Comparing WP_106713916.1 NCBI__GCF_003010955.1:WP_106713916.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
5itvA Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis bacc dihydroanticapsin 7- dehydrogenase in complex with nadh (see paper)
35% identity, 37% coverage: 433:691/698 of query aligns to 4:251/255 of 5itvA
- active site: G18 (= G447), S141 (= S575), Y154 (= Y588), K158 (= K592)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G14 (= G443), S17 (≠ G446), G18 (= G447), I19 (= I448), D38 (= D467), I39 (= I468), T61 (≠ L494), I63 (≠ V496), N89 (= N522), G91 (= G524), T139 (≠ V573), S141 (= S575), Y154 (= Y588), K158 (= K592), P184 (= P618), G185 (≠ D619), I186 (= I627), I187 (≠ W628)
5itvD Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis bacc dihydroanticapsin 7- dehydrogenase in complex with nadh (see paper)
34% identity, 37% coverage: 433:691/698 of query aligns to 4:223/227 of 5itvD
- active site: G18 (= G447), S141 (= S575), Y154 (= Y588), K158 (= K592)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G14 (= G443), S17 (≠ G446), G18 (= G447), I19 (= I448), D38 (= D467), I39 (= I468), T61 (≠ L494), D62 (≠ N495), I63 (≠ V496), N89 (= N522), T139 (≠ V573), S141 (= S575), Y154 (= Y588), K158 (= K592), P184 (= P618), G185 (≠ D619), I187 (≠ V621)
3rwbA Crystal structure of complex of 4pal (4-pyridoxolactone) and pldh (tetrameric pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase) from mesorhizobium loti
35% identity, 37% coverage: 434:691/698 of query aligns to 4:243/247 of 3rwbA
- active site: G17 (= G447), S140 (= S575), Y153 (= Y588), K157 (= K592)
- binding 7-hydroxy-6-methylfuro[3,4-c]pyridin-1(3H)-one: S140 (= S575), N141 (≠ K576), T142 (≠ N577), M150 (≠ A585), Y153 (= Y588), L185 (≠ A620), H196 (≠ S640)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G13 (= G443), Q16 (≠ G446), G17 (= G447), I18 (= I448), D37 (= D467), I38 (= I468), D60 (≠ N495), I61 (≠ V496), N87 (= N522), A88 (= A523), S89 (≠ G524), I138 (≠ V573), S140 (= S575), Y153 (= Y588), K157 (= K592), P183 (= P618), L185 (≠ A620), I186 (≠ V621), S188 (≠ W632), G190 (≠ E634), V191 (≠ Q635)
3ndrA Crystal structure of tetrameric pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase from mesorhizobium loti
35% identity, 37% coverage: 434:691/698 of query aligns to 4:243/247 of 3ndrA
- active site: G17 (= G447), S140 (= S575), Y153 (= Y588), K157 (= K592)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G13 (= G443), Q16 (≠ G446), G17 (= G447), I18 (= I448), D37 (= D467), I38 (= I468), D60 (≠ N495), I61 (≠ V496), N87 (= N522), A88 (= A523), S89 (≠ G524), V110 (≠ I545), I138 (≠ V573), S140 (= S575), Y153 (= Y588), K157 (= K592), P183 (= P618), L185 (≠ A620), I186 (≠ V621), S188 (≠ W632), G190 (≠ E634), V191 (≠ Q635)
2d1yA Crystal structure of tt0321 from thermus thermophilus hb8 (see paper)
35% identity, 38% coverage: 434:696/698 of query aligns to 3:240/240 of 2d1yA
- active site: G16 (= G447), S135 (= S575), N145 (≠ A585), Y148 (= Y588), K152 (= K592)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G443), R15 (≠ G446), I17 (= I448), D36 (= D467), L37 (≠ I468), R38 (≠ D469), V55 (≠ L494), D56 (≠ N495), L57 (≠ V496), N83 (= N522), A84 (= A523), A85 (≠ G524), I86 (= I525), V133 (= V573), S135 (= S575), Y148 (= Y588), K152 (= K592), P178 (= P618), G179 (≠ D619), I181 (≠ V621), T183 (≠ Q635), A185 (= A637), V186 (≠ A638)
6zzsD Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with NAD+ and 3-oxovalerate (see paper)
34% identity, 37% coverage: 432:691/698 of query aligns to 3:257/261 of 6zzsD
- active site: G18 (= G447), S143 (= S575), Y156 (= Y588)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G14 (= G443), S17 (≠ G446), I19 (= I448), D38 (= D467), M39 (≠ I468), D64 (≠ N495), V65 (= V496), N91 (= N522), A92 (= A523), G93 (= G524), M141 (≠ V573), A142 (= A574), S143 (= S575), Y156 (= Y588), K160 (= K592), P186 (= P618), G187 (≠ D619), V189 (= V621), T191 (≠ S625), L193 (≠ I627)
- binding 3-oxidanylidenepentanoic acid: Q95 (≠ A526), S143 (= S575), N145 (= N577), K153 (≠ A585), Y156 (= Y588), Q197 (≠ E631)
6zzqA Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with NAD+ and acetoacetate (see paper)
34% identity, 37% coverage: 432:691/698 of query aligns to 2:256/260 of 6zzqA
- active site: G17 (= G447), S142 (= S575), Y155 (= Y588)
- binding acetoacetic acid: Q94 (≠ A526), S142 (= S575), K152 (≠ A585), Y155 (= Y588), Q196 (≠ E631)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G13 (= G443), S16 (≠ G446), G17 (= G447), I18 (= I448), D37 (= D467), M38 (≠ I468), D63 (≠ N495), V64 (= V496), N90 (= N522), A91 (= A523), G92 (= G524), M140 (≠ V573), A141 (= A574), S142 (= S575), Y155 (= Y588), K159 (= K592), Y187 (≠ A620), V188 (= V621), T190 (≠ S625)
6vspB Structure of serratia marcescens 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase mutant q247a (see paper)
31% identity, 37% coverage: 437:695/698 of query aligns to 8:246/252 of 6vspB
6xewA Structure of serratia marcescens 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase (see paper)
31% identity, 37% coverage: 437:695/698 of query aligns to 6:244/251 of 6xewA
- active site: G16 (= G447), S138 (= S575), Y151 (= Y588)
- binding r,3-hydroxybutan-2-one: S138 (= S575), S140 (≠ N577), Y151 (= Y588)
- binding s,3-hydroxybutan-2-one: S138 (= S575), Y151 (= Y588), S182 (≠ D619)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G443), N15 (≠ G446), G16 (= G447), M17 (≠ I448), D36 (= D467), W37 (≠ I468), W37 (≠ I468), A38 (≠ D469), I59 (≠ L494), D60 (≠ N495), V61 (= V496), N87 (= N522), A88 (= A523), G89 (= G524), V110 (≠ I545), T136 (≠ V573), S138 (= S575), Y151 (= Y588), K155 (= K592), S182 (≠ D619), L183 (= L622), V184 (≠ R623), T186 (≠ S625), N187 (≠ K626), M188 (≠ I627), T189 (≠ W628)
H9XP47 Meso-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase; BDH; meso-2,3-BDH; (R,S)-butane-2,3-diol dehydrogenase; NAD(H)-dependent meso-2,3-BDH; SmBdh; EC 1.1.1.- from Serratia marcescens (see paper)
31% identity, 37% coverage: 437:695/698 of query aligns to 6:244/251 of H9XP47
- N15 (≠ G446) binding NAD(+)
- M17 (≠ I448) binding NAD(+)
- D36 (= D467) binding NAD(+)
- D60 (≠ N495) binding NAD(+)
- V61 (= V496) binding NAD(+)
- N87 (= N522) binding NAD(+)
- S138 (= S575) binding (R)-acetoin; binding (S)-acetoin
- V139 (≠ K576) mutation to Q: Retains 50% of activity with acetoin as substrate; when associated with A-247.
- S140 (≠ N577) binding (R)-acetoin
- Y151 (= Y588) binding (R)-acetoin; binding (S)-acetoin; binding NAD(+)
- K155 (= K592) binding NAD(+)
- V184 (≠ R623) binding NAD(+)
- T186 (≠ S625) binding NAD(+)
- RDK 197:199 (≠ EEH 648:650) mutation to SEAAGKPLGYGTET: Mimics longer alpha6 helix. Retains 3% of activity with acetoin as substrate.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 247 Q→A: Retains 10% of activity with acetoin as substrate. Retains 50% of activity with acetoin as substrate; when associated with Q-139.
6vspA Structure of serratia marcescens 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase mutant q247a (see paper)
31% identity, 37% coverage: 437:695/698 of query aligns to 6:244/251 of 6vspA
- active site: G16 (= G447), S138 (= S575), Y151 (= Y588)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G443), N15 (≠ G446), G16 (= G447), M17 (≠ I448), D36 (= D467), W37 (≠ I468), W37 (≠ I468), A38 (≠ D469), I59 (≠ L494), D60 (≠ N495), V61 (= V496), N87 (= N522), A88 (= A523), G89 (= G524), V90 (≠ I525), V110 (≠ I545), T136 (≠ V573), S138 (= S575), Y151 (= Y588), K155 (= K592), P181 (= P618), S182 (≠ D619), L183 (= L622), V184 (≠ R623), T186 (≠ S625), N187 (≠ K626), M188 (≠ I627), T189 (≠ W628)
1g0oC Structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with NADPH and pyroquilon (see paper)
31% identity, 38% coverage: 429:691/698 of query aligns to 20:278/281 of 1g0oC
- active site: G38 (= G447), S162 (= S575), H173 (≠ A585), Y176 (= Y588), K180 (= K592), Y221 (≠ Q635)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G34 (= G443), R37 (≠ G446), G38 (= G447), I39 (= I448), A59 (vs. gap), N60 (vs. gap), S61 (≠ D469), N85 (≠ Q493), V86 (≠ L494), N112 (= N522), S113 (≠ A523), G114 (= G524), M160 (≠ V573), Y176 (= Y588), K180 (= K592), P206 (= P618), G208 (≠ A620), I209 (≠ V621), T211 (≠ S625), M213 (≠ I627)
- binding pyroquilon: S162 (= S575), I163 (≠ K576), Y176 (= Y588), G208 (≠ A620), Y221 (≠ Q635)
1g0nA Structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with NADPH and 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-phthalide (see paper)
31% identity, 38% coverage: 429:691/698 of query aligns to 12:270/273 of 1g0nA
- active site: G30 (= G447), S154 (= S575), H165 (≠ A585), Y168 (= Y588), K172 (= K592)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G26 (= G443), R29 (≠ G446), G30 (= G447), I31 (= I448), A51 (vs. gap), N52 (vs. gap), S53 (≠ D469), V78 (≠ L494), N104 (= N522), S105 (≠ A523), G106 (= G524), I127 (= I545), M152 (≠ V573), Y168 (= Y588), K172 (= K592), P198 (= P618), G200 (≠ A620), I201 (≠ V621), T203 (≠ S625), M205 (≠ I627)
- binding 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-phthalide: S154 (= S575), Y168 (= Y588), G200 (≠ A620), M205 (≠ I627), Y206 (≠ W628), C210 (≠ W632), Y213 (≠ Q635), W233 (vs. gap)
1dohA Structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with NADPH and 4-nitro-inden-1-one (see paper)
31% identity, 38% coverage: 429:691/698 of query aligns to 12:270/273 of 1dohA
- active site: G30 (= G447), S154 (= S575), H165 (≠ A585), Y168 (= Y588), K172 (= K592), Y213 (≠ Q635)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G26 (= G443), R29 (≠ G446), G30 (= G447), I31 (= I448), A51 (vs. gap), N52 (vs. gap), S53 (≠ D469), N77 (≠ Q493), V78 (≠ L494), N104 (= N522), S105 (≠ A523), G106 (= G524), M152 (≠ V573), Y168 (= Y588), K172 (= K592), P198 (= P618), G200 (≠ A620), I201 (≠ V621), T203 (≠ S625), M205 (≠ I627)
- binding 4-nitro-inden-1-one: Y168 (= Y588), G200 (≠ A620), Y206 (≠ W628), C210 (≠ W632), Y213 (≠ Q635)
1ybvA Structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with NADPH and an active site inhibitor (see paper)
31% identity, 38% coverage: 429:691/698 of query aligns to 9:267/270 of 1ybvA
- active site: G27 (= G447), S151 (= S575), H162 (≠ A585), Y165 (= Y588), K169 (= K592), Y210 (≠ Q635)
- binding 5-methyl-1,2,4-triazolo[3,4-b]benzothiazole: S151 (= S575), Y165 (= Y588), G197 (≠ A620), M202 (