Comparing WP_103233592.1 NCBI__GCF_002899945.2:WP_103233592.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
6pfkA Phosphofructokinase, inhibited t-state (see paper)
51% identity, 98% coverage: 6:328/328 of query aligns to 1:319/319 of 6pfkA
- active site: G11 (= G16), R72 (= R77), C73 (≠ S78), D103 (= D108), G104 (= G109), G124 (= G130), T125 (= T131), D127 (= D133), D129 (= D135), R171 (= R177)
- binding 2-phosphoglycolic acid: R21 (= R26), R25 (= R30), G58 (≠ K63), D59 (≠ N64), R154 (= R160), R211 (≠ T217), K213 (= K219)
P00512 ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase; ATP-PFK; Phosphofructokinase; Phosphohexokinase; EC from Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Bacillus stearothermophilus) (see 2 papers)
51% identity, 98% coverage: 6:328/328 of query aligns to 1:319/319 of P00512
- RSVVR 21:25 (≠ RAVVR 26:30) binding ADP
- D59 (≠ N64) binding ADP
- RC 72:73 (≠ RS 77:78) binding ATP
- D103 (= D108) binding Mg(2+)
- TID 125:127 (= TID 131:133) binding in other chain
- R154 (= R160) binding in other chain
- R162 (= R168) binding substrate
- MGR 169:171 (= MGR 175:177) binding in other chain
- GAE 185:187 (≠ GAL 191:193) binding in other chain
- R211 (≠ T217) binding in other chain
- KKH 213:215 (≠ KSS 219:221) binding in other chain
- E222 (= E228) binding in other chain
- R243 (= R252) binding substrate
- HVQR 249:252 (≠ HMQR 258:261) binding in other chain
1mtoA Crystal structure of a phosphofructokinase mutant from bacillus stearothermophilus bound with fructose-6-phosphate (see paper)
51% identity, 98% coverage: 6:328/328 of query aligns to 1:319/319 of 1mtoA
- active site: G11 (= G16), R72 (= R77), C73 (≠ S78), D103 (= D108), G104 (= G109), G124 (= G130), T125 (= T131), D127 (= D133), D129 (= D135), R171 (= R177)
- binding 6-O-phosphono-beta-D-fructofuranose: D127 (= D133), R162 (= R168), M169 (= M175), R171 (= R177), E222 (= E228), R243 (= R252), H249 (= H258), R252 (= R261)
4pfkA Phosphofructokinase. Structure and control (see paper)
51% identity, 98% coverage: 6:328/328 of query aligns to 1:319/319 of 4pfkA
- active site: G11 (= G16), R72 (= R77), C73 (≠ S78), D103 (= D108), G104 (= G109), G124 (= G130), T125 (= T131), D127 (= D133), D129 (= D135), R171 (= R177)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: S9 (= S14), Y41 (= Y46), R72 (= R77), C73 (≠ S78), F76 (= F81), K77 (≠ R82), G104 (= G109), G108 (= G113), R154 (= R160), G185 (= G191), R211 (≠ T217), G212 (= G218), K213 (= K219), H215 (≠ S221)
- binding 6-O-phosphono-beta-D-fructofuranose: D127 (= D133), M169 (= M175), E222 (= E228), H249 (= H258), R252 (= R261)
- binding magnesium ion: G185 (= G191), E187 (≠ L193)
3pfkA Phosphofructokinase. Structure and control (see paper)
51% identity, 98% coverage: 6:328/328 of query aligns to 1:319/319 of 3pfkA
- active site: G11 (= G16), R72 (= R77), C73 (≠ S78), D103 (= D108), G104 (= G109), G124 (= G130), T125 (= T131), D127 (= D133), D129 (= D135), R171 (= R177)
- binding phosphate ion: R154 (= R160), K213 (= K219), H249 (= H258), R252 (= R261)
4i4iA Crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus phosphofructokinase mutant t156a bound to pep (see paper)
50% identity, 98% coverage: 6:328/328 of query aligns to 1:319/319 of 4i4iA
- active site: G11 (= G16), R72 (= R77), C73 (≠ S78), D103 (= D108), G104 (= G109), G124 (= G130), T125 (= T131), D127 (= D133), D129 (= D135), R171 (= R177)
- binding phosphoenolpyruvate: R21 (= R26), R25 (= R30), G58 (≠ K63), R154 (= R160), R211 (≠ T217), K213 (= K219), H215 (≠ S221)
5xz7A Crystal structure of phosphofructokinase from staphylococcus aureus in complex with adenylylimidodiphosphate, the atp analogue (see paper)
55% identity, 93% coverage: 6:311/328 of query aligns to 1:304/322 of 5xz7A
5xz6A Crystal structure of phosphofructokinase from staphylococcus aureus in complex with adenylylimidodiphosphate, the atp analogue (see paper)
54% identity, 94% coverage: 6:313/328 of query aligns to 1:306/318 of 5xz6A
5xzaA Crystal structure of phosphofructokinase from staphylococcus aureus in complex with adp (see paper)
55% identity, 92% coverage: 6:307/328 of query aligns to 1:300/322 of 5xzaA
Q2FXM8 ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase; ATP-PFK; Phosphofructokinase; Phosphohexokinase; EC from Staphylococcus aureus (strain NCTC 8325 / PS 47) (see paper)
55% identity, 92% coverage: 6:307/328 of query aligns to 1:300/322 of Q2FXM8
- RC 72:73 (≠ RS 77:78) binding ATP
- GDGS 102:105 (≠ GDGT 107:110) binding ATP
- TID 127:129 (= TID 131:133) binding in other chain
- G150 (≠ D154) mutation to D: Exhibits higher affinity for fructose 6-phosphate and higher catalytic activity with a loss of dimer conversion; in association with A-151.
- L151 (≠ A155) mutation to A: Exhibits higher affinity for fructose 6-phosphate and higher catalytic activity with a loss of tetramer-dimer conversion; in association with D-150.
- R164 (= R168) mutation to A: Complete loss of fructose 6-phosphate binding.
- MGR 171:173 (= MGR 175:177) binding in other chain
- E224 (= E228) binding in other chain
- R245 (= R252) mutation to A: Complete loss of fructose 6-phosphate binding.
- HVQR 251:254 (≠ HMQR 258:261) binding in other chain
5xz9A Crystal structure of phosphofructokinase from staphylococcus aureus in complex with adenylylimidodiphosphate, the atp analogue (see paper)
55% identity, 92% coverage: 6:307/328 of query aligns to 1:300/321 of 5xz9A
- binding adenosine-5'-triphosphate: S9 (= S14), Y41 (= Y46), C73 (≠ S78), F76 (= F81), K77 (≠ R82), G102 (= G107), D103 (= D108), G104 (= G109), S105 (≠ T110), R107 (≠ T112), G108 (= G113)
1pfkA Crystal structure of the complex of phosphofructokinase from escherichia coli with its reaction products (see paper)
45% identity, 93% coverage: 6:310/328 of query aligns to 2:302/320 of 1pfkA
- active site: G12 (= G16), R73 (= R77), F74 (≠ S78), D104 (= D108), G105 (= G109), G125 (= G130), T126 (= T131), D128 (= D133), D130 (= D135), R172 (= R177)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: G11 (= G15), R22 (= R26), R26 (= R30), Y56 (≠ R60), S59 (≠ K63), D60 (≠ N64), R73 (= R77), F74 (≠ S78), F77 (= F81), R78 (= R82), G103 (= G107), D104 (= D108), G105 (= G109), S106 (≠ T110), M108 (≠ T112), G109 (= G113), R155 (= R160), G213 (= G218), K214 (= K219), H216 (≠ S221)
- binding 1,6-di-O-phosphono-beta-D-fructofuranose: G12 (= G16), R73 (= R77), T126 (= T131), D128 (= D133), M170 (= M175), E223 (= E230), H250 (= H258), R253 (= R261)
- binding magnesium ion: G186 (= G191), E188 (≠ L193)
P0A796 ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase isozyme 1; ATP-PFK 1; Phosphofructokinase 1; 6-phosphofructokinase isozyme I; Phosphohexokinase 1; Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate kinase; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 2 papers)
45% identity, 93% coverage: 6:310/328 of query aligns to 2:302/320 of P0A796
- G12 (= G16) binding ATP
- RGVVR 22:26 (≠ RAVVR 26:30) binding ADP
- RYSVSD 55:60 (≠ ARSVKN 59:64) binding ADP
- RF 73:74 (≠ RS 77:78) binding ATP
- GDGS 103:106 (≠ GDGT 107:110) binding ATP
- D104 (= D108) binding Mg(2+)
- TID 126:128 (= TID 131:133) binding in other chain
- D128 (= D133) active site, Proton acceptor; mutation to S: 18000-fold reduction of catalytic rate.
- R155 (= R160) binding in other chain
- R163 (= R168) binding substrate
- R172 (= R177) mutation to S: 3.4-fold reduction in turnover numbers.
- GCE 186:188 (≠ GAL 191:193) binding in other chain
- KKH 214:216 (≠ KSS 219:221) binding in other chain
- E223 (= E230) binding in other chain
- R244 (= R252) binding substrate
- HIQR 250:253 (≠ HMQR 258:261) binding in other chain
4xykA Crystal structure of human phosphofructokinase-1 in complex with adp, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr9275 (see paper)
39% identity, 95% coverage: 7:319/328 of query aligns to 9:355/737 of 4xykA