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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_011188015.1 NCBI__GCF_000025945.1:WP_011188015.1 (438 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 9 curated proteins.

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Hits with ≥ 30% identity

RNFC_CLOLD / D8GR66 Proton-translocating ferredoxin:NAD(+) oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.1.1.- from Clostridium ljungdahlii (strain ATCC 55383 / DSM 13528 / PETC) (see paper)
D8GR66 ferredoxin-NAD+ oxidoreductase (H+-transporting) (subunit 4/6) (EC from Clostridium ljungdahlii (see paper)
    43% identity, 98% coverage of query (374 bits)

7zc6C / A0A923IZ11 Na+ - translocating ferredoxin: NAD+ reductase (rnf) of c. Tetanomorphum (see paper)
    42% identity, 100% coverage of query (348 bits)

RNFC_RHOCA / Q52716 Ion-translocating oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Nitrogen fixation protein RnfC; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.-.-.- from Rhodobacter capsulatus (Rhodopseudomonas capsulata) (see 2 papers)
RNFC_RHOCB / D5ARZ1 Ion-translocating oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Nitrogen fixation protein RnfC; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.-.-.- from Rhodobacter capsulatus (strain ATCC BAA-309 / NBRC 16581 / SB1003) (see paper)
TC 3.D.6.1.1 / Q52716 RnfC, component of NADH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus (Rhodopseudomonas capsulata) (see 3 papers)
    40% identity, 99% coverage of query (329 bits)

rnfC / H6LC32 Rnf complex RnfC subunit (EC from Acetobacterium woodii (strain ATCC 29683 / DSM 1030 / JCM 2381 / KCTC 1655 / WB1) (see 12 papers)
RNFC_ACEWD / H6LC32 Na(+)-translocating ferredoxin:NAD(+) oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC from Acetobacterium woodii (strain ATCC 29683 / DSM 1030 / JCM 2381 / KCTC 1655 / WB1) (see 3 papers)
H6LC32 ferredoxin-NAD+ oxidoreductase (Na+-transporting) (subunit 4/6) (EC from Acetobacterium woodii (see paper)
TC 3.D.6.1.2 / C4N8U0 RnfC, component of The Rnf-type NADH dehydrogenase, RnfABCDEG (Imkamp et al., 2007). Note: RnfD may be truncated as almost all homologues have 300-330aas with 6-7 TMSs from Acetobacterium woodii (see 2 papers)
    41% identity, 99% coverage of query (315 bits)

8ahxC / C1DMA6 Cryo-em structure of the nitrogen-fixation associated nadh:ferredoxin oxidoreductase rnf from azotobacter vinelandii
    40% identity, 98% coverage of query (300 bits)

RnfC2 / H6LBX7 ion-translocating oxidoreductase complex subunit C (EC from Acetobacterium woodii (strain ATCC 29683 / DSM 1030 / JCM 2381 / KCTC 1655 / WB1) (see 6 papers)
H6LBX7 ferredoxin-NAD+ oxidoreductase (Na+-transporting) (EC from Acetobacterium woodii (see paper)
    37% identity, 98% coverage of query (293 bits)

YdgN / b1629 SoxR [2Fe-2S] reducing system protein RsxC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see paper)
RSXC_ECOLI / P77611 Ion-translocating oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Rsx electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.-.-.- from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
    39% identity, 98% coverage of query (290 bits)

RNFC_VIBC3 / A0A0H3AJC2 Ion-translocating oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.-.-.- from Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 (strain ATCC 39541 / Classical Ogawa 395 / O395) (see paper)
    38% identity, 98% coverage of query (278 bits)

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RNFC_METAC / Q8TSY4 Ion-translocating oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.2.1.- from Methanosarcina acetivorans (strain ATCC 35395 / DSM 2834 / JCM 12185 / C2A) (see paper)
Q8TSY4 ferredoxin-NAD+ oxidoreductase (Na+-transporting) (subunit 4/6) (EC from Methanosarcina acetivorans (see paper)
TC 3.D.6.1.3 / Q8TSY4 Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, subunit 1, component of The Rnf-type NADH dehydrogenase, RnfABCDEG/MA0658 (Welte and Deppenmeier 2013). RnfB and RnfC are on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Both have 4Fe4S centers (5 and 2, repectively), and RnfB oxidizes reduced ferredoxin (Suharti et al. 2014). The integral membrane proteins are RnfA, D and E, while RnfG and MA0658 are on the outside. RnfE reduces oxidized Mph from Methanosarcina acetivorans (strain ATCC 35395 / DSM 2834 / JCM 12185 / C2A)
    29% identity, 94% coverage of query (174 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory