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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_013451476.1 NCBI__GCF_000183405.1:WP_013451476.1 (252 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 100 curated proteins.

You can add additional sequences or change the %identity threshold for inclusion. Once you have selected sequences, you can build an alignment and a tree.

Hits with ≥ 30% identity

A8R3J3 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Ralstonia pickettii (see paper)
    44% identity, 100% coverage of query (234 bits)

5b4tA / D0VWQ0 Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from alcaligenes faecalis complexed with NAD+ and a substrate d-3- hydroxybutyrate (see paper)
    47% identity, 100% coverage of query (232 bits)

3w8dA Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from alcaligenes faecalis complexed with NAD+ and an inhibitor methylmalonate
    47% identity, 100% coverage of query (232 bits)

3vdrA Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, prepared in the presence of the substrate d-3-hydroxybutyrate and NAD(+)
    47% identity, 100% coverage of query (232 bits)

3vdqA Crystal structure of alcaligenes faecalis d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in complex with NAD(+) and acetate
    47% identity, 100% coverage of query (232 bits)

Q5KST5 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Pseudomonas fragi (see 3 papers)
1wmbA / Q5KST5 Crystal structure of NAD dependent d-3-hydroxybutylate dehydrogenase (see paper)
BAD86668.1 D(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas fragi (see paper)
    46% identity, 100% coverage of query (230 bits)

2ztlA Closed conformation of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+ and l-3-hydroxybutyrate
    46% identity, 100% coverage of query (230 bits)

5yssB / A0A0D7LY80 Crystal structure of aminocaproic acid cyclase in complex with NAD (+) (see paper)
    43% identity, 98% coverage of query (214 bits)

Q767A0 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Acidovorax sp. (see paper)
    42% identity, 99% coverage of query (213 bits)

2q2qD / Q9AE70 Structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from pseudomonas putida (see paper)
    44% identity, 100% coverage of query (209 bits)

Q9AE70 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Pseudomonas putida (see 2 papers)
    44% identity, 100% coverage of query (209 bits)

Q2PEN2 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Ralstonia pickettii (see 2 papers)
    40% identity, 100% coverage of query (209 bits)

A0A1E3M3N6 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Acinetobacter baumannii (see paper)
6zzsD / A0A1E3M3N6 Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with NAD+ and 3-oxovalerate (see paper)
    42% identity, 98% coverage of query (207 bits)

6zzqA Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with NAD+ and acetoacetate
    42% identity, 98% coverage of query (207 bits)

1x1tA / Q5KST5 Crystal structure of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from pseudomonas fragi complexed with NAD+ (see paper)
    43% identity, 100% coverage of query (200 bits)

Q2PEN3 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Ralstonia pickettii (see 2 papers)
    38% identity, 99% coverage of query (176 bits)

Q5ZT49 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila (see paper)
    39% identity, 99% coverage of query (176 bits)

8dt1C / A0A1V2Y0M0 Crystal structure of a putative d-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia j2315 in complex with NAD
    41% identity, 98% coverage of query (173 bits)

6zzoC / Q4FRT2 Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from psychrobacter arcticus complexed with NAD+ and acetoacetate (see paper)
    38% identity, 98% coverage of query (172 bits)

Q4FRT2 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC from Psychrobacter arcticus (see paper)
    38% identity, 98% coverage of query (172 bits)

6zzpA Crystal structure of (r)-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from psychrobacter arcticus complexed with NAD+ and 3-oxovalerate
    38% identity, 98% coverage of query (172 bits)

A0JC04 octanol dehydrogenase (EC from Ogataea wickerhamii (see paper)
    38% identity, 100% coverage of query (158 bits)

6ixmC / X2D0L0 Crystal structure of the ketone reductase chkred20 from the genome of chryseobacterium sp. Ca49 complexed with NAD (see paper)
    35% identity, 100% coverage of query (150 bits)

8y83A Crystal structure of a ketoreductase from sphingobacterium siyangense sy1 with co-enzyme
    36% identity, 100% coverage of query (150 bits)

5itvA / P39640 Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis bacc dihydroanticapsin 7- dehydrogenase in complex with nadh (see paper)
    34% identity, 100% coverage of query (149 bits)

bacC / P39640 dihydroanticapsin dehydrogenase (EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see paper)
BACC_BACSU / P39640 Dihydroanticapsin 7-dehydrogenase; Bacilysin biosynthesis oxidoreductase BacC; EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 3 papers)
P39640 dihydroanticapsin dehydrogenase (EC from Bacillus subtilis (see paper)
    34% identity, 100% coverage of query (149 bits)

fabG / P51831 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 3 papers)
    35% identity, 99% coverage of query (147 bits)

4nbuB Crystal structure of fabg from bacillus sp (see paper)
    36% identity, 98% coverage of query (145 bits)

phbB / P23238 acetoacetyl-CoA reductase subunit (EC from Shinella zoogloeoides (see 2 papers)
PHAB_SHIZO / P23238 Acetoacetyl-CoA reductase; EC from Shinella zoogloeoides (Crabtreella saccharophila) (see paper)
    36% identity, 97% coverage of query (144 bits)

phbB / AAA90983.1 acetoacetyl CoA reductase from Sinorhizobium meliloti (see 2 papers)
    38% identity, 97% coverage of query (144 bits)

4k6fB / B4EAU4 X-ray crystal structure of a putative acetoacetyl-coa reductase from burkholderia cenocepacia bound to the co-factor NADP
    34% identity, 98% coverage of query (143 bits)

uxaD / Q9WYS2 fructuronate reductase from Thermotoga maritima (strain ATCC 43589 / DSM 3109 / JCM 10099 / NBRC 100826 / MSB8) (see paper)
    32% identity, 100% coverage of query (141 bits)

ASTE_ASPOR / Q2UEK6 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase astE; Astellolide biosynthesis cluster protein E; EC 1.1.-.- from Aspergillus oryzae (strain ATCC 42149 / RIB 40) (Yellow koji mold) (see paper)
    36% identity, 98% coverage of query (141 bits)

1vl8B / Q9WYS2 Crystal structure of gluconate 5-dehydrogenase (tm0441) from thermotoga maritima at 2.07 a resolution
    32% identity, 100% coverage of query (141 bits)

dpsE / Q54812 daunorubicin polyketide synthase reductase from Streptomyces peucetius (see paper)
    34% identity, 99% coverage of query (140 bits)

C7RM91 acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (EC from Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis (see 2 papers)
    38% identity, 98% coverage of query (140 bits)

5vt6A / Q3JJT1 Crystal structure of acetoacetyl-coa reductase from burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b complexed with NADP
    34% identity, 99% coverage of query (139 bits)

Q9WYD3 D-arabinitol 2-dehydrogenase (EC from Thermotoga maritima (see paper)
    36% identity, 99% coverage of query (137 bits)

chnA / Q5P8S7 cyclohexanol dehydrogenase from Aromatoleum aromaticum (strain EbN1) (see paper)
4ureB / Q5P8S7 Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4- hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from aromatoleum aromaticum ebn1 (see paper)
    35% identity, 100% coverage of query (136 bits)

phaB / Q3IZW0 (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC from Cereibacter sphaeroides (strain ATCC 17023 / DSM 158 / JCM 6121 / CCUG 31486 / LMG 2827 / NBRC 12203 / NCIMB 8253 / ATH 2.4.1.) (see 3 papers)
    37% identity, 97% coverage of query (136 bits)

4urfB Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4- hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from aromatoleum aromaticum ebn1
    35% identity, 100% coverage of query (136 bits)

4urfA Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4- hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from aromatoleum aromaticum ebn1
    35% identity, 100% coverage of query (136 bits)

1nffA / P9WGT1 Crystal structure of rv2002 gene product from mycobacterium tuberculosis (see paper)
    34% identity, 100% coverage of query (135 bits)

7tzpG / A0A332H2K8 Crystal structure of putataive short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (fabg) from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. Pneumoniae ntuh-k2044 in complex with nadh (see paper)
    34% identity, 98% coverage of query (135 bits)

A0A5P1RES5 acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (subunit 1/2) (EC from Neptunomonas concharum (see paper)
    33% identity, 98% coverage of query (135 bits)

1nfqA Rv2002 gene product from mycobacterium tuberculosis
    34% identity, 100% coverage of query (135 bits)

1edoA / Q93X62 The x-ray structure of beta-keto acyl carrier protein reductase from brassica napus complexed with NADP+ (see paper)
    37% identity, 97% coverage of query (134 bits)

HSD_MYCTU / P9WGT1 3-alpha-(or 20-beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; NADH-dependent 3alpha, 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (see 2 papers)
GI|3261591 3-alpha-(or 20-beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (see paper)
    34% identity, 98% coverage of query (134 bits)

BWI76_RS23705 2-deoxy-D-ribonyl-CoA 3-dehydrogenase from Klebsiella michiganensis M5al
    34% identity, 98% coverage of query (134 bits)

RUMGNA_00694 / A7AZH2 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (EC from Ruminococcus gnavus (strain ATCC 29149 / VPI C7-9) (see 4 papers)
3BHDP_MEDG7 / A7AZH2 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 3beta-HSDH; 3beta-hydroxycholanate 3-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)); NADP-dependent bile acid 3beta-dehydrogenase; EC 1.1.1.-; EC from Mediterraneibacter gnavus (strain ATCC 29149 / DSM 114966 / JCM 6515 / VPI C7-9) (Ruminococcus gnavus) (see paper)
A7AZH2 3beta-hydroxycholanate 3-dehydrogenase (NADP+) (EC from [Ruminococcus] gnavus (see paper)
    35% identity, 98% coverage of query (133 bits)

Q1J2J0 L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase (EC from Deinococcus geothermalis (see paper)
    33% identity, 99% coverage of query (133 bits)

chnA / Q9F7E0 cyclohexanol dehydrogenase (EC from Acinetobacter sp. (strain SE19) (see 4 papers)
CHNA_ACISS / Q9F7E0 Cyclohexanol dehydrogenase; EC from Acinetobacter sp. (strain SE19) (see paper)
    34% identity, 98% coverage of query (132 bits)

7pcsB / Q9KJF1 Structure of the heterotetrameric sdr family member bbscd (see paper)
    31% identity, 98% coverage of query (132 bits)

BBSD_THAAR / Q9KJF1 (2S)-[(R)-hydroxy(phenyl)methyl]succinyl-CoA dehydrogenase subunit BbsD; (S,R)-2-(alpha-hydroxybenzyl)succinyl-CoA dehydrogenase subunit BbsD; EC from Thauera aromatica (see 2 papers)
    31% identity, 98% coverage of query (132 bits)

4jroC / Q8Y690 Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein]reductase (fabg) from listeria monocytogenes in complex with NADP+
    34% identity, 99% coverage of query (132 bits)

jadE / Q56166 jadomycin biosynthesis oxidoreductase JadE from Streptomyces venezuelae (strain ATCC 10712 / CBS 650.69 / DSM 40230 / JCM 4526 / NBRC 13096 / PD 04745) (see 2 papers)
    33% identity, 98% coverage of query (132 bits)

KDUD_BACSU / P50842 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 5-dehydrogenase; 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate 5-dehydrogenase; 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate oxidoreductase; KDG oxidoreductase; EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see paper)
    32% identity, 99% coverage of query (132 bits)

5gwrA 4-hydroxyisoleucine dehydrogenase complexed with nadh (see paper)
    35% identity, 98% coverage of query (130 bits)

Q5SLC4 aldose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD+) (EC from Thermus thermophilus (see paper)
    34% identity, 99% coverage of query (130 bits)

snoaD / CAA12013.1 SnoaD from Streptomyces nogalater (see 3 papers)
    34% identity, 97% coverage of query (130 bits)

5itvD / P39640 Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis bacc dihydroanticapsin 7- dehydrogenase in complex with nadh (see paper)
    30% identity, 100% coverage of query (130 bits)

2d1yA Crystal structure of tt0321 from thermus thermophilus hb8
    33% identity, 99% coverage of query (130 bits)

1iy8A / Q9LBG2 Crystal structure of levodione reductase (see paper)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (129 bits)

lvr / Q9LBG2 levodione reductase monomer from Leifsonia aquatica (see 3 papers)
lvr / BAA95121.1 levodione reductase from Leifsonia aquatica (see paper)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (129 bits)

AT1G24360 / P33207 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase, chloroplastic (EC from Arabidopsis thaliana (see paper)
    35% identity, 98% coverage of query (129 bits)

Q9LBG2 Levodione reductase; (6R)-2,2,6-trimethyl-1,4-cyclohexanedione reductase; EC 1.1.1.- from Leifsonia aquatica (Corynebacterium aquaticum)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (129 bits)

LINC_SPHIU / D4YYG1 2,5-dichloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol dehydrogenase; 2,5-DDOL dehydrogenase; EC 1.1.1.- from Sphingobium indicum (strain DSM 16413 / CCM 7287 / MTCC 6362 / UT26 / NBRC 101211 / UT26S) (Sphingobium japonicum) (see paper)
    32% identity, 100% coverage of query (127 bits)

dhuD / Q8E370 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 5-dehydrogenase monomer (EC from Streptococcus agalactiae serotype III (strain NEM316) (see paper)
    33% identity, 100% coverage of query (127 bits)

RADH_LENKE / Q6WVP7 NADP-dependent (R)-specific alcohol dehydrogenase; (R)-specific ADH; Ketoreductase; KRED; EC 1.1.1.- from Lentilactobacillus kefiri (Lactobacillus kefiri)
    33% identity, 100% coverage of query (127 bits)

4nbwA / A6G411 Crystal structure of fabg from plesiocystis pacifica (see paper)
    34% identity, 98% coverage of query (127 bits)

8cxaA / A0QVD5 Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase from mycobacterium smegmatis with bound NAD
    33% identity, 98% coverage of query (127 bits)

aknA / Q9L553 aclacinomycin polyketide synthase reductase from Streptomyces galilaeus (see paper)
    33% identity, 98% coverage of query (127 bits)

3BHD2_EGGLE / C8WGQ3 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2; 3beta-HSDH 2; 3beta-hydroxycholanate 3-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 2; NAD-dependent bile acid 3beta-dehydrogenase; EC 1.1.1.-; EC from Eggerthella lenta (strain ATCC 25559 / DSM 2243 / CCUG 17323 / JCM 9979 / KCTC 3265 / NCTC 11813 / VPI 0255 / 1899 B) (Eubacterium lentum) (see paper)
C8WGQ3 3beta-hydroxycholanate 3-dehydrogenase (NAD+) (EC from Eggerthella lenta (see paper)
    33% identity, 98% coverage of query (126 bits)

cpnA / Q8GAV9 cyclopentanol dehydrogenase (EC from Comamonas sp. (strain NCIMB 9872) (see 2 papers)
CPNA_COMS9 / Q8GAV9 Cyclopentanol dehydrogenase; Cyclohexanol dehydrogenase; EC; EC from Comamonas sp. (strain NCIMB 9872) (see paper)
CPNA_COMTE / Q937L4 Cyclopentanol dehydrogenase; Cyclohexanol dehydrogenase; EC; EC from Comamonas testosteroni (Pseudomonas testosteroni) (see paper)
cpmB / CAD10799.1 cyclohexanol dehydrogenase from Comamonas testosteroni (see paper)
    30% identity, 100% coverage of query (126 bits)

YgcW / b2774 putative deoxygluconate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 3 papers)
    32% identity, 99% coverage of query (125 bits)

A0A545BBR2 (1R,2S)-ephedrine 1-dehydrogenase (EC from Arthrobacter sp. TS-15 (see paper)
    31% identity, 98% coverage of query (125 bits)

7ejhA / Q6WVP7 Crystal structure of kred mutant-f147l/l153q/y190p/l199a/m205f/m206f and 2-hydroxyisoindoline-1,3-dione complex
    33% identity, 100% coverage of query (125 bits)

4i08A Crystal structure of beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (fabg) from vibrio cholerae in complex with NADPH
    32% identity, 99% coverage of query (125 bits)

6t77A / W9B6I8 Crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae fabg(NADPH-dependent) NADP- complex at 1.75 a resolution (see paper)
    33% identity, 98% coverage of query (124 bits)

ipdF / I6YCF0 3-[(3aS,4S,7aS)-7a-methyl-1,5-dioxo-octahydro-1H-inden-4-yl]propanoyl-CoA reductase (EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (see 3 papers)
IPDF_MYCTU / I6YCF0 (5R,7aS)-5-hydroxy-7a-methyl-1-oxo-2,3,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-1H-indene-carboxyl-CoA reductase; EC 1.1.1.- from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (see paper)
    30% identity, 97% coverage of query (124 bits)

7ejiB Crystal structure of kred f147l/l153q/y190p/l199a/m205f/m206f variant and methyl methacrylate complex
    33% identity, 100% coverage of query (124 bits)

2rh4B / P16544 Actinorhodin ketoreductase, actkr, with NADPH and inhibitor emodin (see paper)
    32% identity, 97% coverage of query (123 bits)

ACT3_STRCO / P16544 Putative ketoacyl reductase; EC 1.3.1.- from Streptomyces coelicolor (strain ATCC BAA-471 / A3(2) / M145) (see 2 papers)
    32% identity, 97% coverage of query (123 bits)

1w4zA Structure of actinorhodin polyketide (actiii) reductase
    32% identity, 97% coverage of query (123 bits)

1xr3A Actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase with NADP and the inhibitor isoniazid bound
    32% identity, 97% coverage of query (123 bits)

2rh4A Actinorhodin ketoreductase, actkr, with NADPH and inhibitor emodin
    32% identity, 97% coverage of query (123 bits)

3ay6B / P39485 Crystal structure of bacillus megaterium glucose dehydrogenase 4 a258f mutant in complex with nadh and d-glucose (see paper)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (123 bits)

3op4A Crystal structure of putative 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. N16961 in complex with NADP+ (see paper)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (123 bits)

2dtxA Structure of thermoplasma acidophilum aldohexose dehydrogenase (aldt) in complex with d-mannose
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (123 bits)

2dteA / Q9HK51 Structure of thermoplasma acidophilum aldohexose dehydrogenase (aldt) in complex with nadh (see paper)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (123 bits)

3sjuA / Q67G28 Hedamycin polyketide ketoreductase bound to NADPH (see paper)
    32% identity, 97% coverage of query (122 bits)

1zk1A Structure of r-specific alcohol dehydrogenase (mutant g37d) from lactobacillus brevis in complex with phenylethanol and NAD
    32% identity, 98% coverage of query (122 bits)

1zjzA Structure of r-specific alcohol dehydrogenase (mutant g37d) from lactobacillus brevis in complex with phenylethanol and NAD
    32% identity, 98% coverage of query (122 bits)

1zjyA Structure of r-specific alcohol dehydrogenase (mutant g37d) from lactobacillus brevis in complex with phenylethanol and nadh
    32% identity, 98% coverage of query (122 bits)

7xqmB / Q72LQ6 Indel-mutant short chain dehydrogenase bound to sah (see paper)
    34% identity, 99% coverage of query (122 bits)

SDR / F1SWA0 zerumbone synthase (EC from Zingiber zerumbet (see paper)
ZERSY_ZINZE / F1SWA0 Zerumbone synthase; EC from Zingiber zerumbet (Shampoo ginger) (Amomum zerumbet) (see paper)
F1SWA0 zerumbone synthase (EC from Zingiber zerumbet (see 2 papers)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (121 bits)

2ekpA / Q53W82 Structure of tt0495 protein from thermus thermophilus (see paper)
    33% identity, 99% coverage of query (121 bits)

7v1qA / U2RWV7 Leifsonia alcohol dehydrogenases lnadh (see paper)
    33% identity, 100% coverage of query (120 bits)

5vmlA / Q3JRS9 Crystal structure of acetoacetyl-coa reductase from burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b with bound NADP
    31% identity, 98% coverage of query (120 bits)

phbB / D3UAK7 hydroxyvaleryl-CoA reductase (EC from Cupriavidus necator (see 2 papers)
PHAB_CUPNH / P14697 Acetoacetyl-CoA reductase; EC from Cupriavidus necator (strain ATCC 17699 / DSM 428 / KCTC 22496 / NCIMB 10442 / H16 / Stanier 337) (Ralstonia eutropha) (see 4 papers)
P14697 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (EC; acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (EC from Cupriavidus necator (see 3 papers)
    31% identity, 98% coverage of query (120 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory