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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_011880504.1 NCBI__GCF_000016205.1:WP_011880504.1 (342 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 47 curated proteins.

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Hits with ≥ 30% identity

XylT / b3566 xylose ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein (EC; EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 8 papers)
xylF / P37387 xylose ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 6 papers)
TC 3.A.1.2.4 / P37387 XylF aka XYLT aka B3566, component of Xylose porter from Escherichia coli (see 5 papers)
xylF / GB|AAC76590.1 D-xylose ABC transporter, periplasmic D-xylose-binding protein from Escherichia coli K12 (see 7 papers)
    62% identity, 91% coverage of query (399 bits)

3ma0A / P37387 Closed liganded crystal structure of xylose binding protein from escherichia coli (see paper)
    63% identity, 89% coverage of query (397 bits)

4ywhA / A6VLM7 Crystal structure of an abc transporter solute binding protein (ipr025997) from actinobacillus succinogenes 130z (asuc_0499, target efi-511068) with bound d-xylose
    62% identity, 87% coverage of query (385 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.26 / A6LW10 D-xylose ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein, component of Xylose transporter, XylFGH (XylF (R), 359 aas; XylG (C), 525 aas; XylH (M), 389 aas from Clostridium beijerinckii (strain ATCC 51743 / NCIMB 8052)
    55% identity, 95% coverage of query (365 bits)

PGA1_262p00430 glucose transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding component from Phaeobacter inhibens BS107
    41% identity, 96% coverage of query (226 bits)

Dshi_2000 xylitol ABC transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein from Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12
    40% identity, 89% coverage of query (213 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.5 / P25548 CVE1 aka ChvE aka ATU2348 aka AGR_C_4267, component of Multiple sugar (arabinose, xylose, galactose, glucose, fucose) putative porter from Agrobacterium tumefaciens (see 4 papers)
    36% identity, 94% coverage of query (176 bits)

3urmA / P25548 Crystal structure of the periplasmic sugar binding protein chve (see paper)
    36% identity, 89% coverage of query (174 bits)

3uugA Crystal structure of the periplasmic sugar binding protein chve
    36% identity, 89% coverage of query (174 bits)

chvE / CAC67776.1 sugar-binding protein from Brucella suis (see paper)
    35% identity, 96% coverage of query (172 bits)

4ys6A / A9KQP6 Crystal structure of an abc transporter solute binding protein (ipr025997) from clostridium phytofermentans (cphy_1585, target efi- 511156) with bound beta-d-glucose
    34% identity, 88% coverage of query (171 bits)

4wwhA / A0QT42 Crystal structure of an abc transporter solute binding protein (ipr025997) from mycobacterium smegmatis (msmeg_1704, target efi- 510967) with bound d-galactose
    35% identity, 89% coverage of query (170 bits)

SBPA_AZOBR / P54083 Multiple sugar-binding periplasmic protein SbpA; Sugar-binding protein A from Azospirillum brasilense (see paper)
    34% identity, 96% coverage of query (163 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.24 / O50503 Solute-binding protein, component of XylFGH downstream of characterized transcriptional regulator, ROK7B7 (Sco6008); XylF (Sco6009); XylG (Sco6010); XylH (Sco6011)) from Streptomyces coelicolor (strain ATCC BAA-471 / A3(2) / M145)
    37% identity, 78% coverage of query (147 bits)

4rxuA / A9WDY0 Crystal structure of carbohydrate transporter solute binding protein caur_1924 from chloroflexus aurantiacus, target efi-511158, in complex with d-glucose
    34% identity, 86% coverage of query (141 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.22 / Q8G3R1 Probable sugar binding protein of ABC transporter for pentoses, component of ABC sugar transporter that plays a role in the probiotic benefits through acetate production from Bifidobacterium longum (strain NCC 2705)
    30% identity, 88% coverage of query (130 bits)

6s3tA / P0C0J8 P46, an immunodominant surface protein from mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (see paper)
    30% identity, 85% coverage of query (112 bits)

