Comparing WP_212636784.1 NCBI__GCF_900176285.1:WP_212636784.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
P08237 ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, muscle type; ATP-PFK; PFK-M; 6-phosphofructokinase type A; Phosphofructo-1-kinase isozyme A; PFK-A; Phosphohexokinase; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 6 papers)
43% identity, 98% coverage: 3:730/743 of query aligns to 16:754/780 of P08237
- R39 (= R26) to P: in GSD7; Italian; dbSNP:rs121918193
- G57 (= G44) to V: in GSD7; Italian
- R100 (≠ Q87) to Q: in dbSNP:rs2228500
- S180 (≠ T166) to C: in GSD7; Italian
- G209 (= G195) to D: in GSD7; loss of activity shown by complementation assays in yeast; dbSNP:rs767265360
- D309 (= D295) to G: in GSD7; Spanish; complete loss of enzyme activity; dbSNP:rs1169383137
- D543 (= D530) to A: in GSD7; Italian; dbSNP:rs121918194
- K557 (≠ R544) modified: N6-(2-hydroxyisobutyryl)lysine
- D591 (≠ E577) to A: in GSD7; Italian
- W686 (≠ E672) to C: in GSD7; Japanese; dbSNP:rs121918196
- R696 (vs. gap) to H: in dbSNP:rs41291971
3o8lA Structure of phosphofructokinase from rabbit skeletal muscle (see paper)
42% identity, 98% coverage: 3:730/743 of query aligns to 8:746/748 of 3o8lA
- active site: G17 (= G12), R80 (= R75), D111 (= D106), S156 (= S150), D158 (= D152), D160 (= D154), R202 (= R196)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: D165 (= D159), M166 (= M160), F300 (= F294), F530 (= F525), F663 (= F657)
- binding adenosine-5'-triphosphate: G16 (= G11), Y47 (= Y42), R80 (= R75), C81 (≠ S76), R85 (= R80), G110 (= G105), G112 (= G107), S113 (= S108), T115 (≠ M110), G116 (= G111), W219 (= W213), H234 (≠ K228), R238 (≠ A232), Y377 (≠ V371), H382 (≠ R376), I383 (= I377)
- binding phosphate ion: R416 (= R410), G449 (≠ T443), G450 (= G444), R463 (= R457), S522 (≠ D517), N524 (= N519), R727 (≠ G711)
P00511 ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, muscle type; ATP-PFK; PFK-M; 6-phosphofructokinase type A; Phosphofructo-1-kinase isozyme A; PFK-A; Phosphohexokinase; EC from Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) (see 2 papers)
42% identity, 98% coverage: 3:730/743 of query aligns to 16:754/780 of P00511
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1 modified: Initiator methionine, Removed
- 2 modified: N-acetylthreonine
- 775 modified: Phosphoserine; by PKA
P47859 ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, platelet type; ATP-PFK; PFK-P; 6-phosphofructokinase type C; Phosphofructo-1-kinase isozyme C; PFK-C; Phosphohexokinase; EC from Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) (see paper)
42% identity, 100% coverage: 3:742/743 of query aligns to 25:775/791 of P47859
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 12 modified: Phosphoserine; by PKA
4xyjF Crystal structure of human phosphofructokinase-1 in complex with atp and mg, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr9275 (see paper)
42% identity, 100% coverage: 3:742/743 of query aligns to 11:756/761 of 4xyjF
- active site: G20 (= G12), R83 (= R75), C84 (≠ S76), D114 (= D106), G158 (= G149), S159 (= S150), D161 (= D152), D163 (= D154), R205 (= R196)
- binding adenosine-5'-triphosphate: G20 (= G12), Y50 (= Y42), R83 (= R75), C84 (≠ S76), F87 (= F79), R88 (= R80), G113 (= G105), D114 (= D106), G115 (= G107), S116 (= S108), G119 (= G111), S159 (= S150)
- binding cobalt (ii) ion: E475 (= E466), K510 (≠ S501), H511 (= H502)
- binding magnesium ion: G19 (= G11), G20 (= G12), G112 (= G104), D114 (= D106), G158 (= G149), D163 (= D154), R205 (= R196)
- binding phosphate ion: R30 (= R22), R34 (= R26), S69 (≠ G61), S70 (≠ G62), G219 (= G210), K250 (≠ R241), R416 (≠ S406), R420 (= R410), G453 (≠ T443), G454 (= G444)
4rh3A Amppcp-bound structure of human platelet phosphofructokinase in an r- state, crystal form ii (see paper)
42% identity, 98% coverage: 5:729/743 of query aligns to 3:731/731 of 4rh3A
- active site: G10 (= G12), R73 (= R75), C74 (≠ S76), D104 (= D106), G148 (= G149), S149 (= S150), D151 (= D152), D153 (= D154), R195 (= R196)
- binding phosphomethylphosphonic acid adenylate ester: G9 (= G11), R73 (= R75), C74 (≠ S76), F77 (= F79), R78 (= R80), G103 (= G105), D104 (= D106), G105 (= G107), S106 (= S108), G109 (= G111)
- binding phosphate ion: K240 (≠ R241), R406 (≠ S406), R410 (= R410), G443 (≠ T443), G444 (= G444), R457 (= R457), R552 (= R552), R641 (= R641), H647 (= H647)
4xyjA Crystal structure of human phosphofructokinase-1 in complex with atp and mg, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr9275 (see paper)
41% identity, 100% coverage: 3:742/743 of query aligns to 13:763/768 of 4xyjA