Comparing WP_235215591.1 NCBI__GCF_000744815.1:WP_235215591.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
5t2uA Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family protein (see paper)
40% identity, 92% coverage: 14:255/263 of query aligns to 2:241/241 of 5t2uA
- active site: G17 (= G29), T135 (≠ S147), T145 (≠ Q157), Y148 (= Y160), K152 (= K164)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G25), G17 (= G29), R38 (= R50), D39 (= D51), R42 (≠ A54), D60 (= D72), L61 (≠ V73), N83 (≠ T95), A84 (= A96), Y87 (≠ N99), I133 (≠ V145), T135 (≠ S147), Y148 (= Y160), K152 (= K164), P178 (= P190), P180 (≠ V192), T181 (≠ V193), T183 (= T195), T185 (≠ L197), T186 (= T198)
4hp8B Crystal structure of a putative 2-deoxy-d-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase from agrobacterium tumefaciens (target efi-506435) with bound NADP
37% identity, 92% coverage: 14:254/263 of query aligns to 4:245/246 of 4hp8B
- active site: G19 (= G29), S138 (= S147), V148 (≠ Q157), Y151 (= Y160), K155 (= K164)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G15 (= G25), N17 (≠ G27), T18 (≠ S28), G19 (= G29), L20 (≠ I30), R40 (= R50), R41 (≠ D51), D63 (= D72), F64 (≠ V73), N85 (≠ T95), G87 (= G97), I88 (≠ V98), I136 (≠ V145), Y151 (= Y160), K155 (= K164), P181 (= P190), G182 (= G191), I184 (≠ V193), T186 (= T195), N188 (≠ L197), T189 (= T198)
5itvA Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis bacc dihydroanticapsin 7- dehydrogenase in complex with nadh (see paper)
30% identity, 92% coverage: 13:254/263 of query aligns to 2:254/255 of 5itvA
- active site: G18 (= G29), S141 (= S147), Y154 (= Y160), K158 (= K164)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G14 (= G25), S17 (= S28), G18 (= G29), I19 (= I30), D38 (= D49), I39 (≠ R50), T61 (≠ P76), I63 (vs. gap), N89 (≠ T95), G91 (= G97), T139 (≠ V145), S141 (= S147), Y154 (= Y160), K158 (= K164), P184 (= P190), G185 (= G191), I186 (≠ V192), I187 (≠ V193)
1vl8B Crystal structure of gluconate 5-dehydrogenase (tm0441) from thermotoga maritima at 2.07 a resolution
34% identity, 92% coverage: 13:254/263 of query aligns to 1:251/252 of 1vl8B
- active site: G17 (= G29), S143 (= S147), I154 (≠ Q157), Y157 (= Y160), K161 (= K164)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G25), R16 (≠ S28), G17 (= G29), L18 (≠ I30), S37 (≠ D49), R38 (= R50), C63 (≠ L71), D64 (= D72), V65 (= V73), A91 (≠ T95), A92 (= A96), G93 (= G97), I94 (≠ V98), V114 (≠ L118), I141 (≠ V145), S143 (= S147), Y157 (= Y160), K161 (= K164), P187 (= P190), G188 (= G191), Y190 (≠ V193), T192 (= T195), M194 (≠ L197), T195 (= T198)
4nbuB Crystal structure of fabg from bacillus sp (see paper)
34% identity, 91% coverage: 12:251/263 of query aligns to 1:241/244 of 4nbuB
- active site: G18 (= G29), N111 (= N119), S139 (= S147), Q149 (= Q157), Y152 (= Y160), K156 (= K164)
