Comparing WP_084201012.1 NCBI__GCF_002869505.1:WP_084201012.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
P23893 Glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase; GSA; Glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase; GSA-AT; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
67% identity, 100% coverage: 1:426/426 of query aligns to 1:426/426 of P23893
- K265 (= K265) mutation to R: 2% of wild-type activity.
5i92F Crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1- aminomutase (gsa) from pseudomonas aeruginosa
65% identity, 100% coverage: 1:425/426 of query aligns to 1:420/420 of 5i92F
6w80A Crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase from stenotrophomonas maltophilia k279a in complex with plp
63% identity, 97% coverage: 3:416/426 of query aligns to 10:419/430 of 6w80A
- active site: V26 (= V19), Y149 (= Y142), D241 (= D237), K269 (= K265)
- binding pyridoxal-5'-phosphate: S121 (= S114), G122 (= G115), T123 (= T116), Y149 (= Y142), H150 (= H143), E208 (= E204), N213 (= N209), D241 (= D237), V243 (= V239), K269 (= K265)
3bs8A Crystal structure of glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate from bacillus subtilis (see paper)
55% identity, 100% coverage: 3:426/426 of query aligns to 6:427/430 of 3bs8A
- active site: V22 (= V19), Y145 (= Y142), E207 (= E204), D240 (= D237), M243 (= M240), K268 (= K265), G401 (≠ A400)
- binding 4'-deoxy-4'-aminopyridoxal-5'-phosphate: G118 (= G115), T119 (= T116), Y145 (= Y142), H146 (= H143), E207 (= E204), N212 (= N209), D240 (= D237), V242 (= V239), K268 (= K265)
3k28A Crystal structure of a glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase from bacillus anthracis with bound pyridoxal 5'phosphate
56% identity, 96% coverage: 3:411/426 of query aligns to 6:407/423 of 3k28A
- active site: V22 (= V19), Y145 (= Y142), E202 (= E204), D235 (= D237), M238 (= M240), K263 (= K265), G396 (≠ A400)
- binding calcium ion: I103 (≠ C100), V106 (≠ M103), P107 (= P104), I109 (≠ M106)
- binding pyridoxal-5'-phosphate: G118 (= G115), T119 (= T116), Y145 (= Y142), H146 (= H143), G147 (= G144), E202 (= E204), D235 (= D237), V237 (= V239), M238 (= M240), K263 (= K265)
2e7uA Crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase from thermus thermophilus hb8
54% identity, 99% coverage: 4:423/426 of query aligns to 6:424/424 of 2e7uA
- active site: V21 (= V19), Y144 (= Y142), E206 (= E204), D238 (= D237), M241 (= M240), K266 (= K265), A401 (= A400)
- binding 4'-deoxy-4'-aminopyridoxal-5'-phosphate: G117 (= G115), T118 (= T116), Y144 (= Y142), H145 (= H143), N211 (= N209), D238 (= D237), V240 (= V239)
2gsaB Crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminomutase (aminotransferase, wild-type form) (see paper)
54% identity, 100% coverage: 3:426/426 of query aligns to 5:427/427 of 2gsaB
- active site: V21 (= V19), Y144 (= Y142), E206 (= E204), D239 (= D237), M242 (= M240), K267 (= K265), A401 (= A400)
- binding pyridoxal-5'-phosphate: G117 (= G115), T118 (= T116), Y144 (= Y142), E206 (= E204), N211 (= N209), D239 (= D237), V241 (= V239), M242 (= M240), K267 (= K265)
2gsaA Crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminomutase (aminotransferase, wild-type form) (see paper)
54% identity, 100% coverage: 3:426/426 of query aligns to 5:427/427 of 2gsaA
- active site: V21 (= V19), Y144 (= Y142), E206 (= E204), D239 (= D237), M242 (= M240), K267 (= K265), A401 (= A400)
- binding 4'-deoxy-4'-aminopyridoxal-5'-phosphate: G117 (= G115), T118 (= T116), Y144 (= Y142), H145 (= H143), G146 (= G144), N211 (= N209), D239 (= D237), V241 (= V239), K267 (= K265)
3usfA Crystal structure of dava-4
54% identity, 100% coverage: 3:426/426 of query aligns to 5:427/427 of 3usfA
- active site: V21 (= V19), Y144 (= Y142), D239 (= D237), M242 (= M240), K267 (= K265), A401 (= A400)
- binding (4s)-4,5-diaminopentanoic acid: S23 (= S21), V25 (= V23), S157 (= S155), K267 (= K265), E400 (= E399)
- binding (5-hydroxy-4,6-dimethylpyridin-3-yl)methyl dihydrogen phosphate: G117 (= G115), T118 (= T116), Y144 (= Y142), N211 (= N209), D239 (= D237), V241 (= V239), K267 (= K265)
3fq7A Gabaculine complex of gsam (see paper)
54% identity, 100% coverage: 3:426/426 of query aligns to 5:427/427 of 3fq7A
- active site: V21 (= V19), Y144 (= Y142), D239 (= D237), M242 (= M240), K267 (= K265), A401 (= A400)
- binding 3-[o-phosphonopyridoxyl]--amino-benzoic acid: S23 (= S21), V25 (= V23), W61 (= W59), G117 (= G115), T118 (= T116), Y144 (= Y142), H145 (= H143), E206 (= E204), N211 (= N209), D239 (= D237), V241 (= V239), M242 (= M240), K267 (= K265), G298 (= G296), T299 (= T297), E400 (= E399)
2hp2A Inter-subunit signaling in gsam (see paper)
54% identity, 100% coverage: 3:426/426 of query aligns to 5:427/427 of 2hp2A