Comparing WP_092484923.1 NCBI__GCF_900115975.1:WP_092484923.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 13 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
2x06A Sulfolactate dehydrogenase from methanocaldococcus jannaschii (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 10:341/343 of query aligns to 9:335/344 of 2x06A
- active site: H44 (= H45)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: F41 (≠ I42), H44 (= H45), H116 (= H117), F117 (= F118), G118 (= G119), I119 (≠ M120), A120 (≠ V121), T156 (= T157), P158 (= P159), D173 (= D175), M174 (≠ F176), A175 (= A177), L301 (= L306), I306 (≠ L311), E307 (= E312)
1v9nA Structure of malate dehydrogenase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
35% identity, 99% coverage: 5:343/343 of query aligns to 15:338/348 of 1v9nA
- active site: H55 (= H45)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: H55 (= H45), H127 (= H117), G129 (= G119), I130 (≠ M120), A131 (≠ V121), T167 (= T157), P169 (= P159), L183 (≠ I174), D184 (= D175), M185 (≠ F176), A186 (= A177), P191 (≠ A182), W308 (≠ L306), H310 (≠ P308), G311 (= G309), K313 (≠ L311), G314 (≠ E312)
Sites not aligning to the query:
1vbiA Crystal structure of type 2 malate/lactate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
37% identity, 95% coverage: 16:340/343 of query aligns to 15:335/340 of 1vbiA
- active site: H44 (= H45)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: H44 (= H45), H115 (= H117), G117 (= G119), A119 (≠ V121), T155 (= T157), P157 (= P159), A171 (≠ I174), D172 (= D175), L173 (≠ F176), A174 (= A177), F301 (≠ L306), P303 (= P308), L306 (= L311), E307 (= E312)
3i0pA Crystal structure of malate dehydrogenase from entamoeba histolytica
33% identity, 92% coverage: 9:323/343 of query aligns to 10:337/361 of 3i0pA
- active site: H46 (= H45)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: M43 (≠ I42), H46 (= H45), H119 (= H117), I122 (≠ M120), A123 (≠ V121), T159 (= T157), P161 (= P159), F176 (≠ I174), D177 (= D175), G178 (≠ F176), A179 (= A177), P184 (≠ A182), R187 (≠ K185), Y320 (≠ L306), A322 (≠ P308), G323 (= G309), K325 (≠ L311), E326 (= E312)
P77555 Ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)); EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
32% identity, 95% coverage: 9:334/343 of query aligns to 8:331/349 of P77555
- S43 (= S44) mutation to A: 4- and 10-fold decrease of the affinity for NAD and (S)-ureidoglycolate, respectively. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
- H44 (= H45) mutation to A: 16-fold decrease of the affinity for (S)-ureidoglycolate, but same affinity for NAD compared to the wild-type. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
- R48 (≠ Y49) mutation to A: Loss of dehydrogenase activity.
- Y52 (= Y53) mutation to F: 2- and 16-fold decrease of the affinity for NAD and (S)-ureidoglycolate, respectively. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
- H116 (= H117) mutation to A: Loss of dehydrogenase activity.
- S140 (≠ A141) mutation to A: 2- and 12-fold decrease of the affinity for NAD and (S)-ureidoglycolate, respectively. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
- D141 (≠ P142) mutation to A: 5-fold decrease of the affinity for (S)-ureidoglycolate, but same affinity for NAD compared to the wild-type. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.; mutation to E: 14-fold decrease of the affinity for (S)-ureidoglycolate, but same affinity for NAD compared to the wild-type. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.; mutation to N: 6-fold decrease of the affinity for (S)-ureidoglycolate, but same affinity for NAD compared to the wild-type. Strong decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
- M251 (≠ L254) mutation to A: 2- and 13-fold decrease of the affinity for NAD and (S)-ureidoglycolate, respectively. Slight decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
- R259 (≠ Q262) mutation to A: 2- and 12-fold decrease of the affinity for NAD and (S)-ureidoglycolate, respectively. Slight decrease of the catalytic efficiency.
4fjuA Crystal structure of ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase in ternary complex with nadh and glyoxylate (see paper)
32% identity, 95% coverage: 9:334/343 of query aligns to 8:331/338 of 4fjuA
- binding glyoxylic acid: R48 (≠ Y49), H116 (= H117), S140 (≠ A141), D141 (≠ P142)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: I41 (= I42), H44 (= H45), H116 (= H117), G118 (= G119), I120 (≠ V121), S140 (≠ A141), F147 (= F148), T156 (= T157), P158 (= P159), F173 (≠ I174), D174 (= D175), M175 (≠ F176), A176 (= A177), P223 (≠ V226), K224 (= K227), Y303 (≠ L306), G306 (= G309), D308 (≠ L311), Q309 (≠ E312)
1z2iA Crystal structure of agrobacterium tumefaciens malate dehydrogenase, new york structural genomics consortium
30% identity, 98% coverage: 8:342/343 of query aligns to 8:343/350 of 1z2iA
- active site: H45 (= H45)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: V42 (≠ I42), H45 (= H45), H117 (= H117), F118 (= F118), G119 (= G119), P120 (≠ M120), A121 (≠ V121), T157 (= T157), P159 (= P159), D175 (= D175), M176 (≠ F176), A177 (= A177), P182 (≠ A182), F227 (≠ V226), K228 (= K227), M307 (≠ L306), R312 (≠ L311), E313 (= E312)
P30178 Hydroxycarboxylate dehydrogenase B; 2-oxoglutarate reductase; Hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase; Phenylpyruvate reductase; EC 1.1.1.-; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12)
29% identity, 97% coverage: 4:334/343 of query aligns to 7:338/361 of P30178
2g8yA The structure of a putative malate/lactate dehydrogenase from e. Coli.
29% identity, 97% coverage: 4:334/343 of query aligns to 5:336/359 of 2g8yA
- active site: H46 (= H45)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: H43 (≠ I42), H46 (= H45), G120 (= G119), I122 (≠ V121), T160 (= T157), P162 (= P159), L176 (≠ V173), L177 (≠ I174), D178 (= D175), Y179 (≠ F176), A180 (= A177), H232 (≠ V226), Y235 (= Y229), N268 (≠ H266), G311 (= G309), E314 (= E312)
2cwhA Crystal structure of delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase from pseudomonas syringae complexed with NADPH and pyrrole-2-carboxylate (see paper)
30% identity, 92% coverage: 20:336/343 of query aligns to 20:330/332 of 2cwhA
- active site: H45 (= H45)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: H45 (= H45), A119 (≠ G119), A120 (≠ M120), L121 (≠ V121), H148 (≠ F148), T157 (= T157), P159 (= P159), F174 (≠ I174), D175 (= D175), L176 (≠ F176), A177 (= A177), H227 (≠ V226), K228 (= K227), R300 (≠ L306), G303 (= G309), R305 (≠ L311), R306 (≠ E312)
- binding pyrrole-2-carboxylate: H45 (= H45), R49 (≠ Y49), M142 (≠ P142), T157 (= T157), H183 (≠ R183), G184 (≠ T184)
Q4U331 Delta(1)-pyrroline-2-carboxylate/Delta(1)-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase; Pyr2C/Pip2C reductase; N-methyl-L-amino acid dehydrogenase; EC; EC from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (see paper)
30% identity, 94% coverage: 14:336/343 of query aligns to 19:339/343 of Q4U331
- HFAAL 126:130 (≠ HFGMV 117:121) binding in other chain
- DLA 184:186 (≠ DFA 175:177) binding in other chain
- HK 236:237 (≠ VK 226:227) binding NADP(+)
- 309:315 (vs. 306:312, 29% identical) binding in other chain
2cwfB Crystal structure of delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase from pseudomonas syringae complexed with NADPH (see paper)
30% identity, 92% coverage: 20:336/343 of query aligns to 23:333/337 of 2cwfB
- active site: H48 (= H45)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: H48 (= H45), H120 (= H117), A122 (≠ G119), A123 (≠ M120), L124 (≠ V121), T160 (= T157), P162 (= P159), F177 (≠ I174), D178 (= D175), L179 (≠ F176), A180 (= A177), H230 (≠ V226), K231 (= K227), R303 (≠ L306), G306 (= G309), R308 (≠ L311), R309 (≠ E312)
1s20G A novel NAD binding protein revealed by the crystal structure of e. Coli 2,3-diketogulonate reductase (yiak) northeast structural genomics consortium target er82 (see paper)
25% identity, 97% coverage: 9:340/343 of query aligns to 8:335/335 of 1s20G
- active site: H44 (= H45)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: H44 (= H45), H116 (= H117), W147 (≠ F148), T156 (= T157), P158 (= P159), D172 (= D175), M173 (≠ F176), S174 (≠ A177), W224 (≠ V226), K225 (= K227), R301 (≠ L306), G304 (= G309), E306 (≠ L311)
Query Sequence
>WP_092484923.1 NCBI__GCF_900115975.1:WP_092484923.1
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