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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_017601060.1 NCBI__GCF_000341125.1:WP_017601060.1 (443 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 65 curated proteins.

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Hits with ≥ 30% identity

8e9hF / A0QU31 Mycobacterial respiratory complex i, fully-inserted quinone (see paper)
    71% identity, 96% coverage of query (612 bits)

7p61F / P31979 Complex i from e. Coli, ddm-purified, with nadh, resting state (see paper)
    51% identity, 91% coverage of query (411 bits)

NuoF / b2284 NADH:quinone oxidoreductase subunit F from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 15 papers)
nuoF / P31979 NADH:quinone oxidoreductase subunit F from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 15 papers)
TC 3.D.1.1.1 / P31979 NUOF aka B2284, component of NADH dehydrogenase I, NuoA-N from Escherichia coli (see 7 papers)
    51% identity, 91% coverage of query (411 bits)

NQO1_THET8 / Q56222 NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 1; NADH dehydrogenase I chain 1; NDH-1 subunit 1; EC 7.1.1.- from Thermus thermophilus (strain ATCC 27634 / DSM 579 / HB8) (see 2 papers)
TC 3.D.1.3.1 / Q56222 Nqo1, component of NADH Dehydrogenase, NDH (Baradaran et al. 2013).  The x-ray structures of various complexes have been solved, and a coupling mechanism involving long range conformational changes has been proposed from Thermus thermophilus (see 3 papers)
    49% identity, 95% coverage of query (399 bits)

4hea1 / Q56222 Crystal structure of the entire respiratory complex i from thermus thermophilus (see paper)
    49% identity, 95% coverage of query (399 bits)

2ybb1 Fitted model for bovine mitochondrial supercomplex i1iii2iv1 by single particle cryo-em (emd-1876)
    49% identity, 95% coverage of query (399 bits)

TC 3.D.1.2.1 / P29913 NQO1, component of NADH dehydrogenase I from Paracoccus denitrificans (see 3 papers)
AAA25585.1 NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans (see paper)
    49% identity, 89% coverage of query (395 bits)

nuoF / Q88FH3 NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F (EC from Pseudomonas putida (strain ATCC 47054 / DSM 6125 / CFBP 8728 / NCIMB 11950 / KT2440) (see 2 papers)
    52% identity, 87% coverage of query (390 bits)

TC 3.D.1.6.4 / Q6V9B2 50 (NuoF), component of The green algal H+ translocating NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) complex (42 subunits; 33 included here) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    47% identity, 93% coverage of query (380 bits)

TC 3.D.1.6.2 / P24917 51 (NuoF), component of The fungal H+ translocating NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) complex (38 subunits; 35 included here) from Neurospora crassa (see 3 papers)
    47% identity, 89% coverage of query (377 bits)

NDH51 NADH-quinone oxidoreductase chain F from Candida albicans (see 4 papers)
    46% identity, 89% coverage of query (376 bits)

7arcF / A0A7S0V3A3 Cryo-em structure of polytomella complex-i (peripheral arm) (see paper)
    47% identity, 92% coverage of query (376 bits)

8b9zF / Q9VMI3 Drosophila melanogaster complex i in the active state (dm1) (see paper)
    48% identity, 91% coverage of query (376 bits)

nuoF / CAA71232.1 complex I 51kDa subunit from Rhodobacter capsulatus (see paper)
    46% identity, 89% coverage of query (376 bits)

8eswV1 NADH dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 24 kDa subunit, isoform A
    48% identity, 91% coverage of query (376 bits)

8iufV1 8iufV1 (see paper)
    47% identity, 89% coverage of query (375 bits)

8j9iV1 ndufv1
    47% identity, 89% coverage of query (375 bits)

6zk91 Peripheral domain of open complex i during turnover
    47% identity, 92% coverage of query (375 bits)

5lnk1 Entire ovine respiratory complex i
    47% identity, 92% coverage of query (374 bits)

7dgq8 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial
    47% identity, 92% coverage of query (374 bits)

at5g08530 / Q9FNN5 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa subunit (EC from Arabidopsis thaliana (see paper)
TC 3.D.1.6.3 / Q9FNN5 53.5 (NuoF), component of The higher plant H+ translocating NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) complex (41 subunits; 23 included here) from Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress) (see paper)
    49% identity, 87% coverage of query (373 bits)

NDUV1_BOVIN / P25708 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial; NDUFV1; Complex I-51kD; CI-51kD; NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein 1; NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa subunit; EC from Bos taurus (Bovine) (see 4 papers)
TC 3.D.1.6.1 / P25708 51 (NuoF), component of The vertebrate H+-translocating NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) complex (45 subunits) from Bos taurus (Bovine) (see 2 papers)
    48% identity, 91% coverage of query (373 bits)

