Comparing WP_110805607.1 NCBI__GCF_003217355.1:WP_110805607.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 12 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
7nedA Thiourocanate hydratase from paenibacillus sp. Soil724d2 in complex with cofactor NAD+ and urocanate (see paper)
66% identity, 97% coverage: 16:551/552 of query aligns to 8:543/545 of 7nedA
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: Y41 (= Y49), A42 (= A50), A43 (= A51), G165 (= G173), G166 (= G174), M167 (= M175), E186 (≠ D194), V187 (= V195), R191 (= R199), N232 (= N240), A233 (= A241), Q253 (= Q261), T254 (= T262), H257 (= H265), Y263 (= Y271), V264 (= V272), G313 (= G321), N314 (= N322), I444 (= I452), Y484 (= Y492)
- binding (2e)-3-(1h-imidazol-4-yl)acrylic acid: Y41 (= Y49), L121 (= L129), T122 (= T130), M167 (= M175), R351 (= R359), D432 (= D440)
Q5L084 Urocanate hydratase; Urocanase; Imidazolonepropionate hydrolase; EC from Geobacillus kaustophilus (strain HTA426)
52% identity, 97% coverage: 14:547/552 of query aligns to 10:545/551 of Q5L084
1uwkA The high resolution structure of urocanate hydratase from pseudomonas putida in complex with urocanate (see paper)
50% identity, 98% coverage: 5:547/552 of query aligns to 1:547/554 of 1uwkA
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: Y49 (= Y49), G50 (≠ A50), G51 (≠ A51), I142 (≠ V142), G173 (= G173), G174 (= G174), M175 (= M175), G176 (= G176), E194 (≠ D194), S195 (≠ V195), Q196 (≠ D196), N240 (= N240), A241 (= A241), Q261 (= Q261), T262 (= T262), S263 (= S263), H265 (= H265), Y271 (= Y271), L272 (≠ V272), W278 (≠ L278), Y320 (≠ N320), G321 (= G321), N322 (= N322), F342 (= F342), G490 (= G490)
- binding (2e)-3-(1h-imidazol-4-yl)acrylic acid: Y49 (= Y49), M129 (≠ L129), T130 (= T130), G141 (= G141), M175 (= M175), R359 (= R359), D440 (= D440)
P25080 Urocanate hydratase; Urocanase; Imidazolonepropionate hydrolase; EC from Pseudomonas putida (Arthrobacter siderocapsulatus) (see 4 papers)
50% identity, 99% coverage: 4:547/552 of query aligns to 3:550/557 of P25080
- GG 53:54 (≠ AA 50:51) binding NAD(+)
- C64 (≠ A61) mutation to A: No loss of activity.
- Q131 (≠ G128) binding NAD(+)
- GMG 177:179 (= GMG 174:176) binding NAD(+)
- C192 (≠ A189) mutation to A: No loss of activity.
- ECQQSR 197:202 (≠ DVDEAR 194:199) binding NAD(+)
- C198 (≠ V195) mutation to A: No loss of activity.
- NA 243:244 (= NA 240:241) binding NAD(+)
- QTSAH 264:268 (= QTSAH 261:265) binding NAD(+)
- YL 274:275 (≠ YV 271:272) binding NAD(+)
- YG 323:324 (≠ NG 320:321) binding NAD(+)
- C355 (= C352) mutation to A: Minor loss in activity.
- C411 (≠ A408) mutation to A: Loss of activity.
- RE 455:456 (≠ IM 452:453) binding NAD(+)
- G493 (= G490) binding NAD(+)
- C544 (≠ E541) mutation to A: No loss of activity.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1 modified: Initiator methionine, Removed
7jfzA Structure of urocanate hydratase from legionella pneumophila bound to NAD
50% identity, 97% coverage: 14:547/552 of query aligns to 6:541/547 of 7jfzA
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G167 (= G173), G168 (= G174), M169 (= M175), E188 (≠ D194), C189 (≠ V195), R193 (= R199), N234 (= N240), A235 (= A241), Q255 (= Q261), T256 (= T262), S257 (= S263), H259 (= H265), Y265 (= Y271), L266 (≠ V272), Y314 (≠ N320), G315 (= G321), N316 (= N322), F336 (= F342), R446 (≠ I452)
2fknB Crystal structure of urocanase from bacillus subtilis
50% identity, 96% coverage: 16:547/552 of query aligns to 7:540/546 of 2fknB
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: Y42 (= Y49), G43 (≠ A50), G44 (≠ A51), I135 (≠ V142), G166 (= G173), G167 (= G174), M168 (= M175), E187 (≠ D194), V188 (= V195), R192 (= R199), N233 (= N240), A234 (= A241), Q254 (= Q261), T255 (= T262), S256 (= S263), H258 (= H265), Y264 (= Y271), V265 (= V272), N315 (= N322), F335 (= F342), R445 (≠ I452), G483 (= G490)
P25503 Urocanate hydratase; Urocanase; Imidazolonepropionate hydrolase; EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168)
50% identity, 96% coverage: 16:547/552 of query aligns to 13:546/552 of P25503
A0A6P2DXK2 S-methyl thiourocanate hydratase; S-Me-TUC; S-methyl TUC; EC 4.2.1.- from Variovorax sp. (strain JCM 16519 / RA8) (see paper)
51% identity, 94% coverage: 16:535/552 of query aligns to 15:529/549 of A0A6P2DXK2
- M49 (≠ A50) binding NAD(+)
- G173 (= G174) binding NAD(+)
- M174 (= M175) binding NAD(+)
- G175 (= G176) binding NAD(+)
- D193 (= D194) binding NAD(+)
- S198 (≠ R199) binding NAD(+)
- N239 (= N240) binding NAD(+)
- A240 (= A241) binding NAD(+)
- Q260 (= Q261) binding NAD(+)
- V270 (= V272) binding NAD(+)
- Y318 (≠ N320) binding NAD(+)
- R450 (≠ I452) mutation to A: Loss of activity.
8q9vA S-methylthiourocanate hydratase from variovorax sp. Ra8 in complex with NAD+ and imidazolone propionate (see paper)
50% identity, 97% coverage: 16:548/552 of query aligns to 10:537/543 of 8q9vA