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: D93 (≠ R101), K98 (≠ D106), S139 (= S147), N146 (≠ E154), V147 (≠ P155), Q149 (= Q157), Y152 (= Y160), F184 (≠ V192), M189 (≠ L197), K200 (≠ E209)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G14 (= G25), N17 (≠ S28), G18 (= G29), I19 (= I30), D38 (= D49), F39 (≠ R50), V59 (≠ L71), D60 (= D72), V61 (= V73), N87 (≠ T95), A88 (= A96), G89 (= G97), I90 (≠ V98), T137 (≠ V145), S139 (= S147), Y152 (= Y160), K156 (= K164), P182 (= P190), F184 (≠ V192), T185 (≠ V193), T187 (= T195), M189 (≠ L197)
4b79A The aeropath project and pseudomonas aeruginosa high-throughput crystallographic studies for assessment of potential targets in early stage drug discovery. (see paper)
37% identity, 89% coverage: 18:252/263 of query aligns to 10:233/236 of 4b79A
- active site: G21 (= G29), S133 (= S147), R143 (≠ Q157), Y146 (= Y160), K150 (= K164)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G17 (= G25), S19 (≠ G27), S20 (= S28), G21 (= G29), I22 (= I30), L42 (≠ R50), L60 (= L71), D61 (= D72), I62 (≠ V73), N84 (≠ T95), G86 (= G97), L105 (= L118), I131 (≠ V145), Y146 (= Y160), K150 (= K164), P176 (= P190), G177 (= G191), I179 (≠ V193), T181 (= T195)
3o03A Quaternary complex structure of gluconate 5-dehydrogenase from streptococcus suis type 2 (see paper)
33% identity, 93% coverage: 14:258/263 of query aligns to 7:252/254 of 3o03A
- active site: G22 (= G29), S147 (= S147), V157 (≠ Q157), Y160 (= Y160), K164 (= K164)
- binding calcium ion: S147 (= S147), M148 (= M148), P190 (= P190)
- binding D-gluconic acid: I99 (≠ N99), R101 (= R101), S147 (= S147), M149 (≠ R149), R154 (≠ E154), Y160 (= Y160)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G18 (= G25), Y21 (≠ S28), G22 (= G29), I23 (= I30), D42 (= D49), I43 (≠ R50), L47 (vs. gap), D68 (= D72), V69 (= V73), N95 (≠ T95), A96 (= A96), G97 (= G97), I145 (≠ V145), Y160 (= Y160), K164 (= K164), P190 (= P190)
4jroC Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein]reductase (fabg) from listeria monocytogenes in complex with NADP+
36% identity, 90% coverage: 16:252/263 of query aligns to 3:245/247 of 4jroC
- active site: G16 (= G29), S142 (= S147), Q152 (= Q157), Y155 (= Y160), K159 (= K164)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G12 (= G25), S14 (≠ G27), R15 (≠ S28), G16 (= G29), I17 (= I30), N35 (≠ A48), Y36 (vs. gap), N37 (≠ D49), G38 (≠ R50), S39 (≠ D51), N63 (≠ D72), V64 (= V73), N90 (≠ T95), A91 (= A96), I93 (≠ V98), I113 (≠ L118), S142 (= S147), Y155 (= Y160), K159 (= K164), P185 (= P190), I188 (≠ V193), T190 (= T195)
Q9LBG2 Levodione reductase; (6R)-2,2,6-trimethyl-1,4-cyclohexanedione reductase; EC 1.1.1.- from Leifsonia aquatica (Corynebacterium aquaticum) (see paper)
34% identity, 97% coverage: 1:254/263 of query aligns to 1:265/267 of Q9LBG2
- 17:42 (vs. 22:47, 50% identical) binding NAD(+)
- E103 (≠ N99) mutation E->A,D,N,Q: 26-fold increase in Km and a much lower enantiomeric excess of the reaction products.
1iy8A Crystal structure of levodione reductase (see paper)
34% identity, 91% coverage: 15:254/263 of query aligns to 1:256/258 of 1iy8A
- active site: G15 (= G29), S143 (= S147), Q153 (= Q157), Y156 (= Y160), K160 (= K164)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G11 (= G25), S14 (= S28), G15 (= G29), L16 (≠ I30), D35 (= D49), V36 (≠ R50), A62 (≠ Q69), D63 (= D72), V64 (= V73), N90 (≠ T95), G92 (= G97), I93 (≠ V98), T141 (≠ V145), S143 (= S147), Y156 (= Y160), K160 (= K164), P186 (= P190), G187 (= G191), T191 (= T195), P192 (= P196), M193 (≠ L197)
3uf0A Crystal structure of a putative NAD(p) dependent gluconate 5- dehydrogenase from beutenbergia cavernae(efi target efi-502044) with bound NADP (low occupancy)
38% identity, 92% coverage: 14:254/263 of query aligns to 3:248/249 of 3uf0A
- active site: G18 (= G29), S141 (= S147), V151 (≠ Q157), Y154 (= Y160), K158 (= K164)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G14 (= G25), S17 (= S28), G18 (= G29), I19 (= I30), R39 (= R50), D63 (= D72), L64 (≠ V73), N89 (≠ T95), G91 (= G97), I92 (≠ V98), I139 (≠ V145), A140 (= A146), S141 (= S147), Y154 (= Y160), K158 (= K164), P184 (= P190), G185 (= G191), V187 (= V193), T189 (= T195), N191 (≠ L197), T192 (= T198)
2ekpA Structure of tt0495 protein from thermus thermophilus (see paper)
36% identity, 90% coverage: 19:254/263 of query aligns to 2:237/238 of 2ekpA
- active site: G12 (= G29), S128 (= S147), Y143 (= Y160), K147 (= K164)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G8 (= G25), S10 (≠ G27), G12 (= G29), I13 (= I30), S32 (≠ D49), T49 (≠ Q69), D50 (≠ R70), L51 (= L71), A76 (≠ T95), A78 (≠ G97), I126 (≠ V145), G127 (≠ A146), Y143 (= Y160), K147 (= K164), P173 (= P190), G174 (= G191), V176 (= V193), T178 (= T195), F180 (≠ L197), T181 (= T198)
6ci9D Rmm microcompartment-associated aminopropanol dehydrogenase NADP + aminoacetone holo-structure (see paper)
36% identity, 92% coverage: 11:251/263 of query aligns to 1:248/259 of 6ci9D
- active site: G20 (= G29), S145 (= S147), Y159 (= Y160)
- binding 1-aminopropan-2-one: F97 (≠ N99), S145 (= S147), T147 (≠ R149), W156 (≠ Q157), Y159 (= Y160), G190 (= G191)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G16 (= G25), S18 (≠ G27), G20 (= G29), I21 (= I30), G40 (≠ D49), R41 (= R50), N42 (≠ D51), D66 (= D72), V67 (= V73), N93 (≠ T95), G95 (= G97), T143 (≠ V145), S145 (= S147), Y159 (= Y160), K163 (= K164), P189 (= P190), N191 (≠ V192), I192 (≠ V193), T194 (= T195), G196 (≠ L197), L197 (≠ T198)
5u9pB Crystal structure of a gluconate 5-dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia j2315 in complex with NADP and tartrate
31% identity, 92% coverage: 14:254/263 of query aligns to 12:259/261 of 5u9pB
- active site: G27 (= G29), S152 (= S147), Y165 (= Y160), K169 (= K164)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G23 (= G25), R26 (≠ S28), G27 (= G29), I28 (= I30), R48 (= R50), D73 (= D72), V74 (= V73), N100 (≠ T95), A101 (= A96), I150 (≠ V145), Y165 (= Y160), K169 (= K164), P195 (= P190), F198 (≠ V193), T200 (= T195), L202 (= L197), N203 (≠ T198)
3lqfA Crystal structure of the short-chain dehydrogenase galactitol- dehydrogenase (gatdh) of rhodobacter sphaeroides in complex with NAD and erythritol (see paper)
36% identity, 94% coverage: 8:253/263 of query aligns to 1:252/254 of 3lqfA
- active site: G22 (= G29), S144 (= S147), Y159 (= Y160), K163 (= K164)
- binding meso-erythritol: N151 (≠ E154), Y159 (= Y160), Y191 (≠ V192), T197 (= T198), M200 (≠ I201)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G18 (= G25), S21 (= S28), G22 (= G29), I23 (= I30), D42 (= D49), R43 (= R50), D66 (= D72), V67 (= V73), S92 (≠ T95), L142 (≠ V145), S144 (= S147), K163 (= K164), P189 (= P190), V192 (= V193), T194 (= T195), M196 (≠ L197), T197 (= T198)
2wsbA Crystal structure of the short-chain dehydrogenase galactitol- dehydrogenase (gatdh) of rhodobacter sphaeroides in complex with NAD (see paper)
36% identity, 94% coverage: 8:253/263 of query aligns to 1:252/254 of 2wsbA