7aqrF / Q9FNN5 Cryo-em structure of arabidopsis thaliana complex-i (peripheral arm) (see paper)
    49% identity, 87% coverage of query (372 bits)

7v2cA / A0A4X1SZP7 Active state complex i from q10 dataset (see paper)
    47% identity, 92% coverage of query (372 bits)

8a6tB / A0A097ATG4 Cryo-em structure of the electron bifurcating fe-fe hydrogenase hydabc complex from thermoanaerobacter kivui in the reduced state (see paper)
    44% identity, 95% coverage of query (370 bits)

7t2rB / I4BYB5 Structure of electron bifurcating ni-fe hydrogenase complex hydabcsl in fmn-free apo state (see paper)
    46% identity, 91% coverage of query (370 bits)

7t30B Structure of electron bifurcating ni-fe hydrogenase complex hydabcsl in fmn/NAD(h) bound state
    46% identity, 91% coverage of query (370 bits)

NDUV1_MOUSE / Q91YT0 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial; NDUFV1; Complex I-51kD; CI-51kD; NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa subunit; EC from Mus musculus (Mouse) (see 2 papers)
    46% identity, 92% coverage of query (369 bits)

NDUFV1 / P49821 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial from Homo sapiens (see 4 papers)
NDUV1_HUMAN / P49821 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial; NDUFV1; Complex I-51kD; CI-51kD; NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein 1; NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa subunit; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 5 papers)
    46% identity, 92% coverage of query (368 bits)

8gymv1 / Q23KE4 8gymv1 (see paper)
    47% identity, 89% coverage of query (368 bits)

nubm / CAB65520.1 NUBM protein from Yarrowia lipolytica (see paper)
    46% identity, 86% coverage of query (367 bits)

7b0nF / Q9UUU2 3.7-angstrom structure of Yarrowia lipolytica complex I with an R121M mutation in NUCM. (see paper)
    45% identity, 90% coverage of query (367 bits)

7o6yB Cryo-em structure of respiratory complex i under turnover
    45% identity, 90% coverage of query (367 bits)

HNDC_SOLFR / Q46507 NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndC; Hydrogen dehydrogenase (NADP(+)); EC from Solidesulfovibrio fructosivorans (Desulfovibrio fructosivorans) (see 2 papers)
    43% identity, 93% coverage of query (366 bits)

7zm7B / G0SA46 Cryoem structure of mitochondrial complex i from chaetomium thermophilum (inhibited by ddm) (see paper)
    46% identity, 89% coverage of query (364 bits)

K0B622 formate dehydrogenase (NAD+, ferredoxin) (subunit 2/4) (EC from Gottschalkia acidurici (see paper)
    46% identity, 90% coverage of query (363 bits)

hymB / GI|14250934 protein HymB from Eubacterium acidaminophilum (see paper)
    44% identity, 93% coverage of query (359 bits)

hydB / Q8RBC9 NADH-dependent hydrogenase β subunit (EC from Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. tengcongensis (strain DSM 15242 / JCM 11007 / NBRC 100824 / MB4) (see 2 papers)
    46% identity, 89% coverage of query (357 bits)

hytB / S5YUD3 hydrogenase (NADP+,ferredoxin) β subunit from Clostridium autoethanogenum DSM 10061 (see paper)
    42% identity, 91% coverage of query (350 bits)

6saqB Wild-type nuoef from aquifex aeolicus bound to nadh-oh
    45% identity, 93% coverage of query (349 bits)

7q5yC / O66841 Structure of nadh:ubichinon oxidoreductase (complex i) of the hyperthermophilic eubacterium aquifex aeolicus
    45% identity, 92% coverage of query (348 bits)

8qgwB Crystal structure of oxidized respiratory complex i subunits nuoef from aquifex aeolicus bound to oxidized 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide
    45% identity, 93% coverage of query (348 bits)

8qh7B Crystal structure of respiratory complex i subunits nuoef from aquifex aeolicus bound to reduced 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (without reducing agent)
    45% identity, 92% coverage of query (347 bits)

8qg1B Crystal structure of oxidized respiratory complex i subunits nuoef from aquifex aeolicus bound to adp-ribose
    45% identity, 92% coverage of query (347 bits)

6q9cB Crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus nadh-quinone oxidoreductase subunits nuoe and nuof bound to nadh under anaerobic conditions
    45% identity, 92% coverage of query (347 bits)

6hl3B Wild-type nuoef from aquifex aeolicus - oxidized form bound to NAD+
    45% identity, 92% coverage of query (347 bits)

8qh4B Crystal structure of reduced respiratory complex i subunits nuoef from aquifex aeolicus bound to oxidized 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide
    45% identity, 92% coverage of query (347 bits)

TC 3.D.1.5.1 / Q74GA3 NuoF aka GSU0343, component of Proton-translocating NADH dehydrogenase I from Geobacter sulfurreducens (see paper)
    43% identity, 93% coverage of query (346 bits)

7q4vB / H6LFG4 Electron bifurcating hydrogenase - hydabc from a. Woodii (see paper)
    44% identity, 91% coverage of query (342 bits)

7q4vF Electron bifurcating hydrogenase - hydabc from a. Woodii
    44% identity, 91% coverage of query (342 bits)

8oh5B / A0A0U1KYM9 Cryo-em structure of the electron bifurcating transhydrogenase stnabc complex from sporomusa ovata (state 2) (see paper)
    43% identity, 93% coverage of query (338 bits)

8a5eB Cryo-em structure of the electron bifurcating fe-fe hydrogenase hydabc complex from acetobacterium woodii in the reduced state
    44% identity, 85% coverage of query (330 bits)

hydB / O52682 hydrogenase β subunit (EC from Thermotoga maritima (strain ATCC 43589 / DSM 3109 / JCM 10099 / NBRC 100826 / MSB8) (see 2 papers)
HYDB_THEMA / O52682 Bifurcating [FeFe] hydrogenase beta subunit; Hydrogenase (NAD(+), ferredoxin) beta subunit; Iron-hydrogenase beta subunit; EC from Thermotoga maritima (strain ATCC 43589 / DSM 3109 / JCM 10099 / NBRC 100826 / MSB8) (see 2 papers)
    42% identity, 91% coverage of query (324 bits)

7p8nB / O52682 Tmhydabc- t. Maritima hydrogenase with bridge closed (see paper)
    42% identity, 91% coverage of query (324 bits)

6vw7D / Q0KDY2 Formate dehydrogenase fdsabg subcomplex fdsbg from c. Necator - nadh bound (see paper)
    44% identity, 89% coverage of query (313 bits)

fdsB / GI|3724144 NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase, beta subunit from Ralstonia eutropha H16 (see 2 papers)
fdsB / CAA11234.1 NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase beta subunit from Cupriavidus necator (see paper)
    43% identity, 89% coverage of query (303 bits)

Q84FW2 formate dehydrogenase (EC from Methylorubrum extorquens (see paper)
    40% identity, 89% coverage of query (295 bits)

6tg9B / D5AQH1 Cryo-em structure of nadh reduced form of NAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase from rhodobacter capsulatus (see paper)
    40% identity, 89% coverage of query (273 bits)

hoxF / P22317 α subunit from Cupriavidus necator (strain ATCC 17699 / DSM 428 / KCTC 22496 / NCIMB 10442 / H16 / Stanier 337) (see paper)
P22317 hydrogen dehydrogenase (EC from Cupriavidus necator (see paper)
    37% identity, 88% coverage of query (265 bits)

fdh1B / Q8KTI8 NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase β subunit (EC from Methylorubrum extorquens (see 2 papers)
Q8KTI8 formate dehydrogenase (EC from Methylorubrum extorquens (see paper)
    39% identity, 89% coverage of query (243 bits)

7vw6B / C5ATT6 Cryo-em structure of formate dehydrogenase 1 from methylorubrum extorquens am1 (see paper)
    39% identity, 89% coverage of query (243 bits)

5xfaA / A0A077L6X8 Crystal structure of NAD+-reducing [nife]-hydrogenase in the h2- reduced state (see paper)
    39% identity, 86% coverage of query (238 bits)

5xf9A Crystal structure of NAD+-reducing [nife]-hydrogenase in the air- oxidized state
    39% identity, 86% coverage of query (238 bits)

NDUV1_SCHPO / O94500 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa subunit homolog SPBC18E5.10, mitochondrial; EC 1.6.-.- from Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843) (Fission yeast) (see paper)
    32% identity, 87% coverage of query (218 bits)

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RNFC_CLOLD / D8GR66 Proton-translocating ferredoxin:NAD(+) oxidoreductase complex subunit C; Rnf electron transport complex subunit C; EC 7.1.1.- from Clostridium ljungdahlii (strain ATCC 55383 / DSM 13528 / PETC) (see paper)
D8GR66 ferredoxin-NAD+ oxidoreductase (H+-transporting) (subunit 4/6) (EC from Clostridium ljungdahlii (see paper)
    22% identity, 82% coverage of query (53.5 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory