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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_013136520.1 NCBI__GCF_000092245.1:WP_013136520.1 (294 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 70 curated proteins.

You can add additional sequences or change the %identity threshold for inclusion. Once you have selected sequences, you can build an alignment and a tree.

Hits with ≥ 30% identity

prpB / Q0KAG5 2-methylcitrate lyase (EC from Cupriavidus necator (strain ATCC 17699 / DSM 428 / KCTC 22496 / NCIMB 10442 / H16 / Stanier 337) (see paper)
    66% identity, 100% coverage of query (401 bits)

YahQ / b0331 2-methylisocitrate lyase (EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 7 papers)
prpB / P77541 2-methylisocitrate lyase (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 6 papers)
PRPB_ECOLI / P77541 2-methylisocitrate lyase; 2-MIC; MICL; (2R,3S)-2-methylisocitrate lyase; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 3 papers)
    65% identity, 100% coverage of query (400 bits)

RR42_RS11260 Methylisocitrate lyase (EC from Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11
    65% identity, 100% coverage of query (397 bits)

1mumA / P77541 Structure of the 2-methylisocitrate lyase (prpb) from escherichia coli (see paper)
    66% identity, 98% coverage of query (397 bits)

PRPB_CUPNE / Q937P0 2-methylisocitrate lyase; 2-MIC; MICL; (2R,3S)-2-methylisocitrate lyase; EC from Cupriavidus necator (Alcaligenes eutrophus) (Ralstonia eutropha) (see paper)
    65% identity, 100% coverage of query (395 bits)

Pf6N2E2_6061 Methylisocitrate lyase (EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N2E2
    62% identity, 99% coverage of query (380 bits)

PRPB_SHEON / Q8EJW1 2-methylisocitrate lyase; 2-MIC; MICL; (2R,3S)-2-methylisocitrate lyase; EC from Shewanella oneidensis (strain ATCC 700550 / JCM 31522 / CIP 106686 / LMG 19005 / NCIMB 14063 / MR-1) (see paper)
    62% identity, 99% coverage of query (377 bits)

prpB / Q56062 2-methylisocitrate lyase subunit (EC from Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720) (see paper)
PRPB_SALTY / Q56062 2-methylisocitrate lyase; 2-MIC; MICL; (2R,3S)-2-methylisocitrate lyase; EC from Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720) (see 4 papers)
    62% identity, 99% coverage of query (375 bits)

6t4vC / Q9I5E2 Crystal structure of 2-methylisocitrate lyase (prpb) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in apo form.
    61% identity, 98% coverage of query (351 bits)

1o5qA Crystal structure of pyruvate and mg2+ bound 2-methylisocitrate lyase (prpb) from salmonella typhimurium
    60% identity, 96% coverage of query (338 bits)

4iqdA / A0A6L7HJ56 Crystal structure of carboxyvinyl-carboxyphosphonate phosphorylmutase from bacillus anthracis
    44% identity, 98% coverage of query (244 bits)

MMGF_BACSU / P54528 2-methylisocitrate lyase; 2-MIC; MICL; EC 4.1.3.- from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see paper)
P54528 Methylisocitrate lyase (EC from Bacillus subtilis (see paper)
    42% identity, 97% coverage of query (231 bits)

phpI / A0A0M3WPI5 carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate phosphonomutase (EC from Kitasatospora phosalacinea (see 4 papers)
    40% identity, 98% coverage of query (228 bits)

bcpA / P11435 carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate phosphonomutase monomer (EC from Streptomyces hygroscopicus (see 3 papers)
    40% identity, 96% coverage of query (224 bits)

PRPB1_CORGL / Q8NSH8 Probable 2-methylisocitrate lyase 1; 2-MIC; MICL; (2R,3S)-2-methylisocitrate lyase; EC from Corynebacterium glutamicum (strain ATCC 13032 / DSM 20300 / JCM 1318 / BCRC 11384 / CCUG 27702 / LMG 3730 / NBRC 12168 / NCIMB 10025 / NRRL B-2784 / 534) (see paper)
    41% identity, 95% coverage of query (210 bits)

PRPB2_CORGL / Q8NSL2 Probable 2-methylisocitrate lyase 2; 2-MIC; MICL; (2R,3S)-2-methylisocitrate lyase; EC from Corynebacterium glutamicum (strain ATCC 13032 / DSM 20300 / JCM 1318 / BCRC 11384 / CCUG 27702 / LMG 3730 / NBRC 12168 / NCIMB 10025 / NRRL B-2784 / 534) (see paper)
    41% identity, 88% coverage of query (201 bits)

dml / Q0QLE4 2,3-dimethylmalate lyase subunit (EC from Eubacterium barkeri (see 2 papers)
DML_EUBBA / Q0QLE4 2,3-dimethylmalate lyase; EC from Eubacterium barkeri (Clostridium barkeri) (see 3 papers)
    35% identity, 99% coverage of query (190 bits)

Q2L8W6 Methylisocitrate lyase (EC from Toxoplasma gondii (see paper)
    40% identity, 94% coverage of query (188 bits)

Q2L886 oxaloacetase (EC from Aspergillus niger (see paper)
    35% identity, 93% coverage of query (177 bits)

CPPM_ARATH / O49290 Carboxyvinyl-carboxyphosphonate phosphorylmutase, chloroplastic; Carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate phosphonomutase; CPEP phosphonomutase; EC from Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress) (see paper)
    35% identity, 96% coverage of query (169 bits)

3fa3B / Q2L887 Crystal structure of 2,3-dimethylmalate lyase, a pep mutase/isocitrate lyase superfamily member, trigonal crystal form (see paper)
    35% identity, 97% coverage of query (166 bits)

A2QP68 oxaloacetase (EC from Aspergillus niger (see paper)
Q2L887 2,3-Dimethylmalate lyase (EC from Aspergillus niger (see paper)
    35% identity, 97% coverage of query (166 bits)

PDP_DIACA / Q05957 Petal death protein; (R)-2-methylmalate lyase; D-citramalate lyase; Oxalacetic hydrolase; PSR132; EC; EC 4.1.3.- from Dianthus caryophyllus (Carnation) (Clove pink) (see 3 papers)
Q05957 isocitrate lyase (EC from Dianthus caryophyllus (see paper)
    34% identity, 95% coverage of query (158 bits)

1zlpB / Q05957 Petal death protein psr132 with cysteine-linked glutaraldehyde forming a thiohemiacetal adduct (see paper)
    35% identity, 94% coverage of query (157 bits)

1zlpA Petal death protein psr132 with cysteine-linked glutaraldehyde forming a thiohemiacetal adduct
    35% identity, 93% coverage of query (157 bits)

3m0jA Structure of oxaloacetate acetylhydrolase in complex with the inhibitor 3,3-difluorooxalacetate (see paper)
    34% identity, 95% coverage of query (154 bits)

D5LIR7 oxaloacetase (EC from Cryphonectria parasitica (see paper)
    34% identity, 95% coverage of query (153 bits)

3fa4A Crystal structure of 2,3-dimethylmalate lyase, a pep mutase/isocitrate lyase superfamily member, triclinic crystal form
    33% identity, 97% coverage of query (147 bits)

A7ESB3 oxaloacetase (EC from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (see paper)
    33% identity, 95% coverage of query (146 bits)

3fa3J Crystal structure of 2,3-dimethylmalate lyase, a pep mutase/isocitrate lyase superfamily member, trigonal crystal form
    33% identity, 97% coverage of query (146 bits)

OAHA / Q6PNM8 oxaloacetate acetylhydrolase monomer (EC from Botryotinia fuckeliana (see 4 papers)
Q6PNM8 oxaloacetase (EC from Botrytis cinerea (see 2 papers)
    33% identity, 87% coverage of query (145 bits)

Q7Z986 oxaloacetase (EC from Aspergillus niger (see 2 papers)
    35% identity, 81% coverage of query (144 bits)

3m0kA Structure of oxaloacetate acetylhydrolase in complex with the product oxalate
    34% identity, 95% coverage of query (143 bits)

rhiH / D4HRI5 phosphoenolpyruvate mutase (EC from Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii ATCC 6633 (see paper)
    34% identity, 96% coverage of query (134 bits)

ACEA_HALVD / D4GTL3 Isocitrate lyase; ICL; Isocitrase; Isocitratase; EC from Haloferax volcanii (strain ATCC 29605 / DSM 3757 / JCM 8879 / NBRC 14742 / NCIMB 2012 / VKM B-1768 / DS2) (Halobacterium volcanii) (see 2 papers)
    31% identity, 87% coverage of query (119 bits)

3b8iA / Q9HUU1 Crystal structure of oxaloacetate decarboxylase from pseudomonas aeruginosa (pa4872) in complex with oxalate and mg2+. (see paper)
    30% identity, 84% coverage of query (104 bits)

OADC_PSEAE / Q9HUU1 Oxaloacetate decarboxylase; EC from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain ATCC 15692 / DSM 22644 / CIP 104116 / JCM 14847 / LMG 12228 / 1C / PRS 101 / PAO1) (see paper)
    30% identity, 84% coverage of query (104 bits)

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Build an alignment for WP_013136520.1 and 37 homologs with ≥ 30% identity

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Additional hits (identity < 30%)

6lrtA / A9WDE7 Crystal structure of isocitrate lyase (caur_3889) from chloroflexus aurantiacus in complex with isocitrate and manganese ion
    27% identity, 86% coverage of query (102 bits)

ppm / A0A0M3WNK3 phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase (EC from Kitasatospora phosalacinea (see 2 papers)
    30% identity, 95% coverage of query (97.4 bits)

dhpE / D7PC17 phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase (EC from Streptomyces luridus (see paper)
    27% identity, 93% coverage of query (94.0 bits)

5uncA / A0A0A0V023 The crystal structure of phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase from streptomyces platensis subsp. Rosaceus
    31% identity, 94% coverage of query (92.8 bits)

pphA / Q84G06 phosphonopyruvate hydrolase subunit (EC from Variovorax sp. (strain Pal2) (see 6 papers)
PPHA_VARSP / Q84G06 Phosphonopyruvate hydrolase; PPH; EC from Variovorax sp. (strain Pal2) (see 3 papers)
Q84G06 phosphonopyruvate hydrolase (EC from Variovorax sp. (see 2 papers)
    31% identity, 94% coverage of query (91.7 bits)

icl / CAA82555.1 isocitrate lyase from Rhodococcus fascians (see paper)
    28% identity, 79% coverage of query (90.9 bits)

frbD / Q0ZQ45 phosphoenolpyruvate mutase (EC from Streptomyces rubellomurinus (strain ATCC 31215) (see 2 papers)
PEPM_STRR3 / Q0ZQ45 Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase; PEP mutase; PEP phosphomutase; Phosphoenolpyruvate mutase; EC from Streptomyces rubellomurinus (strain ATCC 31215) (see paper)
    32% identity, 75% coverage of query (90.1 bits)

2duaA / Q84G06 Crystal structure of phosphonopyruvate hydrolase complex with oxalate and mg++ (see paper)
    31% identity, 94% coverage of query (89.4 bits)

2hjpA Crystal structure of phosphonopyruvate hydrolase complex with phosphonopyruvate and mg++
    31% identity, 94% coverage of query (89.4 bits)

1m1bA / P56839 Crystal structure of phosphoenolpyruvate mutase complexed with sulfopyruvate (see paper)
    28% identity, 91% coverage of query (89.0 bits)

PEMT / P56839 phosphoenolpyruvate mutase subunit (EC from Mytilus edulis (see paper)
PEPM_MYTED / P56839 Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase; PEP mutase; PEP phosphomutase; Phosphoenolpyruvate mutase; EC from Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel) (see 2 papers)
    28% identity, 91% coverage of query (89.0 bits)

ACEA_CORGL / P42449 Isocitrate lyase; ICL; Isocitrase; Isocitratase; EC from Corynebacterium glutamicum (strain ATCC 13032 / DSM 20300 / JCM 1318 / BCRC 11384 / CCUG 27702 / LMG 3730 / NBRC 12168 / NCIMB 10025 / NRRL B-2784 / 534) (see 3 papers)
    27% identity, 77% coverage of query (89.0 bits)

1pymA Phosphoenolpyruvate mutase from mollusk in with bound mg2-oxalate
    28% identity, 91% coverage of query (89.0 bits)

A0A3S5YB92 isocitrate lyase (EC from Rhodococcus hoagii (see paper)
    28% identity, 79% coverage of query (87.8 bits)

7cmyC / Q81GQ9 Isocitrate lyase from bacillus cereus atcc 14579 in complex with magnessium ion, glyoxylate, and succinate
    25% identity, 86% coverage of query (87.8 bits)

ppm / P33182 phosphoenolpyruvate mutase subunit (EC from Tetrahymena pyriformis (see paper)
pepm / AAA30123.1 phosphoenolpyruvate mutase from Tetrahymena pyriformis (see paper)
    29% identity, 78% coverage of query (84.3 bits)

7rb1A Isocitrate lyase-1 from mycobacterium tuberculosis covalently modified by 5-descarboxy-5-nitro-d-isocitric acid
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.3 bits)

6wsiA Intact cis-2,3-epoxysuccinic acid bound to isocitrate lyase-1 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.3 bits)

6vb9A Covalent adduct of cis-2,3-epoxysuccinic acid with isocitrate lyase-1 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.3 bits)

5dqlA Crystal structure of 2-vinyl glyoxylate modified isocitrate lyase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.3 bits)

6xppA Crystal structure of itaconate modified mycobaterium tuberculosis isocitrate lyase
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.3 bits)

6c4aA / P9WKK7 Crystal structure of 3-nitropropionate modified isocitrate lyase from mycobacterium tuberculosis with pyruvate (see paper)
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.0 bits)

icl / P9WKK7 isocitrate lyase subunit (EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (see paper)
ACEA1_MYCTE / H8EVV4 Isocitrate lyase 1; ICL1; Isocitrase; Isocitratase; Methylisocitrate lyase; MICA; EC; EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 35801 / TMC 107 / Erdman) (see paper)
ACEA1_MYCBO / P0A5H4 Isocitrate lyase 1; ICL1; Isocitrase; Isocitratase; EC from Mycobacterium bovis (strain ATCC BAA-935 / AF2122/97) (see paper)
ACEA1_MYCTO / P9WKK6 Isocitrate lyase 1; ICL1; Isocitrase; Isocitratase; Methylisocitrate lyase; MICA; EC; EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain CDC 1551 / Oshkosh) (see 3 papers)
ACEA_MYCTU / P9WKK7 Isocitrate lyase; ICL; Isocitrase; Isocitratase; EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (see 7 papers)
P9WKK7 isocitrate lyase (EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (see 4 papers)
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (84.0 bits)

ppm / Q5IW38 phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase (EC from Streptomyces viridochromogenes (see paper)
    29% identity, 96% coverage of query (83.6 bits)

7rbxC / Q2YQA0 Crystal structure of isocitrate lyase and phosphorylmutase:isocitrate lyase from brucella melitensis biovar abortus 2308 bound to itaconic acid (see paper)
    25% identity, 85% coverage of query (82.8 bits)

Pf1N1B4_4042 Isocitrate lyase (EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N1B4
    27% identity, 70% coverage of query (81.6 bits)

Q8RPZ0 isocitrate lyase (EC from Streptomyces clavuligerus (see paper)
    26% identity, 81% coverage of query (81.3 bits)

Q8T8D9 phosphoenolpyruvate mutase (EC from Trypanosoma cruzi (see paper)
    30% identity, 74% coverage of query (80.5 bits)

bcpB / BAA00905.1 phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase from Streptomyces hygroscopicus (see paper)
    32% identity, 95% coverage of query (80.1 bits)

1f8iA Crystal structure of isocitrate lyase:nitropropionate:glyoxylate complex from mycobacterium tuberculosis
    27% identity, 80% coverage of query (80.1 bits)

Q97YI8 isocitrate lyase (EC from Saccharolobus solfataricus (see paper)
    24% identity, 86% coverage of query (79.3 bits)

GCP_CAEEL / Q10663 Bifunctional glyoxylate cycle protein; Gex-3-interacting protein 7; EC; EC from Caenorhabditis elegans (see 2 papers)
    24% identity, 86% coverage of query (75.1 bits)

4lsbB / B4EFV2 Crystal structure of a putative lyase/mutase from burkholderia cenocepacia j2315
    28% identity, 76% coverage of query (47.4 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory