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Searching for up to 100 curated homologs for WP_090442102.1 NCBI__GCF_900100495.1:WP_090442102.1 (343 a.a.)

Found high-coverage hits (≥70%) to 25 curated proteins.

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Hits with ≥ 30% identity

TC 3.A.1.14.4 / Q47086 CbrC, component of Iron-chrysobactine porter from Erwinia chrysanthemi (see paper)
    73% identity, 100% coverage of query (401 bits)

YFHA_BACSU / O31569 Probable siderophore transport system permease protein YfhA from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 2 papers)
    43% identity, 92% coverage of query (226 bits)

fhuG / GI|2832797 ferrichrome transport system permease protein FhuG from Bacillus subtilis (see paper)
    40% identity, 92% coverage of query (215 bits)

FEUC_BACSU / P40411 Iron-uptake system permease protein FeuC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 2 papers)
TC 3.A.1.14.15 / P40411 Iron-uptake system permease protein feuC, component of Uptake transporter for the catecholic trilactone (2, 3-dihydroxybenzoate-glycine-threonine)3 siderophore bacillibactin (for ferric iron scavenging), FeuABC from Bacillus subtilis (see 5 papers)
    34% identity, 94% coverage of query (179 bits)

FPUB_BACAN / Q81L64 Petrobactin import system permease protein FpuB from Bacillus anthracis (see paper)
    40% identity, 80% coverage of query (168 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.8 / Q8GRB1 PvuD, component of The iron-vibrioferrin uptake porter from Vibrio parahaemolyticus (see paper)
    40% identity, 91% coverage of query (165 bits)

feuC / GI|1256154 iron-uptake system permease protein FeuC from Bacillus subtilis (see 5 papers)
    32% identity, 88% coverage of query (151 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.10 / Q99YA3 Ferrichrome transport system permease protein, component of The heme porter, Shp/SiaABC (HtsABC). Shp is a cell surface heme binding protein that transfers the heme directly to HstA (Nygaard et al., 2006). The crystal structure of the heme binding domain of Shp has been solved (Aranda et al., 2007). HtsABC is required for the uptake of staphyloferrin A (Beasley et al. 2009). The Shp cell surface heme receptor feeds iron-heme to the transporter in preparation for uptake from Streptococcus pyogenes serotype M1 (see 2 papers)
    35% identity, 88% coverage of query (150 bits)

FepG / b0589 ferric enterobactin ABC transporter membrane subunit FepG (EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 4 papers)
FepG / P23877 ferric enterobactin ABC transporter membrane subunit FepG (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
FEPG_ECOLI / P23877 Ferric enterobactin transport system permease protein FepG from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 4 papers)
TC 3.A.1.14.2 / P23877 FepG aka B0589, component of Iron (Fe3+)-enterobactin porter from Escherichia coli (see 4 papers)
    36% identity, 88% coverage of query (150 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.13 / Q9RK10 CchD, component of Ferric iron-coelichelin uptake porter, CchCDEF from Streptomyces coelicolor (see paper)
    39% identity, 92% coverage of query (149 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.12 / Q9L179 DesB, component of Desferrioxamine B uptake porter, DesABC from Streptomyces coelicolor (see paper)
    39% identity, 82% coverage of query (148 bits)

FecD / b4288 ferric citrate ABC transporter membrane subunit FecD (EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 3 papers)
FecD / P15029 ferric citrate ABC transporter membrane subunit FecD (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
FECD_ECOLI / P15029 Fe(3+) dicitrate transport system permease protein FecD; Iron(III) dicitrate transport system permease protein FecD from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 4 papers)
TC 3.A.1.14.1 / P15029 FecD aka B4288, component of Iron (Fe3+) or ferric-dicitrate porter from Escherichia coli (see 5 papers)
fecD / GB|AAC77244.1 iron(III) dicitrate transport system permease protein FecD from Escherichia coli K12 (see 6 papers)
    35% identity, 94% coverage of query (147 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.7 / Q9X664 FhuB, component of Iron (Fe3+)-hydroxamate porter (transports Fe3+-ferrichrome and Fe3+-ferrioxamine B with FhuD1, and these compounds plus aerobactin and coprogen with FhuD2) from Staphylococcus aureus (see 2 papers)
    34% identity, 92% coverage of query (140 bits)

hmuU / CAC34394.1 HmuU protein from Rhizobium leguminosarum (see paper)
    34% identity, 90% coverage of query (140 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.14 / Q06A41 FtsD, component of The Fe3+ /Fe3+ferrichrome/Fe3+heme uptake porter; SiuABDG (FTSABCD) from Streptococcus pyogenes
    35% identity, 94% coverage of query (140 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.5 / Q56992 HmuU aka YPO0280 aka Y0540, component of Heme (hemin) uptake porter. The receptor, HmuT, binds two parallel stacked heme molecules, and two are transported per reaction cycle from Yersinia pestis (see 4 papers)
    37% identity, 80% coverage of query (138 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.6 / Q9RCF4 ViuG aka VC0778, component of The iron-vibriobactin/enterobactin uptake porter from Vibrio cholerae (see 3 papers)
    36% identity, 92% coverage of query (134 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.16 / A8GDS7 HemU, component of The heme-specific uptake porter, HemTUV from Serratia proteamaculans (strain 568)
    36% identity, 80% coverage of query (128 bits)

TC 3.A.1.14.18 / Q32AY2 Putative permease of iron compound ABC transport system, component of The heme uptake porter, ShuTUV (Burkhard and Wilks, 2008). Transports a single heme per reaction cycle (Mattle et al., 2010). (3-d structure of ShuT is known (2RG7) from Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 (strain Sd197) (see paper)
    33% identity, 80% coverage of query (128 bits)

YFIZ_BACSU / O31568 Probable siderophore transport system permease protein YfiZ from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 2 papers)
    32% identity, 82% coverage of query (125 bits)

FHUB_BACSU / P49936 Iron(3+)-hydroxamate import system permease protein FhuB; Ferric hydroxamate uptake protein B; Ferrichrome transport system permease protein FhuB; Iron(III)-hydroxamate import system permease protein FhuB from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see paper)
fhuB / GI|2832796 ferrichrome transport system permease protein FhuB from Bacillus subtilis (see paper)
    34% identity, 89% coverage of query (124 bits)

Shewana3_3279 Vitamin B12 transporter, permease component (fecCD-like) from Shewanella sp. ANA-3
    33% identity, 94% coverage of query (123 bits)

FecC / b4289 ferric citrate ABC transporter membrane subunit FecC (EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 3 papers)
FecC / P15030 ferric citrate ABC transporter membrane subunit FecC (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
FECC_ECOLI / P15030 Fe(3+) dicitrate transport system permease protein FecC; Iron(III) dicitrate transport system permease protein FecC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 4 papers)
TC 3.A.1.14.1 / P15030 FecC aka B4289, component of Iron (Fe3+) or ferric-dicitrate porter from Escherichia coli (see 5 papers)
    32% identity, 80% coverage of query (111 bits)

FhuB / b0153 iron(III) hydroxamate ABC transporter membrane subunit (EC from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see 6 papers)
FhuB / P06972 iron(III) hydroxamate ABC transporter membrane subunit (EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 2 papers)
FHUB_ECOLI / P06972 Iron(3+)-hydroxamate import system permease protein FhuB; Ferric hydroxamate uptake protein B; Ferrichrome transport system permease protein FhuB; Ferrichrome uptake protein FhuB; Iron(III)-hydroxamate import system permease protein FhuB from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 7 papers)
TC 3.A.1.14.3 / P06972 FhuB aka B0153, component of Iron (Fe3+)-hydroxamate (ferrichrome, coprogen, aerobactin, ferrioxamine B, schizakinen, rhodotorulic acid) porter, albomycin porter from Escherichia coli (see 7 papers)
    35% identity, 80% coverage of query (109 bits)

5b57A / B4EKB4 Inward-facing conformation of abc heme importer bhuuv from burkholderia cenocepacia (see paper)
    37% identity, 80% coverage of query (94.4 bits)

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by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory