Comparing WP_090663596.1 NCBI__GCF_900101615.1:WP_090663596.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
6ixmC Crystal structure of the ketone reductase chkred20 from the genome of chryseobacterium sp. Ca49 complexed with NAD (see paper)
34% identity, 68% coverage: 117:366/366 of query aligns to 1:248/248 of 6ixmC
- active site: G16 (= G132), S142 (= S259), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G128), S15 (≠ T131), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), D36 (≠ E152), I37 (= I153), A61 (≠ T177), D62 (= D178), T63 (≠ V179), N89 (= N205), A90 (= A206), M140 (= M257), S142 (= S259), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276), P185 (= P302), A186 (≠ T303), Y187 (≠ V304), I188 (≠ T305), L192 (≠ R309)
8y83A Crystal structure of a ketoreductase from sphingobacterium siyangense sy1 with co-enzyme
35% identity, 68% coverage: 119:366/366 of query aligns to 4:249/249 of 8y83A
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G13 (= G128), S16 (≠ T131), G17 (= G132), I18 (= I133), D37 (≠ E152), I38 (= I153), A62 (≠ T177), D63 (= D178), S64 (≠ V179), N90 (= N205), M141 (= M257), Y156 (= Y272), K160 (= K276), P186 (= P302), G187 (≠ T303), Y188 (≠ V304), I189 (≠ T305), L193 (≠ R309)
8cxaA Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase from mycobacterium smegmatis with bound NAD
38% identity, 67% coverage: 118:363/366 of query aligns to 2:248/251 of 8cxaA
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G128), Q15 (≠ T131), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), D36 (≠ E152), V63 (= V179), N89 (= N205), A91 (≠ S211), S94 (≠ A214), I142 (≠ M257), S143 (≠ A258), S144 (= S259), Y157 (= Y272), K161 (= K276), P187 (= P302), H188 (≠ T303), I190 (≠ T305), I194 (≠ R309)
7krmC Putative fabg bound to nadh from acinetobacter baumannii
37% identity, 67% coverage: 119:364/366 of query aligns to 3:242/244 of 7krmC
- active site: G18 (= G132), S140 (= S259), Y155 (= Y272)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G128), S15 (≠ T131), G18 (= G132), I19 (= I133), D38 (≠ E152), L39 (≠ I153), A60 (≠ T177), N61 (≠ D178), V62 (= V179), N88 (= N205), V111 (≠ L230), S140 (= S259), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276), I188 (≠ T305), T190 (= T307)
7v0hG Crystal structure of putative glucose 1-dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia in complex with NADP and a potential reaction product
38% identity, 67% coverage: 118:363/366 of query aligns to 8:252/253 of 7v0hG
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G18 (= G128), S20 (≠ G130), K21 (≠ T131), G22 (= G132), I23 (= I133), A43 (≠ I153), S44 (≠ D154), S45 (≠ A155), G68 (≠ T177), D69 (= D178), V70 (= V179), N96 (= N205), S97 (≠ A206), G98 (= G207), Y100 (≠ S211), I144 (≠ M257), S146 (= S259), Y159 (= Y272), K163 (= K276), P189 (= P302), G190 (≠ T303), M191 (≠ V304), I192 (≠ T305), T194 (= T307), G196 (≠ R309), T197 (≠ V310)
- binding (2R)-2-(hydroxymethyl)pentanedioic acid: S146 (= S259), Y159 (= Y272), M191 (≠ V304), I202 (≠ L313)
4urfB Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4- hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from aromatoleum aromaticum ebn1 (see paper)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 119:364/366 of query aligns to 3:246/248 of 4urfB
- active site: G16 (= G132), S142 (= S259), I152 (≠ R269), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276)
- binding 3-pyridinium-1-ylpropane-1-sulfonate: L210 (= L328), R211 (≠ L329), R212 (≠ G330)
- binding bicarbonate ion: I92 (vs. gap), G94 (= G208), R109 (= R226), R179 (= R296), S228 (= S346)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G128), G14 (= G130), N15 (≠ T131), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), D36 (≠ E152), I37 (= I153), D62 (= D178), T63 (≠ V179), N89 (= N205), A90 (= A206), G91 (= G207), I140 (≠ M257), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276), P185 (= P302), A186 (≠ T303), I188 (≠ T305), T190 (= T307)
4urfA Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4- hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from aromatoleum aromaticum ebn1 (see paper)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 119:364/366 of query aligns to 3:246/248 of 4urfA
- active site: G16 (= G132), S142 (= S259), I152 (≠ R269), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276)
- binding 3-pyridinium-1-ylpropane-1-sulfonate: I92 (vs. gap), S93 (vs. gap), G94 (= G208), E95 (≠ S209), T97 (≠ S211), E101 (≠ D215), T103 (= T217), Q106 (≠ E223), R109 (= R226), S175 (≠ P292), G177 (≠ R294)
- binding magnesium ion: S237 (≠ V355), Y238 (≠ I356)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G128), G14 (= G130), N15 (≠ T131), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), D36 (≠ E152), I37 (= I153), W41 (≠ S157), D62 (= D178), T63 (≠ V179), N89 (= N205), A90 (= A206), G91 (= G207), I140 (≠ M257), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276), P185 (= P302), I188 (≠ T305), T190 (= T307)
4ureB Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4- hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from aromatoleum aromaticum ebn1 (see paper)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 119:364/366 of query aligns to 3:246/248 of 4ureB
- active site: G16 (= G132), S142 (= S259), I152 (≠ R269), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276)
- binding 3-pyridinium-1-ylpropane-1-sulfonate: N15 (≠ T131), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), N89 (= N205), G91 (= G207), Y155 (= Y272), P185 (= P302), A186 (≠ T303)
4nbuB Crystal structure of fabg from bacillus sp (see paper)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 118:364/366 of query aligns to 4:243/244 of 4nbuB
- active site: G18 (= G132), N111 (≠ D231), S139 (= S259), Q149 (≠ R269), Y152 (= Y272), K156 (= K276)
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: D93 (= D213), K98 (≠ Q218), S139 (= S259), N146 (≠ F266), V147 (≠ P267), Q149 (≠ R269), Y152 (= Y272), F184 (≠ V304), M189 (≠ R309), K200 (≠ A322)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G14 (= G128), N17 (≠ T131), G18 (= G132), I19 (= I133), D38 (≠ E152), F39 (≠ I153), V59 (≠ T177), D60 (= D178), V61 (= V179), N87 (= N205), A88 (= A206), G89 (= G207), I90 (≠ T210), T137 (≠ M257), S139 (= S259), Y152 (= Y272), K156 (= K276), P182 (= P302), F184 (≠ V304), T185 (= T305), T187 (= T307), M189 (≠ R309)
4wecA Crystal structure of a short chain dehydrogenase from mycobacterium smegmatis
36% identity, 67% coverage: 118:363/366 of query aligns to 7:250/258 of 4wecA
- active site: G21 (= G132), S143 (= S259), Q154 (≠ R269), Y157 (= Y272), K161 (= K276)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G17 (= G128), A19 (≠ G130), S20 (≠ T131), G21 (= G132), I22 (= I133), D41 (≠ E152), I42 (= I153), V61 (≠ T177), D62 (= D178), V63 (= V179), N89 (= N205), T141 (≠ M257), Y157 (= Y272), K161 (= K276), P187 (= P302), P189 (≠ V304), V190 (≠ T305)
4jroC Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein]reductase (fabg) from listeria monocytogenes in complex with NADP+
37% identity, 67% coverage: 119:364/366 of query aligns to 3:246/247 of 4jroC
- active site: G16 (= G132), S142 (= S259), Q152 (≠ R269), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G12 (= G128), S14 (≠ G130), R15 (≠ T131), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), N35 (≠ A151), Y36 (≠ E152), N37 (≠ I153), G38 (≠ D154), S39 (≠ A155), N63 (≠ D178), V64 (= V179), N90 (= N205), A91 (= A206), I93 (≠ T210), I113 (≠ L230), S142 (= S259), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276), P185 (= P302), I188 (≠ T305), T190 (= T307)
1ahhA 7 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+ (see paper)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 118:362/366 of query aligns to 8:249/253 of 1ahhA
- active site: G22 (= G132), S146 (= S259), M156 (≠ R269), Y159 (= Y272), K163 (= K276)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G18 (= G128), A21 (≠ T131), D42 (≠ E152), I43 (= I153), C67 (≠ T177), D68 (= D178), I69 (≠ V179), N95 (= N205), G97 (= G207), T145 (≠ A258), Y159 (= Y272), K163 (= K276), P189 (= P302), G190 (≠ T303), I192 (≠ T305)
1ahiA 7 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase complexed with nadh and 7-oxo glycochenodeoxycholic acid (see paper)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 118:362/366 of query aligns to 8:249/255 of 1ahiA
- active site: G22 (= G132), S146 (= S259), M156 (≠ R269), Y159 (= Y272), K163 (= K276)
- binding glycochenodeoxycholic acid: S146 (= S259), A148 (≠ V261), N151 (≠ M264), Y159 (= Y272), A196 (≠ R309), V200 (≠ L313)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G18 (= G128), A21 (≠ T131), G22 (= G132), I23 (= I133), D42 (≠ E152), I43 (= I153), D68 (= D178), I69 (≠ V179), N95 (= N205), Y159 (= Y272), K163 (= K276), P189 (= P302), G190 (≠ T303), I192 (≠ T305), T194 (= T307), A196 (≠ R309)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P0AET8 7alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 7alpha-HSDH; NAD-dependent 7alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 2 papers)
35% identity, 67% coverage: 118:362/366 of query aligns to 8:249/255 of P0AET8
- I23 (= I133) binding NAD(+)
- DI 42:43 (≠ EI 152:153) binding NAD(+)
- DI 68:69 (≠ DV 178:179) binding NAD(+)
- N95 (= N205) binding NAD(+)
- G99 (≠ S209) binding glycochenodeoxycholate
- S146 (= S259) binding glycochenodeoxycholate; mutation S->A,H: Reduction of the catalytic efficiency by over 65%. No effect on the affinity for cholate and NAD.
- N151 (≠ M264) binding glycochenodeoxycholate
- Y159 (= Y272) binding glycochenodeoxycholate; binding NAD(+); mutation to F: Loss of activity.; mutation to H: Reduction of the catalytic efficiency by 87.7%. No effect on the affinity for cholate and NAD.
- K163 (= K276) binding NAD(+); mutation to I: Reduction of the catalytic efficiency by 95%. No effect on the affinity for cholate and NAD.; mutation to R: Reduction of the catalytic efficiency by 35%. No effect on the affinity for cholate and NAD.
- ILT 192:194 (≠ TLT 305:307) binding NAD(+)
7djsD Crystal structure of isopiperitenol dehydrogenase from pseudomonas aeruginosa complexed with NAD
38% identity, 68% coverage: 119:366/366 of query aligns to 3:251/251 of 7djsD
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G128), G16 (= G132), I17 (= I133), D36 (≠ E152), L37 (≠ I153), C61 (≠ T177), D62 (= D178), V63 (= V179), N89 (= N205), A90 (= A206), T140 (≠ M257), S142 (= S259), Y155 (= Y272), K159 (= K276), A186 (≠ T303), V187 (= V304)
6zzqA Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with NAD+ and acetoacetate (see paper)
34% identity, 67% coverage: 119:362/366 of query aligns to 4:256/260 of 6zzqA