6ruxA P46, an immunodominant surface protein from mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
    30% identity, 85% coverage of query (112 bits)

5dteB / A6VKG5 Crystal structure of an abc transporter periplasmic solute binding protein (ipr025997) from actinobacillus succinogenes 130z(asuc_0081, target efi-511065) with bound d-allose
    33% identity, 70% coverage of query (93.6 bits)

2ioyA / Q8RD41 Crystal structure of thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis ribose binding protein (see paper)
    31% identity, 84% coverage of query (92.0 bits)

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Additional hits (identity < 30%)

4ry9A / A1WJM2 Crystal structure of carbohydrate transporter solute binding protein veis_2079 from verminephrobacter eiseniae ef01-2, target efi-511009, a complex with d-talitol
    28% identity, 85% coverage of query (75.9 bits)

4ry9B Crystal structure of carbohydrate transporter solute binding protein veis_2079 from verminephrobacter eiseniae ef01-2, target efi-511009, a complex with d-talitol
    28% identity, 85% coverage of query (75.9 bits)

4yo7A / Q9KAG4 Crystal structure of an abc transporter solute binding protein (ipr025997) from bacillus halodurans c-125 (bh2323, target efi- 511484) with bound myo-inositol
    29% identity, 73% coverage of query (73.6 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.16 / Q1M4Q9 Periplasmic erythritol binding protein, component of The erythritol uptake permease, EryEFG (Yost et al., 2006) (probably orthologous to 3.A.1.2.11) from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (strain 3841) (see paper)
    29% identity, 84% coverage of query (73.2 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.13 / A6VKT0 RbsB, component of The probable autoinducer-2 (AI-2;, a furanosyl borate diester: 3aS,6S,6aR)-2,2,6,6a-tetrahydroxy-3a-methyltetrahydrofuro[3,2-d][1,3,2]dioxaborolan-2-uide) uptake porter (Shao et al., 2007) (50-70% identical to RbsABC of E. coli; TC# 3.A.1.2.1) from Actinobacillus succinogenes (strain ATCC 55618 / 130Z)
    30% identity, 84% coverage of query (71.6 bits)

4rxmA Crystal structure of periplasmic abc transporter solute binding protein a7jw62 from mannheimia haemolytica phl213, target efi-511105, in complex with myo-inositol
    30% identity, 72% coverage of query (71.2 bits)

4rxmB Crystal structure of periplasmic abc transporter solute binding protein a7jw62 from mannheimia haemolytica phl213, target efi-511105, in complex with myo-inositol
    30% identity, 72% coverage of query (71.2 bits)

4zjpA / A6VKT0 Structure of an abc-transporter solute binding protein (sbp_ipr025997) from actinobacillus succinogenes (asuc_0197, target efi-511067) with bound beta-d-ribopyranose
    31% identity, 71% coverage of query (70.5 bits)

XYPA_MYCS2 / A0QYB3 Xylitol-binding protein from Mycolicibacterium smegmatis (strain ATCC 700084 / mc(2)155) (Mycobacterium smegmatis) (see paper)
    27% identity, 90% coverage of query (68.2 bits)

4rs3A / A0QYB3 Crystal structure of carbohydrate transporter a0qyb3 from mycobacterium smegmatis str. Mc2 155, target efi-510969, in complex with xylitol (see paper)
    28% identity, 76% coverage of query (66.6 bits)

5hkoA Crystal structure of abc transporter solute binding protein msmeg_3598 from mycobacterium smegmatis str. Mc2 155, target efi-510969, in complex with l-sorbitol
    28% identity, 76% coverage of query (66.6 bits)

THPA_MYCS2 / A0QYB5 D-threitol-binding protein from Mycolicibacterium smegmatis (strain ATCC 700084 / mc(2)155) (Mycobacterium smegmatis) (see paper)
    27% identity, 93% coverage of query (66.2 bits)

