Comparing WP_110208549.1 NCBI__GCF_003194585.1:WP_110208549.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 10 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
4jz8A Carbamate kinase from giardia lamblia bound to citric acid (see paper)
41% identity, 99% coverage: 3:311/312 of query aligns to 7:316/316 of 4jz8A
4jz7C Carbamate kinase from giardia lamblia bound to amp-pnp (see paper)
41% identity, 99% coverage: 3:311/312 of query aligns to 7:316/316 of 4jz7C
1e19A Structure of the carbamate kinase-like carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus furiosus bound to adp (see paper)
41% identity, 99% coverage: 2:310/312 of query aligns to 3:313/313 of 1e19A
4olcA Carbamate kinase from giardia lamblia thiocarbamoylated by disulfiram on cys242 (see paper)
41% identity, 99% coverage: 3:311/312 of query aligns to 6:308/308 of 4olcA
P0A2X8 Carbamate kinase 1; EC from Enterococcus faecium (Streptococcus faecium) (see 2 papers)
41% identity, 95% coverage: 2:296/312 of query aligns to 4:295/310 of P0A2X8
Sites not aligning to the query:
2we5A Carbamate kinase from enterococcus faecalis bound to mgadp (see paper)
41% identity, 95% coverage: 2:296/312 of query aligns to 3:294/309 of 2we5A
2we4A Carbamate kinase from enterococcus faecalis bound to a sulfate ion and two water molecules, which mimic the substrate carbamyl phosphate (see paper)
41% identity, 95% coverage: 2:296/312 of query aligns to 3:294/309 of 2we4A
4jz7A Carbamate kinase from giardia lamblia bound to amp-pnp (see paper)
38% identity, 99% coverage: 3:311/312 of query aligns to 7:285/285 of 4jz7A
8crvA Crystal structure of the carbamate kinase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
39% identity, 99% coverage: 1:308/312 of query aligns to 3:302/312 of 8crvA
4axsA Structure of carbamate kinase from mycoplasma penetrans (see paper)
31% identity, 99% coverage: 2:309/312 of query aligns to 1:290/291 of 4axsA
>WP_110208549.1 NCBI__GCF_003194585.1:WP_110208549.1
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SitesBLAST's database includes (1) SwissProt entries with experimentally-supported functional features; and (2) protein structures with bound ligands, from the BioLip database.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory