Comparing WP_110806484.1 NCBI__GCF_003217355.1:WP_110806484.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
8x3xB Thdp-dependent hka synthase
24% identity, 92% coverage: 8:570/613 of query aligns to 3:518/537 of 8x3xB
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: R157 (≠ N177), G214 (= G236), H215 (≠ G237), C219 (≠ Y241), A220 (≠ S242), T240 (= T262), K242 (≠ A264), G282 (= G302), S283 (≠ T303), S284 (≠ R304), Q289 (≠ T309), D307 (≠ N327), I308 (≠ L328), D326 (= D344), A327 (= A345)
- binding 3-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)pyruvic acid: G27 (= G40), M30 (≠ A43), V454 (≠ I500), G457 (≠ L503), Q461 (≠ E511)
- binding magnesium ion: D421 (= D467), N448 (= N494), G450 (= G496)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: E50 (= E64), T73 (= T87), S370 (≠ T417), M396 (= M442), G420 (= G466), D421 (= D467), A422 (≠ G468), A423 (≠ S469), N448 (= N494), G450 (= G496), H451 (≠ Y497), G452 (= G498), L453 (≠ C499)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P09342 Acetolactate synthase 1, chloroplastic; ALS I; Acetohydroxy-acid synthase I; Acetolactate synthase I; EC from Nicotiana tabacum (Common tobacco) (see 2 papers)
26% identity, 92% coverage: 22:584/613 of query aligns to 100:657/667 of P09342
- C161 (≠ M84) modified: Disulfide link with 307
- P194 (≠ N121) mutation to Q: In C3; highly resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides.
- C307 (≠ V239) modified: Disulfide link with 161
1t9dB Crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, metsulfuron methyl (see paper)
24% identity, 90% coverage: 31:583/613 of query aligns to 20:557/582 of 1t9dB
- active site: Y28 (≠ H39), G30 (vs. gap), G31 (= G40), A32 (≠ N41), I33 (≠ V42), E54 (= E64), T77 (= T87), F116 (= F134), Q117 (≠ D135), E118 (≠ D136), K166 (≠ Q187), R213 (≠ A246), M249 (≠ V282), V276 (≠ T309), V392 (≠ A415), L417 (≠ Y439), G418 (≠ S440), M420 (= M442), D445 (= D467), N472 (= N494), E474 (≠ G496), Q475 (≠ Y497), M477 (≠ C499), V478 (≠ I500), W481 (≠ L503), L503 (≠ H532), G508 (= G537), L509 (≠ A538), K542 (vs. gap)
- binding methyl 2-[({[(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino]carbonyl}amino)sulfonyl]benzoate: G31 (= G40), A32 (≠ N41), V106 (≠ R123), P107 (= P124), F116 (= F134), K166 (≠ Q187), M249 (≠ V282), D274 (= D307), R275 (≠ F308), W481 (≠ L503)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R156 (≠ N177), G202 (= G236), A203 (≠ G237), G204 (= G238), N207 (vs. gap), T229 (= T262), L230 (≠ Q263), Q231 (≠ A264), L247 (≠ P280), M249 (≠ V282), H250 (≠ T283), G269 (= G302), A270 (≠ T303), R271 (= R304), D273 (≠ Q306), R275 (≠ F308), V276 (≠ T309), E302 (≠ S325), V303 (≠ I326), N307 (≠ G330), G320 (= G343), D321 (= D344), A322 (= A345), Q396 (vs. gap), M397 (= M418), G415 (≠ Y437), G416 (= G438)
- binding magnesium ion: D445 (= D467), N472 (= N494), E474 (≠ G496)
- binding 2,5-dimethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamine: E54 (= E64), P80 (= P92), G418 (≠ S440), M420 (= M442), M450 (= M472)
1t9bA Crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, chlorsulfuron (see paper)
24% identity, 90% coverage: 31:583/613 of query aligns to 21:558/583 of 1t9bA
- active site: Y29 (≠ H39), G31 (vs. gap), G32 (= G40), A33 (≠ N41), I34 (≠ V42), E55 (= E64), T78 (= T87), F117 (= F134), Q118 (≠ D135), E119 (≠ D136), K167 (≠ Q187), R214 (≠ A246), M250 (≠ V282), V277 (≠ T309), V393 (≠ A415), L418 (≠ Y439), G419 (≠ S440), M421 (= M442), D446 (= D467), N473 (= N494), E475 (≠ G496), Q476 (≠ Y497), M478 (≠ C499), V479 (≠ I500), W482 (≠ L503), L504 (≠ H532), G509 (= G537), L510 (≠ A538), K543 (vs. gap)
- binding 1-(2-chlorophenylsulfonyl)-3-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-l,3,5-triazin-2-yl)urea: V107 (≠ R123), P108 (= P124), F117 (= F134), D275 (= D307), R276 (≠ F308), M478 (≠ C499), W482 (≠ L503)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R157 (≠ N177), G203 (= G236), A204 (≠ G237), G205 (= G238), N208 (vs. gap), T230 (= T262), L231 (≠ Q263), Q232 (≠ A264), M247 (≠ S279), L248 (≠ P280), M250 (≠ V282), H251 (≠ T283), G270 (= G302), A271 (≠ T303), R272 (= R304), D274 (≠ Q306), R276 (≠ F308), V277 (≠ T309), E303 (≠ S325), V304 (≠ I326), N308 (≠ G330), D322 (= D344), A323 (= A345), Q397 (vs. gap), M398 (= M418), G416 (≠ Y437), G417 (= G438)
- binding magnesium ion: D446 (= D467), N473 (= N494), E475 (≠ G496)
6lpiB Crystal structure of ahas holo-enzyme (see paper)
26% identity, 74% coverage: 53:504/613 of query aligns to 30:465/539 of 6lpiB
- active site: G30 (= G53), S31 (≠ D54), I32 (≠ A55), E53 (vs. gap), C76 (≠ S88), F115 (≠ L128), Q116 (= Q129), E117 (≠ Q130), K165 (≠ Q187), M256 (≠ V282), A283 (≠ T309), V375 (≠ A415), G401 (≠ S440), M403 (= M442), D428 (= D467), N455 (= N494), A457 (≠ G496), L458 (≠ Y497), L460 (≠ C499), V461 (≠ I500), Q464 (≠ L503)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R155 (≠ N177), G212 (= G236), G213 (= G237), G214 (= G238), T236 (= T262), L237 (≠ Q263), M238 (≠ A264), L254 (≠ P280), M256 (≠ V282), H257 (≠ T283), G276 (= G302), A277 (≠ T303), R278 (= R304), D280 (≠ Q306), R282 (≠ F308), A283 (≠ T309), D300 (≠ S325), I301 (= I326), D319 (= D344), V320 (≠ A345), M380 (≠ L425), G398 (≠ Y437)
- binding magnesium ion: D428 (= D467), N455 (= N494)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: E53 (vs. gap), C76 (≠ S88), P79 (= P92), G376 (= G416), Q377 (≠ T417), H378 (≠ Q423), G401 (≠ S440), M403 (= M442), G427 (= G466), D428 (= D467), G429 (= G468), S430 (= S469), M433 (= M472), N455 (= N494), A457 (≠ G496), L458 (≠ Y497), G459 (= G498), L460 (≠ C499), V461 (≠ I500)
Sites not aligning to the query:
1n0hA Crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, chlorimuron ethyl (see paper)
25% identity, 90% coverage: 31:583/613 of query aligns to 23:574/599 of 1n0hA
- active site: Y31 (≠ H39), G33 (vs. gap), G34 (= G40), A35 (≠ N41), I36 (≠ V42), E57 (= E64), T80 (= T87), F119 (= F134), Q120 (≠ D135), E121 (≠ D136), K169 (≠ Q187), R230 (≠ A246), M266 (≠ V282), V293 (≠ T309), V409 (≠ A415), L434 (≠ Y439), G435 (≠ S440), M437 (= M442), D462 (= D467), N489 (= N494), E491 (≠ G496), Q492 (≠ Y497), M494 (≠ C499), V495 (≠ I500), W498 (≠ L503), L520 (≠ H532), G525 (= G537), L526 (≠ A538), K559 (vs. gap)
- binding 4-{[(4'-amino-2'-methylpyrimidin-5'-yl)methyl]amino}pent-3-enyl diphosphate: V409 (≠ A415), G410 (= G416), Q411 (≠ T417), H412 (vs. gap), G435 (≠ S440), M437 (= M442), G461 (= G466), D462 (= D467), A463 (≠ G468), S464 (= S469), M467 (= M472), N489 (= N494), E491 (≠ G496), Q492 (≠ Y497), G493 (= G498), V495 (≠ I500)
- binding 2-[[[[(4-chloro-6-methoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]benzoic acid ethyl ester: G34 (= G40), A35 (≠ N41), V109 (≠ R123), P110 (= P124), F119 (= F134), K169 (≠ Q187), M266 (≠ V282), D291 (= D307), R292 (≠ F308), V495 (≠ I500), W498 (≠ L503)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R159 (≠ N177), G219 (= G236), A220 (≠ G237), G221 (= G238), N224 (vs. gap), T246 (= T262), L247 (≠ Q263), Q248 (≠ A264), L264 (≠ P280), G265 (= G281), M266 (≠ V282), H267 (≠ T283), G286 (= G302), A287 (≠ T303), R288 (= R304), D290 (≠ Q306), R292 (≠ F308), V293 (≠ T309), E319 (≠ S325), V320 (≠ I326), N324 (≠ G330), G337 (= G343), D338 (= D344), A339 (= A345), M414 (= M418), G432 (≠ Y437), G433 (= G438)
- binding magnesium ion: D462 (= D467), N489 (= N494), E491 (≠ G496)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: Y31 (≠ H39), E57 (= E64), P83 (= P92)
P09114 Acetolactate synthase 2, chloroplastic; ALS II; Acetohydroxy-acid synthase II; Acetolactate synthase II; EC from Nicotiana tabacum (Common tobacco) (see paper)
26% identity, 92% coverage: 22:584/613 of query aligns to 97:654/664 of P09114
- P191 (≠ N121) mutation to A: In S4-Hra; highly resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides; when associated with L-568.
- W568 (≠ L503) mutation to L: In S4-Hra; highly resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides; when associated with A-191.
1t9dA Crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, metsulfuron methyl (see paper)
24% identity, 90% coverage: 31:583/613 of query aligns to 21:571/596 of 1t9dA