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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_004302132.1 NCBI__GCF_000310185.1:WP_004302132.1 (442 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 27 curated proteins.

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Hits with ≥ 30% identity

Ac3H11_2944 ABC transporter for D-Sorbitol, periplasmic substrate-binding component from Acidovorax sp. GW101-3H11
    53% identity, 93% coverage of query (472 bits)

BPHYT_RS16115 ABC transporter for D-Sorbitol, periplasmic substrate-binding component from Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN
    50% identity, 100% coverage of query (452 bits)

4ryaA / B9JRF8 Crystal structure of abc transporter solute binding protein avi_3567 from agrobacterium vitis s4, target efi-510645, with bound d-mannitol
    49% identity, 94% coverage of query (429 bits)

AO356_00025 ABC transporter for D-Sorbitol, periplasmic substrate-binding component from Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N2C3
    48% identity, 94% coverage of query (424 bits)

Pf6N2E2_1963 ABC transporter for D-sorbitol, periplasmic substrate-binding component from Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N2E2
    48% identity, 94% coverage of query (423 bits)

mtlE / Q4KC57 polyol ABC-type transporter periplasmic substrate-binding protein from Pseudomonas fluorescens (strain ATCC BAA-477 / NRRL B-23932 / Pf-5) (see paper)
    46% identity, 100% coverage of query (418 bits)

PGA1_c13210 ABC transporter for D-Sorbitol, periplasmic substrate-binding component from Phaeobacter inhibens BS107
    48% identity, 96% coverage of query (416 bits)

MANBP_PSEAE / Q9I1E0 Mannitol-binding protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain ATCC 15692 / DSM 22644 / CIP 104116 / JCM 14847 / LMG 12228 / 1C / PRS 101 / PAO1) (see paper)
    50% identity, 94% coverage of query (414 bits)

PS417_12715 ABC transporter for D-Mannitol and D-Sorbitol, periplasmic substrate-binding protein from Pseudomonas simiae WCS417
    46% identity, 99% coverage of query (413 bits)

TC 3.A.1.1.5 / O30831 SmoE, component of Hexitol (glucitol; mannitol) porter from Rhodobacter sphaeroides (Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides)
    49% identity, 95% coverage of query (411 bits)

TC 3.A.1.1.49 / O30491 MtlE, component of The polyol (mannitol, glucitol (sorbitol), arabitol (arabinitol; lyxitol)) uptake porter, MtlEFGK from Pseudomonas fluorescens
    46% identity, 98% coverage of query (404 bits)

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Additional hits (identity < 30%)

HSERO_RS17000 ABC transporter for D-sorbitol/xylitol, substrate-binding component from Herbaspirillum seropedicae SmR1
    29% identity, 96% coverage of query (131 bits)

5iaiA / B9JM84 Crystal structure of abc transporter solute binding protein arad_9887 from agrobacterium radiobacter k84, target efi-510945 in complex with ribitol
    26% identity, 93% coverage of query (114 bits)

MALE_THELN / Q7LYW7 Trehalose/maltose-binding protein MalE; TMBP from Thermococcus litoralis (strain ATCC 51850 / DSM 5473 / JCM 8560 / NS-C) (see 4 papers)
    27% identity, 87% coverage of query (94.4 bits)

TC 3.A.1.1.7 / O51923 MalE aka PF1739, component of Maltose/trehalose porter (see paper)
    27% identity, 87% coverage of query (94.0 bits)

1eu8A / Q7LYW7 Structure of trehalose maltose binding protein from thermococcus litoralis (see paper)
    26% identity, 93% coverage of query (93.6 bits)

5ci5A / A8F7X5 Crystal structure of an abc transporter solute binding protein from thermotoga lettingae tmo (tlet_1705, target efi-510544) bound with alpha-d-tagatose
    26% identity, 75% coverage of query (89.0 bits)

smoF / A9CEY9 3-(6-sulfo-α-D-quinovosyl)-sn-glycerol binding protein from Agrobacterium fabrum (strain C58 / ATCC 33970) (see paper)
SMOF_AGRFC / A9CEY9 Sulfoquinovosyl glycerol-binding protein SmoF; SQGro-binding protein SmoF; SQ monooxygenase cluster protein F from Agrobacterium fabrum (strain C58 / ATCC 33970) (Agrobacterium tumefaciens (strain C58)) (see 2 papers)
    22% identity, 88% coverage of query (60.1 bits)

7qhvAAA / A9CEY9 7qhvAAA (see paper)
    22% identity, 81% coverage of query (59.7 bits)

7ofyA Crystal structure of sq binding protein from agrobacterium tumefaciens in complex with sulfoquinovosyl glycerol (sqgro)
    22% identity, 81% coverage of query (59.7 bits)

7yzuA Crystal structure of the sulfoquinovosyl binding protein smof complexed with sqme
    22% identity, 88% coverage of query (57.0 bits)

8s5bA Sulfoquinovosyl glycerol-binding protein SmoF
    21% identity, 88% coverage of query (56.2 bits)

TC 3.A.1.1.44 / Q7AKP1 Putative maltose-binding protein, component of MalEFG (K unknown), involved in maltose and maltodextrin uptake from Streptomyces coelicolor (strain ATCC BAA-471 / A3(2) / M145)
    22% identity, 88% coverage of query (54.7 bits)

6lceA / A0A0A1GL90 Crystal structure of beta-l-arabinobiose binding protein - selenomethionine derivative (see paper)
    25% identity, 72% coverage of query (53.1 bits)

4aq4A / P0AG80 Substrate bound sn-glycerol-3-phosphate binding periplasmic protein ugpb from escherichia coli (see paper)
    25% identity, 83% coverage of query (52.4 bits)

UgpB / b3453 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein (EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 5 papers)
UgpB / P0AG80 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 5 papers)
UGPB_ECOLI / P0AG80 sn-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding periplasmic protein UgpB; Bile-responsive chaperone from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 5 papers)
P0AG80 ABC-type glycerol 3-phosphate transporter (EC from Escherichia coli (see paper)
TC 3.A.1.1.3 / P0AG80 sn-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding periplasmic protein UgpB aka B3453, component of Glycerol-phosphate porter. Transports both glycerol-3-P and glycerol-3-P diesters including glycerophosphocholine but not glycerol-2-P from Escherichia coli (see 4 papers)
ugpB / GB|AAC76478.1 sn-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding periplasmic protein ugpB from Escherichia coli (see 4 papers)
    25% identity, 83% coverage of query (52.0 bits)

TC 3.A.1.1.12 / Q9AI68 PalE, component of Palatinose (isomaltulose; 6-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-D-fructose) uptake porter from Erwinia rhapontici (see paper)
    24% identity, 78% coverage of query (49.3 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory