Comparing WP_085640383.1 NCBI__GCF_002115805.1:WP_085640383.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
9dl6A Bifunctional protein PutA (see paper)
49% identity, 96% coverage: 39:1137/1140 of query aligns to 48:1216/1218 of 9dl6A
- binding (3S)-piperidine-3-carboxylic acid: E659 (= E633), F693 (= F662), R828 (= R794), C829 (= C795), S830 (= S796), G987 (= G950), A988 (= A951)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: D291 (= D283), A292 (= A284), V323 (= V315), R352 (= R344), V354 (= V346), K355 (= K347), G356 (= G348), A357 (= A349), W359 (= W351), F377 (= F369), T378 (= T370), R379 (≠ A371), K380 (= K372), T383 (= T375), A406 (= A398), T407 (= T399), H408 (= H400), N409 (= N401), Q432 (= Q421), C433 (≠ R422), Y458 (= Y445), E477 (= E464), S483 (= S470), F484 (= F471)
- binding (3R)-piperidine-3-carboxylic acid: E659 (= E633), F693 (= F662), I697 (= I666), R828 (= R794), C829 (= C795), S830 (= S796), G987 (= G950), A988 (= A951), F995 (= F958)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I688 (= I657), S689 (= S658), P690 (= P659), W691 (= W660), N692 (= N661), I697 (= I666), K715 (= K684), A717 (= A686), E718 (= E687), G748 (= G717), G751 (= G720), A752 (= A721), T766 (= T735), G767 (= G736), S768 (= S737), V771 (≠ T740), I775 (= I744), E795 (= E761), T796 (= T762), C829 (= C795), E925 (= E888), F927 (= F890), F995 (= F958)
6x9dA Structure of proline utilization a with trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline bound in the l-glutamate-gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase active site (see paper)
49% identity, 96% coverage: 39:1137/1140 of query aligns to 48:1216/1218 of 6x9dA
- active site: N692 (= N661), K715 (= K684), E795 (= E761), C829 (= C795), E925 (= E888), A1007 (= A970)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: D291 (= D283), A292 (= A284), V323 (= V315), Q325 (= Q317), R352 (= R344), V354 (= V346), K355 (= K347), G356 (= G348), A357 (= A349), Y358 (= Y350), W359 (= W351), F377 (= F369), T378 (= T370), R379 (≠ A371), K380 (= K372), T383 (= T375), A406 (= A398), T407 (= T399), H408 (= H400), N409 (= N401), Q432 (= Q421), C433 (≠ R422), E477 (= E464), S483 (= S470), F484 (= F471)
- binding 4-hydroxyproline: E659 (= E633), F693 (= F662), I697 (= I666), R828 (= R794), S830 (= S796), G987 (= G950), A988 (= A951), F995 (= F958)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I688 (= I657), S689 (= S658), P690 (= P659), W691 (= W660), N692 (= N661), I697 (= I666), K715 (= K684), A717 (= A686), E718 (= E687), G748 (= G717), G751 (= G720), A752 (= A721), T766 (= T735), G767 (= G736), S768 (= S737), V771 (≠ T740), E795 (= E761), T796 (= T762), C829 (= C795), E925 (= E888), F927 (= F890), F995 (= F958)
6x9aA Structure of proline utilization a with trans-4-hydroxy-d-proline bound in the l-glutamate-gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase active site (see paper)
49% identity, 96% coverage: 39:1137/1140 of query aligns to 48:1212/1214 of 6x9aA
- active site: N688 (= N661), K711 (= K684), E791 (= E761), C825 (= C795), E921 (= E888), A1003 (= A970)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: D287 (= D283), A288 (= A284), V319 (= V315), R348 (= R344), V350 (= V346), K351 (= K347), G352 (= G348), A353 (= A349), Y354 (= Y350), W355 (= W351), F373 (= F369), T374 (= T370), R375 (≠ A371), K376 (= K372), T379 (= T375), A402 (= A398), T403 (= T399), H404 (= H400), N405 (= N401), C429 (≠ R422), E473 (= E464), S479 (= S470), F480 (= F471)
- binding (4S)-4-hydroxy-D-proline: W555 (= W538), T556 (= T539), E655 (= E633), F689 (= F662), R725 (≠ Q698), S826 (= S796), G983 (= G950), A984 (= A951), F991 (= F958)
7mycA Structure of proline utilization a with the fad covalently modified by tetrahydrothiophene (see paper)
49% identity, 96% coverage: 39:1137/1140 of query aligns to 48:1215/1216 of 7mycA