Comparing WP_085770386.1 NCBI__GCF_002117405.1:WP_085770386.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
5oqtA Crystal structure of a bacterial cationic amino acid transporter (cat) homologue (see paper)
46% identity, 94% coverage: 6:462/488 of query aligns to 1:455/456 of 5oqtA
- binding alanine: I38 (≠ L42), G40 (= G44), T41 (≠ V45), G42 (= G46), F226 (= F233), A227 (= A234), I229 (≠ F236)
- binding : E24 (≠ A28), G26 (= G30), F28 (≠ W32), D29 (≠ Q33), M32 (≠ G36), A176 (= A183), R177 (= R184), A184 (≠ L191), A188 (= A195), L192 (≠ V199), Q294 (≠ M301), V297 (≠ A304)
6f34A Crystal structure of a bacterial cationic amino acid transporter (cat) homologue bound to arginine. (see paper)
46% identity, 94% coverage: 4:462/488 of query aligns to 1:457/458 of 6f34A
- binding arginine: I40 (≠ L42), G42 (= G44), T43 (≠ V45), G44 (= G46), E115 (= E117), Y116 (= Y118), A119 (≠ V121), F228 (= F233), A229 (= A234), I231 (≠ F236), V314 (= V319)
- binding cholesterol: W201 (≠ P206), Y202 (≠ H207)
- binding : G28 (= G30), F30 (≠ W32), D31 (≠ Q33), M34 (≠ G36), A178 (= A183), R179 (= R184), A186 (≠ L191), I187 (≠ L192), A190 (= A195), L194 (≠ V199), Q296 (≠ M301), V299 (≠ A304)
P30825 High affinity cationic amino acid transporter 1; CAT-1; CAT1; Ecotropic retroviral leukemia receptor homolog; Ecotropic retrovirus receptor homolog; Solute carrier family 7 member 1; System Y+ basic amino acid transporter from Homo sapiens (Human) (see paper)
31% identity, 83% coverage: 5:408/488 of query aligns to 12:438/629 of P30825
- N226 (vs. gap) modified: carbohydrate, N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine
P76037 Putrescine importer PuuP from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
28% identity, 82% coverage: 22:422/488 of query aligns to 15:408/461 of P76037
- Y110 (= Y118) mutation to X: The uptake activity is reduced to one-eighth of that of wild-type.
Q7YQK4 Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1; 4F2 light chain; 4F2 LC; 4F2LC; L-type amino acid transporter 1; LAT1; Solute carrier family 7 member 5 from Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) (see 2 papers)
27% identity, 90% coverage: 16:454/488 of query aligns to 32:470/503 of Q7YQK4
- C88 (≠ A70) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2). Decreased KM and Vmax for Phe. Similar affect on KM and Vmax for Phe; when associated with S-183.
- C98 (= C80) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2). Slightly decreased KM and Vmax for Phe. Slightly less decreased KM and Vmax for Phe; when associated with S-183.
- C160 (≠ A143) mutation to S: No change to KM or Vmax for Phe.
- C172 (≠ T154) mutation to S: No change to KM or Vmax for Phe.
- C174 (≠ D156) mutation to S: No change to KM or Vmax for Phe.
- C183 (≠ L162) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2). Slightly decreased KM and Vmax for Phe. Similar affect on KM and Vmax for Phe; when associated with S-88. Slightly less decreased KM and Vmax for Phe; when associated with S-98.
- G219 (≠ I198) mutation to D: Decreased KM and Vmax for Trp. Increased KM and Vmax for Phe; when associated with L-234.
- W234 (= W213) mutation to L: Decreased KM and Vmax for Trp. Increased KM but decreased Vmax for Phe. Increased KM and Vmax for Phe; when associated with D-219.
- C331 (≠ I316) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2). Increased KM and Vmax for Phe.
- C377 (≠ G363) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2).
- C403 (≠ V391) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2).
- C439 (≠ S426) mutation to S: Prevents insertion into the plasma membrane and possibly protein folding.
- C454 (≠ A437) mutation to S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2). Slightly increased KM but slightly decreased Vmax for Phe.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 492 C→S: No significant effect on inhibition by HgCl(2). Slightly decreased KM and Vmax for Phe.
Q01650 Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1; 4F2 light chain; 4F2 LC; 4F2LC; CD98 light chain; Integral membrane protein E16; E16; L-type amino acid transporter 1; hLAT1; Solute carrier family 7 member 5; y+ system cationic amino acid transporter from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 3 papers)
27% identity, 89% coverage: 21:454/488 of query aligns to 42:474/507 of Q01650
- Y117 (= Y95) mutation to A: Strongly decreased leucine transport activity.
- C164 (≠ A143) modified: Interchain (with C-210 in SLC3A2)
- D223 (≠ A204) to V: in dbSNP:rs17853937
- N230 (≠ A211) to K: in dbSNP:rs1060250
- A246 (≠ G227) mutation to V: Nearly abolishes leucine transport activity.
- F252 (= F233) mutation to A: Nearly abolishes leucine transport activity.
- W257 (≠ Y238) mutation to A: Nearly abolishes leucine transport activity.
- N258 (≠ D239) mutation to A: Decreased leucine transport activity.; mutation to D: Nearly abolishes leucine transport activity.
- Y259 (≠ T240) mutation to A: Strongly decreased leucine transport activity.
- E303 (≠ D284) mutation to K: Decreased leucine transport activity.
- P375 (= P357) mutation to L: Nearly abolishes leucine transport activity.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 483:507 mutation Missing: Nearly abolishes leucine transport activity.
8xpuB Overall structure of the lat1-4f2hc bound with jph203 (see paper)
27% identity, 88% coverage: 24:454/488 of query aligns to 2:431/464 of 8xpuB
- binding Nanvuranlat: I20 (≠ L42), G22 (= G44), G24 (= G46), S101 (≠ V121), I104 (≠ V124), V105 (= V125), F209 (= F233), A210 (= A234), Y211 (≠ V235), G212 (≠ F236), Y216 (≠ T240), I354 (≠ V381), N361 (≠ A388)
8x0wB Overall structure of the lat1-4f2hc bound with leu
27% identity, 88% coverage: 24:454/488 of query aligns to 2:431/464 of 8x0wB
8j8mB Overall structure of the lat1-4f2hc bound with tryptophan
27% identity, 88% coverage: 24:454/488 of query aligns to 2:431/463 of 8j8mB
8j8lB Overall structure of the lat1-4f2hc bound with l-dopa
27% identity, 88% coverage: 24:454/488 of query aligns to 2:431/463 of 8j8lB
8idaB Overall structure of the lat1-4f2hc bound with tyrosine
27% identity, 88% coverage: 24:454/488 of query aligns to 2:431/464 of 8idaB