Comparing WP_110804536.1 NCBI__GCF_003217355.1:WP_110804536.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3q0jC Crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis crotonase in complex with the inhibitor acetoacetylcoa
63% identity, 99% coverage: 1:256/258 of query aligns to 1:255/255 of 3q0jC
- active site: A65 (= A65), M70 (= M70), T80 (≠ L80), F84 (= F84), G108 (= G109), E111 (= E112), P130 (= P131), E131 (= E132), V136 (= V137), P138 (≠ A139), G139 (= G140), L224 (= L225), F234 (= F235)
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: Q23 (≠ E23), A24 (= A24), L25 (= L25), A27 (= A27), A63 (= A63), G64 (= G64), A65 (= A65), D66 (= D66), I67 (= I67), K68 (= K68), M70 (= M70), F84 (= F84), G107 (= G108), G108 (= G109), E111 (= E112), P130 (= P131), E131 (= E132), P138 (≠ A139), G139 (= G140), M140 (≠ I141)
3q0gC Crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis crotonase bound to a reaction intermediate derived from crotonyl coa
63% identity, 99% coverage: 1:256/258 of query aligns to 1:255/255 of 3q0gC
- active site: A65 (= A65), M70 (= M70), T80 (≠ L80), F84 (= F84), G108 (= G109), E111 (= E112), P130 (= P131), E131 (= E132), V136 (= V137), P138 (≠ A139), G139 (= G140), L224 (= L225), F234 (= F235)
- binding coenzyme a: L25 (= L25), A63 (= A63), I67 (= I67), K68 (= K68), Y104 (= Y105), P130 (= P131), E131 (= E132), L134 (= L135)
3h81A Crystal structure of enoyl-coa hydratase from mycobacterium tuberculosis (see paper)
62% identity, 100% coverage: 2:258/258 of query aligns to 1:256/256 of 3h81A
- active site: A64 (= A65), M69 (= M70), T79 (≠ L80), F83 (= F84), G107 (= G109), E110 (= E112), P129 (= P131), E130 (= E132), V135 (= V137), P137 (≠ A139), G138 (= G140), L223 (= L225), F233 (= F235)
- binding calcium ion: F233 (= F235), Q238 (= Q240)
3q0gD Crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis crotonase bound to a reaction intermediate derived from crotonyl coa
62% identity, 99% coverage: 2:256/258 of query aligns to 1:250/250 of 3q0gD
- active site: A64 (= A65), M69 (= M70), T75 (≠ L80), F79 (= F84), G103 (= G109), E106 (= E112), P125 (= P131), E126 (= E132), V131 (= V137), P133 (≠ A139), G134 (= G140), L219 (= L225), F229 (= F235)
- binding Butyryl Coenzyme A: F225 (= F231), F241 (= F247)
1dubA 2-enoyl-coa hydratase, data collected at 100 k, ph 6.5 (see paper)
55% identity, 99% coverage: 2:257/258 of query aligns to 2:259/260 of 1dubA
- active site: A68 (= A65), M73 (= M70), S83 (≠ L80), L87 (≠ F84), G111 (= G109), E114 (= E112), P133 (= P131), E134 (= E132), T139 (≠ V137), P141 (≠ A139), G142 (= G140), K227 (≠ L225), F237 (= F235)
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: K26 (≠ E23), A27 (= A24), L28 (= L25), A30 (= A27), A66 (= A63), A68 (= A65), D69 (= D66), I70 (= I67), Y107 (= Y105), G110 (= G108), G111 (= G109), E114 (= E112), P133 (= P131), E134 (= E132), L137 (= L135), G142 (= G140), F233 (= F231), F249 (= F247)
1ey3A Structure of enoyl-coa hydratase complexed with the substrate dac-coa (see paper)
55% identity, 99% coverage: 3:257/258 of query aligns to 1:257/258 of 1ey3A
- active site: A66 (= A65), M71 (= M70), S81 (≠ L80), L85 (≠ F84), G109 (= G109), E112 (= E112), P131 (= P131), E132 (= E132), T137 (≠ V137), P139 (≠ A139), G140 (= G140), K225 (≠ L225), F235 (= F235)
- binding 4-(n,n-dimethylamino)cinnamoyl-coa: K24 (≠ E23), L26 (= L25), A28 (= A27), A64 (= A63), G65 (= G64), A66 (= A65), D67 (= D66), I68 (= I67), L85 (≠ F84), W88 (≠ G88), G109 (= G109), P131 (= P131), L135 (= L135), G140 (= G140)
P14604 Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial; mECH; mECH1; Enoyl-CoA hydratase 1; ECHS1; Short-chain enoyl-CoA hydratase; SCEH; EC; EC from Rattus norvegicus (Rat) (see 3 papers)
55% identity, 99% coverage: 2:257/258 of query aligns to 32:289/290 of P14604
- E144 (= E112) mutation to D: Reduces activity 50-fold.; mutation to Q: Reduces activity 3300-fold.
- E164 (= E132) mutation to D: Reduces activity 1250-fold.; mutation to Q: Reduces activity 330000-fold.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1:29 modified: transit peptide, Mitochondrion
2dubA Enoyl-coa hydratase complexed with octanoyl-coa (see paper)
54% identity, 99% coverage: 2:257/258 of query aligns to 1:253/254 of 2dubA
- active site: A67 (= A65), M72 (= M70), S82 (≠ T86), G105 (= G109), E108 (= E112), P127 (= P131), E128 (= E132), T133 (≠ V137), P135 (≠ A139), G136 (= G140), K221 (≠ L225), F231 (= F235)
- binding octanoyl-coenzyme a: K25 (≠ E23), A26 (= A24), L27 (= L25), A29 (= A27), A65 (= A63), A67 (= A65), D68 (= D66), I69 (= I67), K70 (= K68), G105 (= G109), E108 (= E112), P127 (= P131), E128 (= E132), G136 (= G140), A137 (≠ I141)
1mj3A Crystal structure analysis of rat enoyl-coa hydratase in complex with hexadienoyl-coa (see paper)
54% identity, 99% coverage: 2:257/258 of query aligns to 2:257/258 of 1mj3A
- active site: A68 (= A65), M73 (= M70), S83 (≠ L80), L85 (≠ D82), G109 (= G109), E112 (= E112), P131 (= P131), E132 (= E132), T137 (≠ V137), P139 (≠ A139), G140 (= G140), K225 (≠ L225), F235 (= F235)
- binding hexanoyl-coenzyme a: K26 (≠ E23), A27 (= A24), L28 (= L25), A30 (= A27), A66 (= A63), G67 (= G64), A68 (= A65), D69 (= D66), I70 (= I67), G109 (= G109), P131 (= P131), E132 (= E132), L135 (= L135), G140 (= G140)
2hw5C The crystal structure of human enoyl-coenzyme a (coa) hydratase short chain 1, echs1
56% identity, 95% coverage: 14:258/258 of query aligns to 17:260/260 of 2hw5C
- active site: A68 (= A65), M73 (= M70), S83 (≠ L80), L87 (≠ F84), G111 (= G109), E114 (= E112), P133 (= P131), E134 (= E132), T139 (≠ V137), P141 (≠ A139), G142 (= G140), K227 (≠ L225), F237 (= F235)
- binding crotonyl coenzyme a: K26 (≠ E23), A27 (= A24), L28 (= L25), A30 (= A27), K62 (= K59), I70 (= I67), F109 (≠ L107)
5zaiC Crystal structure of 3-hydroxypropionyl-coa dehydratase from metallosphaera sedula (see paper)
45% identity, 100% coverage: 1:258/258 of query aligns to 1:259/259 of 5zaiC
- active site: A65 (= A65), F70 (≠ M70), S82 (≠ D82), R86 (≠ T86), G110 (= G109), E113 (= E112), P132 (= P131), E133 (= E132), I138 (≠ V137), P140 (≠ A139), G141 (= G140), A226 (≠ L225), F236 (= F235)
- binding coenzyme a: K24 (≠ A24), L25 (= L25), A63 (= A63), G64 (= G64), A65 (= A65), D66 (= D66), I67 (= I67), P132 (= P131), R166 (≠ F165), F248 (= F247), K251 (= K250)
5jbxB Crystal structure of liuc in complex with coenzyme a and malonic acid (see paper)
38% identity, 88% coverage: 26:251/258 of query aligns to 27:254/261 of 5jbxB
- active site: A67 (= A65), R72 (≠ M70), L84 (≠ T76), R88 (≠ L80), G112 (= G109), E115 (= E112), T134 (≠ P131), E135 (= E132), I140 (≠ V137), P142 (≠ A139), G143 (= G140), A228 (≠ L225), L238 (≠ F235)
- binding coenzyme a: A28 (= A27), A65 (= A63), D68 (= D66), L69 (≠ I67), K70 (= K68), L110 (= L107), G111 (= G108), T134 (≠ P131), E135 (= E132), L138 (= L135), R168 (≠ F165)
Sites not aligning to the query:
Q4WF54 Mevalonyl-coenzyme A hydratase sidH; Siderophore biosynthesis protein H; EC 4.2.1.- from Aspergillus fumigatus (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100 / Af293) (Neosartorya fumigata) (see paper)
35% identity, 94% coverage: 14:255/258 of query aligns to 21:265/270 of Q4WF54
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 268:270 PTS1-type peroxisomal targeting signal
6slbAAA Enoyl-CoA hydratase/carnithine racemase (see paper)
35% identity, 98% coverage: 6:258/258 of query aligns to 5:257/257 of 6slbAAA
- active site: Q64 (≠ A65), F69 (≠ M70), L80 (≠ Q81), N84 (≠ G85), A108 (≠ G109), S111 (≠ E112), A130 (≠ P131), F131 (≠ E132), L136 (≠ V137), P138 (≠ A139), D139 (≠ G140), A224 (≠ L225), G234 (≠ F235)
- binding (~{E})-6-[2-[3-[[(2~{R})-4-[[[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-4-oxidanyl-3-phosphonooxy-oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-3,3-dimethyl-2-oxidanyl-butanoyl]amino]propanoylamino]ethylsulfanyl]-6-oxidanylidene-hex-3-enoic acid: R58 (≠ K59), A62 (= A63), Q64 (≠ A65), D65 (= D66), L66 (≠ I67), Y76 (≠ D77), A108 (≠ G109), F131 (≠ E132), D139 (≠ G140)
6slaAAA Enoyl-CoA hydratase/carnithine racemase (see paper)
35% identity, 98% coverage: 6:258/258 of query aligns to 2:245/245 of 6slaAAA
- active site: Q61 (≠ A65), L68 (≠ D72), N72 (≠ T76), A96 (≠ G109), S99 (≠ E112), A118 (≠ P131), F119 (≠ E132), L124 (≠ V137), P126 (≠ A139), N127 (≠ G140), A212 (≠ L225), G222 (≠ F235)
- binding ~{S}-[2-[3-[[(2~{R})-4-[[[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-4-oxidanyl-3-phosphonooxy-oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-3,3-dimethyl-2-oxidanyl-butanoyl]amino]propanoylamino]ethyl] 2-(2,5-dihydrooxepin-7-yl)ethanethioate: L21 (= L25), A59 (= A63), Q61 (≠ A65), D62 (= D66), L63 (≠ I67), L68 (≠ D72), Y71 (≠ F75), A94 (≠ L107), G95 (= G108), A96 (≠ G109), F119 (≠ E132), I122 (≠ L135), L124 (≠ V137), N127 (≠ G140), F234 (= F247), K237 (= K250)
O69762 Hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA hydratase-lyase; HCHL; P-hydroxycinnamoyl CoA hydratase/lyase; Trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase/vanillin synthase; EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens (see 2 papers)
35% identity, 98% coverage: 3:254/258 of query aligns to 8:268/276 of O69762