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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_012385791.1 NCBI__GCF_000019845.1:WP_012385791.1 (227 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 10 curated proteins.

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Hits with ≥ 30% identity

DGOA_RHIME / Q92RN8 Probable 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase; 2-oxo-3-deoxygalactonate 6-phosphate aldolase; 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase; 6-phospho-2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase; KDPGal; EC from Rhizobium meliloti (strain 1021) (Ensifer meliloti) (Sinorhizobium meliloti) (see paper)
    58% identity, 93% coverage of query (225 bits)

lgnG / BAM68210.1 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase lgnG from Paracoccus laeviglucosivorans (see 2 papers)
    54% identity, 89% coverage of query (214 bits)

YidU / b4477 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase (EC; EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 6 papers)
dgoA / Q6BF16 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 5 papers)
DGOA_ECOLI / Q6BF16 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase; 2-oxo-3-deoxygalactonate 6-phosphate aldolase; 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase; 6-phospho-2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase; KDPGal; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 3 papers)
Q6BF16 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase (EC from Escherichia coli (see paper)
dgoA / RF|YP_026238 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase from Escherichia coli K12 (see 2 papers)
    48% identity, 88% coverage of query (172 bits)

2v82A / Q6BF16 Kdpgal complexed to kdpgal (see paper)
    48% identity, 88% coverage of query (172 bits)

1wa3D / Q9WXS1 Mechanism of the class i kdpg aldolase (see paper)
    34% identity, 83% coverage of query (102 bits)

TM0066 / Q9WXS1 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (EC; EC from Thermotoga maritima (strain ATCC 43589 / DSM 3109 / JCM 10099 / NBRC 100826 / MSB8) (see paper)
    34% identity, 83% coverage of query (102 bits)

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Additional hits (identity < 30%)

ALKH_BACSU / P50846 KHG/KDPG aldolase; EC; EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see paper)
    27% identity, 82% coverage of query (63.5 bits)

CA265_RS19860 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase (EC from Pedobacter sp. GW460-11-11-14-LB5
    27% identity, 77% coverage of query (62.4 bits)

3vcrA / D2YW47 Crystal structure of a putative kdpg (2-keto-3-deoxy-6- phosphogluconate) aldolase from oleispira antarctica (see paper)
    29% identity, 81% coverage of query (58.2 bits)

kdgA / P38448 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate-6-phosphate aldolase (EC from Dickeya dadantii (strain 3937) (see 2 papers)
    27% identity, 76% coverage of query (57.8 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory