
32% identity, 99% coverage: 5:399/400 of query aligns to 4:416/417 of 1q6yA