Comparing WP_106710418.1 NCBI__GCF_003010955.1:WP_106710418.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 19 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
7cdyA Crystal structure of glucose dehydrogenase
45% identity, 87% coverage: 45:376/382 of query aligns to 10:343/346 of 7cdyA
P75804 Aldose sugar dehydrogenase YliI; Asd; Soluble aldose sugar dehydrogenase YliI; EC 1.1.5.- from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
42% identity, 95% coverage: 16:377/382 of query aligns to 8:368/371 of P75804
- Q82 (= Q91) binding pyrroloquinoline quinone
- E240 (= E250) binding Ca(2+)
- Y250 (= Y260) binding Ca(2+)
- Y261 (= Y271) binding pyrroloquinoline quinone
2g8sA Crystal structure of the soluble aldose sugar dehydrogenase (asd) from escherichia coli in the apo-form (see paper)
44% identity, 90% coverage: 35:377/382 of query aligns to 2:346/348 of 2g8sA
7cgzA Glucose dehydrogenase
42% identity, 87% coverage: 45:376/382 of query aligns to 10:318/321 of 7cgzA
2ismB Crystal structure of the putative oxidoreductase (glucose dehydrogenase) (ttha0570) from thermus theromophilus hb8
36% identity, 88% coverage: 36:372/382 of query aligns to 2:319/333 of 2ismB
3a9hA Crystal structure of pqq-dependent sugar dehydrogenase holo-form (see paper)
35% identity, 87% coverage: 41:372/382 of query aligns to 9:320/338 of 3a9hA
- active site: H120 (= H157), D139 (≠ E176), R182 (= R224), T224 (= T266), K226 (= K275), G228 (= G277)
- binding calcium ion: E208 (= E250), Y218 (= Y260)
- binding alpha-D-glucopyranose: G228 (= G277), R229 (≠ K278), F232 (≠ Y291), V233 (≠ W292), D234 (= D293)
- binding pyrroloquinoline quinone: E57 (≠ Q91), H120 (= H157), N183 (= N225), Q185 (= Q227), H201 (= H243), V204 (≠ M246), T243 (vs. gap), L269 (= L321), R270 (≠ K322), R298 (= R350), R300 (= R352), R320 (≠ E372)
3a9gA Crystal structure of pqq-dependent sugar dehydrogenase apo-form (see paper)
35% identity, 87% coverage: 41:372/382 of query aligns to 9:320/338 of 3a9gA
- active site: H120 (= H157), D139 (≠ E176), R182 (= R224), T224 (= T266), K226 (= K275), G228 (= G277)
- binding calcium ion: E208 (= E250), Y218 (= Y260)
- binding alpha-D-glucopyranose: R144 (= R181), D148 (= D185), G228 (= G277), R229 (≠ K278), F232 (≠ Y291), V233 (≠ W292), D234 (= D293)
3dasA Structure of the pqq-bound form of aldose sugar dehydrogenase (adh) from streptomyces coelicolor
33% identity, 87% coverage: 40:371/382 of query aligns to 13:317/334 of 3dasA
- active site: H127 (= H157), E146 (= E176), R189 (= R224), E230 (≠ T266), K232 (= K278), G234 (≠ A281)
- binding alpha-L-arabinopyranose: K199 (≠ T235), D248 (≠ S295), R268 (≠ K322), G269 (≠ F323), E270 (= E324), K278 (≠ D332), G279 (≠ E333)
- binding calcium ion: G208 (= G244), Q209 (≠ A245), E214 (= E250), Y224 (= Y260)
- binding pyrroloquinoline quinone: E66 (≠ Q91), H127 (= H157), R189 (= R224), N190 (= N225), Q192 (= Q227), F207 (≠ H243), S251 (vs. gap), R268 (≠ K322), R296 (= R350), R298 (= R352)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P13650 Quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase B; Glucose dehydrogenase B [pyrroloquinoline-quinone]; Soluble glucose dehydrogenase; s-GDH; EC from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (see paper)
28% identity, 95% coverage: 8:369/382 of query aligns to 12:450/478 of P13650
- Q100 (= Q91) binding D-glucose
- D167 (≠ Q156) binding D-glucose
- Q192 (≠ R181) binding D-glucose
- R252 (= R224) binding D-glucose
- G271 (= G244) binding Ca(2+)
- P272 (≠ A245) binding Ca(2+)
- E277 (= E250) binding Ca(2+)
- Y287 (= Y260) binding Ca(2+)
- A293 (≠ T266) binding Ca(2+)
- Y295 (≠ G268) binding Ca(2+)
- D297 (= D270) binding Ca(2+)
- E333 (vs. gap) binding Ca(2+)
- Y367 (= Y290) binding pyrroloquinoline quinone
- T372 (≠ S295) binding pyrroloquinoline quinone
- K401 (= K322) binding pyrroloquinoline quinone
5minB Apo form of the soluble pqq-dependent glucose dehydrogenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus
28% identity, 89% coverage: 30:369/382 of query aligns to 11:426/453 of 5minB
- active site: H144 (= H157), D163 (≠ E176), R228 (= R224), A269 (≠ T266), Y271 (≠ G268), D273 (= D270), E309 (vs. gap)
- binding calcium ion: E253 (= E250), Y263 (= Y260), A269 (≠ T266), Y271 (≠ G268), D273 (= D270), E309 (vs. gap)
1cruA Soluble quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus in complex with pqq and methylhydrazine (see paper)
28% identity, 88% coverage: 30:367/382 of query aligns to 11:422/448 of 1cruA
- active site: H142 (= H157), D161 (≠ E176), R226 (= R224), A267 (≠ T266), Y269 (≠ G268), D271 (= D270), E307 (vs. gap)
- binding calcium ion: G245 (= G244), P246 (≠ A245), E251 (= E250), Y261 (= Y260), A267 (≠ T266), Y269 (≠ G268), D271 (= D270), E307 (vs. gap)
- binding methylhydrazine: Y341 (= Y290), W344 (≠ D293)
- binding pyrroloquinoline quinone: Q76 (= Q91), H142 (= H157), R226 (= R224), N227 (= N225), Q244 (≠ H243), Y341 (= Y290), T346 (≠ S295), A348 (= A297), L374 (= L321), K375 (= K322), R404 (= R350), R406 (= R352)
8re0A Quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase B (see paper)
28% identity, 88% coverage: 30:367/382 of query aligns to 11:424/452 of 8re0A
- binding 3-(3,5-dicarboxy-1~{H}-pyrrol-2-yl)pyridine-2,4,6-tricarboxylic acid: R228 (= R224), Q231 (= Q227), Q246 (≠ H243), T348 (≠ S295), L376 (= L321), K377 (= K322), R406 (= R350), R408 (= R352)
- binding calcium ion: G247 (= G244), P248 (≠ A245), E253 (= E250), Y263 (= Y260), A269 (≠ T266), Y271 (≠ G268), D273 (= D270), E309 (vs. gap)
1cq1A Soluble quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus in complex with pqqh2 and glucose (see paper)
28% identity, 89% coverage: 30:369/382 of query aligns to 11:420/444 of 1cq1A