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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_072909155.1 NCBI__GCF_900142125.1:WP_072909155.1 (166 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 8 curated proteins.

You can add additional sequences or change the %identity threshold for inclusion. Once you have selected sequences, you can build an alignment and a tree.

Hits with ≥ 30% identity

Q6LZB5 indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (subunit 1/2) (EC from Methanococcus maripaludis (see paper)
    31% identity, 98% coverage of query (87.4 bits)

IORB_METTM / P80911 Indolepyruvate oxidoreductase subunit IorB; IOR; Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta; EC from Methanothermobacter marburgensis (strain ATCC BAA-927 / DSM 2133 / JCM 14651 / NBRC 100331 / OCM 82 / Marburg) (Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum) (see paper)
    31% identity, 99% coverage of query (79.3 bits)

Q6M0F6 indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (subunit 1/2) (EC from Methanococcus maripaludis (see paper)
    33% identity, 97% coverage of query (77.4 bits)

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Additional hits (identity < 30%)

O07836 indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (subunit 1/2) (EC from Thermococcus kodakarensis (see paper)
    28% identity, 98% coverage of query (74.7 bits)

iorB / A0A5C0XRQ6 indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase β subunit (EC from Pyrococcus furiosus (strain ATCC 43587 / DSM 3638 / JCM 8422 / Vc1) (see paper)
    26% identity, 98% coverage of query (67.4 bits)

korG / Q6LXN4 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase γ subunit (EC from Methanococcus maripaludis (strain S2 / LL) (see 2 papers)
    26% identity, 99% coverage of query (55.5 bits)

KORC_METTM / P80906 2-oxoglutarate synthase subunit KorC; 2-ketoglutarate oxidoreductase gamma chain; KOR; 2-oxoglutarate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit gamma; EC from Methanothermobacter marburgensis (strain ATCC BAA-927 / DSM 2133 / JCM 14651 / NBRC 100331 / OCM 82 / Marburg) (Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum) (see paper)
    25% identity, 98% coverage of query (50.8 bits)

salQ / B0L7F0 5-chloro-4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase (acylating) from Salinispora tropica (see paper)
    29% identity, 95% coverage of query (47.4 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory