Comparing WP_092482462.1 NCBI__GCF_900115975.1:WP_092482462.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
4zv1A An ancestral arginine-binding protein bound to arginine (see paper)
46% identity, 79% coverage: 51:275/285 of query aligns to 3:225/226 of 4zv1A
4zv2A An ancestral arginine-binding protein bound to glutamine (see paper)
45% identity, 79% coverage: 51:275/285 of query aligns to 3:223/225 of 4zv2A
6svfA Crystal structure of the p235gk mutant of argbp from t. Maritima (see paper)
41% identity, 80% coverage: 48:275/285 of query aligns to 6:227/229 of 6svfA
5t0wA Crystal structure of the ancestral amino acid-binding protein anccdt- 1, a precursor of cyclohexadienyl dehydratase
37% identity, 82% coverage: 43:275/285 of query aligns to 1:228/229 of 5t0wA
3vvfA Crystal structure of ttc0807 complexed with arginine (see paper)
34% identity, 84% coverage: 44:283/285 of query aligns to 9:241/241 of 3vvfA
3vveA Crystal structure of ttc0807 complexed with lysine (see paper)
34% identity, 84% coverage: 44:283/285 of query aligns to 9:241/241 of 3vveA
3vvdA Crystal structure of ttc0807 complexed with ornithine (see paper)
34% identity, 84% coverage: 44:283/285 of query aligns to 9:241/241 of 3vvdA
3vv5A Crystal structure of ttc0807 complexed with (s)-2-aminoethyl-l- cysteine (aec) (see paper)
34% identity, 84% coverage: 44:283/285 of query aligns to 5:237/237 of 3vv5A
4ohnA Crystal structure of an abc uptake transporter substrate binding protein from streptococcus pneumoniae with bound histidine
34% identity, 84% coverage: 45:283/285 of query aligns to 6:246/246 of 4ohnA
4ymxA Crystal structure of the substrate binding protein of an amino acid abc transporter (see paper)
35% identity, 79% coverage: 52:275/285 of query aligns to 1:222/224 of 4ymxA
6detA The crystal structure of tv2483 bound to l-arginine (see paper)
30% identity, 85% coverage: 41:281/285 of query aligns to 2:237/243 of 6detA
3k4uE Crystal structure of putative binding component of abc transporter from wolinella succinogenes dsm 1740 complexed with lysine
30% identity, 79% coverage: 51:275/285 of query aligns to 3:226/234 of 3k4uE
9e2bC Structure of a solute binding protein from desulfonauticus sp. Bound to l-tryptophan
30% identity, 84% coverage: 41:279/285 of query aligns to 16:252/258 of 9e2bC
1wdnA Glutamine-binding protein (see paper)
32% identity, 78% coverage: 54:275/285 of query aligns to 2:218/223 of 1wdnA
8vi8A Engineered glutamine binding protein and a cobaloxime ligand - no gln bound (see paper)
31% identity, 78% coverage: 54:275/285 of query aligns to 8:224/227 of 8vi8A
2q2cA Crystal structures of the arginine-, lysine-, histidine-binding protein artj from the thermophilic bacterium geobacillus stearothermophilus (see paper)
32% identity, 78% coverage: 54:275/285 of query aligns to 3:220/231 of 2q2cA
2q2aA Crystal structures of the arginine-, lysine-, histidine-binding protein artj from the thermophilic bacterium geobacillus stearothermophilus (see paper)
32% identity, 78% coverage: 54:275/285 of query aligns to 13:230/241 of 2q2aA
2pvuA Crystal structures of the arginine-, lysine-, histidine-binding protein artj from the thermophilic bacterium geobacillus stearothermophilus (see paper)
32% identity, 78% coverage: 54:275/285 of query aligns to 7:224/235 of 2pvuA
5owfA Structure of a lao-binding protein mutant with glutamine (see paper)
32% identity, 78% coverage: 56:276/285 of query aligns to 5:229/235 of 5owfA