RBSB_BACSU / P36949 Ribose import binding protein RbsB from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 2 papers)
    28% identity, 79% coverage of query (65.5 bits)

RALBP_PSEAE / Q9I2F8 D-ribose/D-allose-binding protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain ATCC 15692 / DSM 22644 / CIP 104116 / JCM 14847 / LMG 12228 / 1C / PRS 101 / PAO1) (see paper)
    29% identity, 83% coverage of query (63.9 bits)

4rxtA / B9JKX8 Crystal structure of carbohydrate transporter solute binding protein arad_9553 from agrobacterium radiobacter, target efi-511541, in complex with d-arabinose
    32% identity, 72% coverage of query (63.2 bits)

TC 3.A.1.2.21 / B8H228 Inositol ABC transporter, periplasmic inositol-binding protein IbpA, component of The myoinositol (high affinity)/ D-ribose (low affinity) transporter IatP/IatA/IbpA. The structure of IbpA with myoinositol bound has been solved from Caulobacter crescentus (strain NA1000 / CB15N)
    28% identity, 79% coverage of query (61.6 bits)

4rsmA / A0QYB5 Crystal structure of carbohydrate transporter msmeg_3599 from mycobacterium smegmatis str. Mc2 155, target efi-510970, in complex with d-threitol (see paper)
    28% identity, 76% coverage of query (61.6 bits)

4irxA / A0A0H3C834 Crystal structure of caulobacter myo-inositol binding protein bound to myo-inositol (see paper)
    27% identity, 85% coverage of query (61.6 bits)

APIBP_RHIR8 / B9JK76 D-apiose import binding protein; D-apiose binding SBP from Rhizobium rhizogenes (strain K84 / ATCC BAA-868) (Agrobacterium radiobacter) (see paper)
    30% identity, 80% coverage of query (59.3 bits)

4z0nA / D1AWX5 Crystal structure of a periplasmic solute binding protein (ipr025997) from streptobacillus moniliformis dsm-12112 (smon_0317, target efi- 511281) with bound d-galactose
    25% identity, 73% coverage of query (57.4 bits)

RbsB / b3751 ribose ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 25 papers)
RbsB / P02925 ribose ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 25 papers)
RBSB_ECOLI / P02925 Ribose import binding protein RbsB from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 5 papers)
TC 3.A.1.2.1 / P02925 RbsB aka RBSP aka PRLB aka B3751, component of Ribose porter from Escherichia coli (see 11 papers)
rbsB / GB|AAC76774.1 D-ribose-binding periplasmic protein; EC from Escherichia coli K12 (see 11 papers)
    26% identity, 82% coverage of query (56.2 bits)

P23905 D-galactose/methyl-galactoside binding periplasmic protein MglB; D-galactose-binding periplasmic protein; GBP; D-galactose/D-glucose-binding protein; GGBP from Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720)
    28% identity, 81% coverage of query (56.2 bits)

APIBP_RHIEC / Q2JZQ5 D-apiose import binding protein; D-apiose binding SBP from Rhizobium etli (strain ATCC 51251 / DSM 11541 / JCM 21823 / NBRC 15573 / CFN 42) (see paper)
    30% identity, 74% coverage of query (55.8 bits)

eryG / Q2YIY2 putative erythritol ABC transporter substrate-binding protein from Brucella abortus (strain 2308) (see 3 papers)
    27% identity, 83% coverage of query (55.5 bits)

HSERO_RS11480 D-ribose ABC transporter, substrate-binding component RbsB from Herbaspirillum seropedicae SmR1
    29% identity, 77% coverage of query (54.7 bits)

1dbpA / P02925 Identical mutations at corresponding positions in two homologous proteins with non-identical effects (see paper)
    26% identity, 77% coverage of query (51.2 bits)

RR42_RS03370 fructose ABC transporter, substrate-binding component (FrcB) from Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11
    31% identity, 76% coverage of query (46.2 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory